Perfect Duluth Day T-Shirts are available at the Laughingstock/Happyspace store, 324 W. Superior St. Shirts are $15, $17 for XXL.

Get yours today to wear to the PDD 9th Anniversary Party at Tycoons Friday night. Or you can wait and hope to be one of the lucky few that might win a PDD shirt or another fabulous prize Friday. Prizemaster Lundgren is still compiling the list of fabulous prizes, but rest assured, it’s a fabulous list of prizes.


Paul Lundgren

about 13 years ago

The prize list on Friday will range from tickets to Wilco and the Twin Ports Bridge Festival on the high end, to PDD bumper stickers on the low end. A couple PDDTs and whatever else I scrounge up (which I suppose I should refer to as a surprise treasure trove or something) will fill up the mid-range prizes.

How does one win prizes at this event? Well, we usually make that up as we go along, but in the past it has worked like this: "Hi, I'm Paul. Oh, you're the person who goes by the handle 'DuluthSnakeCharmer.' Nice to meet you. Have a shirt."

Barrett Chase

about 13 years ago

...whatever else I scrounge up (which I suppose I should refer to as a surprise treasure trove or something)...

Nobody wants your Boy Crazy trading cards.


about 13 years ago

You would be a crazy fool NOT to want those Boy Crazy trading cards!

Paul Lundgren

about 13 years ago

I gave away all the Boy Crazy cards years ago, but I might have some baseball cards from Barrett's least-favorite PDD meme ever (which I'd link to if I had the patience to search for it).

I do have Van Halen Live: Right Here, Right Now in cassette format (used), which I'm sure will be a sought after prize.

Paul Lundgren

about 13 years ago

So, who else has a ratty old PDDT from 2005? Maybe we should give away a new shirt to the person who has the most faded/torn/stained original one.

Here's mine, with my fingers popping through the holes in the collar:


about 13 years ago

Van Halen Live: Right Here, Right Now, a much sought after prize???

Hah. Hah hah, I say. No. Sammy Hagar = lame VH.

Too bad about those Boy Crazy cards, though.


about 13 years ago

Dammit, Paul, now that song is going to be in my head all day.

Paul Lundgren

about 13 years ago

I should have noted that it's tape one of a two-cassette set. Tape two got ground up in the deck of whatever crappy car I was driving 19 years ago. I remember tape two being better than tape one.

Barrett Chase

about 13 years ago

"I gave away all the Boy Crazy cards years ago..."

Translation: "I gave away all the [duplicate] Boy Crazy cards years ago [and keep the rest of the collection hermetically sealed in a climate-controlled hope chest]."

Paul Lundgren

about 13 years ago

Well, that's true for my WCW wrestling cards, which are about the same thing.

I've got a Mr. Wall Street card in the door-prize pile.


about 13 years ago


After a recent visit to my parent's house in Omaha, I have a pile of Wacky Packages from the mid-70s. These were undoubtedly a big influence in my career choices. I will bring a few of the duplicates to add to the PDD Prize Pile.


about 13 years ago

Brian, those were a BIG HUGE DEAL for those of us who grew up in Omaha in the mid-70s.  You still have yours???  You are now, officially, the coolest person I know.


about 13 years ago

The geeky stickers are cooler than the Van Halen tape? 
That's definitely not how things worked in Omaha.


about 13 years ago

The baseball meme was the awesomest.


about 13 years ago

Although I'm still holding out for a Duluth Citizens Blog T-shirt.

Paul Lundgren

about 13 years ago

The Official List of Prize Categories for PDD's Ninth Birthday Party:

* Bitchin Concert Tickets
* 50 Cotton / 50 Poly
* Offensive Literature
* Delightful Buttons
* Wicked Tunes (Hagar, et. al.)
* Valuable Trading Cards

And, as usual, bumper stickers for one and all.

Barrett Chase

about 13 years ago

I stand by my decision to shut that baseball meme down.

Paul Lundgren

about 13 years ago

Classic. Barrett's decision was right, but it was still classic. Thanks for linking up, Lithis.

By the way, the Wacky Packages were included in the "Valuable Trading Cards" category of prizes, along with a few of the baseball cards from the meme (and Mr. Wall Street). No one chose the Wacky Packages, but all the sports cards are gone.

Emmadogs was correct in her musical evaluation, though. The local music all got picked over in the "Wicked Tunes" category, but the Van Halen tape went unclaimed.


about 13 years ago

To fully appreciate the Wacky Packages, you had to be in a certain time and place, say Omaha in the mid 1970s, during the pre-teen years when you are also into hanging out at the pool, listening to Seals and Crofts and Fleetwood Mac.

Then fast forward about four years, to the love of David Lee Roth/VH and certain illicit substances, and you have true Omaha heaven.

Which is to say:  in those days, we had it all!

Then came Sammy Hagar.  Boooooo.

So I can't believe the Wacky Packages went unclaimed, but it figures.

Hope everyone had a really great time last night, sorry to have missed it!

ms dean

about 13 years ago

Had I realized the Wacky Packages were in the Valuable Trading Cards category I would have considered them, but I'm happy with the vintage "I Love Duluth/All America City" button I won.

Thanks for a swell party, guys!

De man

about 13 years ago

Congrats on 9 years! I wish I coulda made the party but had to work.


about 13 years ago

emmadogs, what part of Omaha or school were you in? 
davids is also an Omahan from the same era, South side of town.
I was Central class of 83, but lived at 56th and Western, between the Benson & Dundee neighborhoods.


about 13 years ago

Hi Brian--I'm from Elkhorn (go, Antlers!  well, not really) as a proud member of the class of '82.  My brother and his family live in Dundee, and nephews are headed to Central, I think.  Mom still in Elkhorn, and boy was she beside herself when Omaha incorporated/took over Elkhorn.

So I wonder if you and Davids fled the uber-red-state of NE, for the lovely-liberal-blue state dreams of MN, as I did.  I've never regretted it, but I must admit that I now somewhat idealize the Omaha area.  It was a great place to grow up in the 70s, that's for sure, Wacky Packages and Van Halen concerts and all.


about 13 years ago

I didn't know davids until we lived half a block apart here in Duluth. And I didn't know he was from Omaha until a couple years after we met.

I don't miss Omaha so much, but I do miss David Lee Roth Van Halen. When I go back to Omaha if I listen to Z92, they're still playing EXACTLY the same music as when I left - Some Nugent, 38 Special, Foghat, Foreigner and so on.


about 13 years ago

Z92!  Diver Dan and...and...oh shoot.


about 13 years ago

...Otis 12 and Diver Dan Doomey! Thank God for Google,and for old podcasts of the above!  my brothers and I taped an interview with DLR -- Van Halen when they played in Omaha in 1970-something, and I believe it was on Z92.  We walked around for weeks after, deadpan intoning "Heavy Narcotics" per VH, much to the bemusement of my parents.

I sadly lost that cassette years ago, but maybe I can find the Podcast.


about 13 years ago

and now the PDD--Omaha faction will turn the reins back over to whatever this thread was about in the first place. :-D


about 13 years ago

HA! Thanks, Lithis!

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