Duluth Gas Prices

So what is up with the price of gas in Duluth? ($3.75 this a.m. @ BP and Spur)…yeah, yeah I know we’re a tourist town and Grandma’s Marathon just packed their bags and left but seriously, the national average is $3.53 and Sam’s Club has gas this morning at $3.47 (for those so inclined). Talk about getting hosed.



about 13 years ago

I've noticed as well.  All the while the cost of a barrel of crude has come down a fair amount.  I understand that it is not necessarily a direct relationship between the two costs but they certainly do mirror each other to a large degree.

Terry G.

about 13 years ago

It happens every year around this time...it's the switch from "early summer blend" to "mid-summer blend". Although it is a tad more expensive, it is delicious.


about 13 years ago

3.54 in St. Cloud this morning compared to 3.75 in Duluth Superior megaplex


about 13 years ago

Usually gas in Duluth is 10-20 cents more than in the Cities. This past weekend it was the same in the southern burbs as it was in Duluth and places in between -- $3.75.


about 13 years ago

The blend switch is not the cause of this increase. There is no "early summmer" to "mid summer" blend, only a Summer and Winter blend and that has already happened.

I would say that local gas is in shorter supply due to all the people that just filled up their tanks to leave the city. Lower supply = higher cost.


about 13 years ago

It is important to note that gas prices in the USA are still about half of what the rest of the world pays. I drive a car too... but, c'mon. We might as well have a discussion about McDonalds ice cream cones jumping from 50 cents to 59 cents.


about 13 years ago

I think people are complaining about the jump in price.  It seems hard to believe that the price can move around so much and so fast.  I would assume people would complain about McDonalds ice cream cones if the price changed everyday.  But if you need gas you are gonna pay for it no matter what.


about 13 years ago

Consider the gas market similar to the stock exchange. It has highs and lows and frequent price changes based on demaind/world news/rumors.
I agree that the US has amazingly cheap gas in comparison to the rest of the word - we shouldn't spend a long time complaining about paying another 20 cents to fill your car.


about 13 years ago

Paid $3.77 in Pike Lake before traveling to central Iowa this past weekend.  Here in Ames I paid $3.39 on Friday, then $3.37 minus another 10 cents with a coupon from the grocery store on Sunday (E10). $3.27 is the lowest I have paid in a long time.


about 13 years ago

I've been traveling and have seen gas prices ranging from $4.45 in Oregon to $3.65 in Chicago.  Not sure where that sub-$3.50 gas bringing the average down to $3.47 must be.


about 13 years ago

I went to Door County this past weekend and most gas stations in WI had gas around $3.49.  Didnt matter because I was driving a diesel Jetta.  Diesel was actually higher than here in the Twin Ports.

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