The American Outlaws: Duluth Chapter

I’m trying to gauge interest in forming a local chapter of the American Outlaws. What are the American Outlaws you ask? The American Outlaws are a national group of people who support both the U.S. Men’s and Women’s National Soccer teams. Sometimes you’ll travel to games, however most time is spent reveling in national pride watching the match at a local pub. Currently, the nearest chapter is in St. Paul, where they routinely draw 100+ people to watch matches.

The criteria for starting a chapter are:

  1. A minimum of 25 paid American Outlaw Members
  2. Have a “home base” bar, where fans can expect to meet to watch each game
  3. Host a viewing party at said bar for EVERY GAME.
  4. Complete the AO Chapter Registration, which will be mailed to you
  5. Inform national AO of new members as they sign up

So the first step is organizing 25 paid members. The cost of a year’s membership is $20 and you get a T-shirt, a bandana, and many discounts. Should the group reach 25 members and establish a home bar, the group will receive a banner to display proudly at said bar. If you’re interested in being such a group, fill out the form here and I’ll send out an email once we get close to 25.



De man

about 13 years ago

You might want to approach Carmody or Dubh Linn for your home base bar.

Brandon M.

about 13 years ago

We've created a Facebook page as well as a Twitter account @AODuluth for more information.

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