April 2012 Posts

April 14: Another Perfect Duluth Day

Seems like a couple times a year we get one of these, but rarely in April.

I played some sidewalk tic-tac-toe, cleaned up the garden from last year, painted a couple chairs, and took a walk on the beach. I wore flip-flops and sunglasses and took deep breaths of the south wind.

What did you do on this edition of the Perfect Duluth Day?

Duluth indoor plant shopping

Spring is here and I feel like surrounding myself with plants.  Unfortunately, I have no garden space, so I am looking for indoor plants.  Nothing fancy, just your basics: spider plants, maybe a palm tree … so long as they are green, living, and will thrive indoors — I’m game.

Old Duluth Homes

My name is Kaitlin. I am a journalism student at UMD and am currently writing a story about old Duluth homes. I am in search of people who own or know someone who owns an older home in the Congdon area or anywhere in Duluth. I am interested in talking with residents about the problems they’ve had in renovating or just general issues they’ve noticed in their older homes.

If you or someone you know have had any sort of issue or is willing to talk about their old home, I’d love to talk!

Thanks so much!

Where in Duluth?

This is probably a very easy one, but I just noticed this for the first time today. Anyone know how long this has been here?

Geek Prom ’02: A lil’ documentary

The first Geek Prom was held April 13, 2002. Enjoy the video memories, my fellow nerdwads.

More on Smelt

Smelting season is here once again. I am writing a piece on this tradition for UMD’s Lake Voice and am wondering if anyone has photos of themselves smelting they would like to submit for use in my story. Thanks!

The Smelt shall rise again!

For anyone who has ever seen (or heard of) the May Day Parade in Minneapolis and wondered why we don’t have anything of the sort in Duluth, do we have some news for you!

The Magic Smelt Puppet Troupe formed in 2011. At the nucleus are newish Duluthian Jim Ouray, bringing 30 years of experience with In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theater (Minneapolis) and local musician and visual artist Anton Jimenez-Kloeckl. They’ve offered free stilt-walking and mask-making classes and are presently holding costume and puppet production workshops which will culminate in the Run, Smelt, Run! Parade and Party on April 22.

Unwelcome in Duluth (part II)

After following the interesting post “Unwelcome in Duluth” and reading a few of the articles mentioned in the numerous posts, I have come to the conclusion that people want different things from this city. Thus, I would like you to ask a few questions to yourself, the people of Duluth to see what kind of consensus can be achieved.

1: What do you want out of a Duluth life?

2: Are you getting it?

3: If not, can this be achievable in Duluth (right now, not in ten years from now or 100 years ago)?

4: What are you willing to sacrifice to get it?

Video Archive: Dukes of Hubbard Live at Schooners in 2002

You’d never know what would happen next at a Dukes of Hubbard show (circa early 2000s). On stage, they would mix Phish with Kenny Loggins, then beatbox. Or play Ween followed by a Beatles medley and other antics. Or Jane’s Addiction followed by Herbie Hancock, while trading instruments and doing shots. And with Trudy (good dog, may she rest in peace) lounging off to the side. Some nights were more of a variety show than a usual set of music.

Stage Diving Mayors

[This post originally contained an embedded video that is no longer available at its source.]

I forgot to mark my calendar, but yesterday was Trampled by Turtles Day in both Duluth and Minneapolis. Here’s Don and RT Rybak crowd surfing at First Ave last night after making the proclamation.

Wild Bill’s Run premiering at MSPIFF

Thursday, April 19th at 7pm at the St. Anthony Main Theatre in Minneapolis. Tickets are available here.

Duluth Does Freud


Urinal Towers

What’s your favorite Duluth phallus?

Why is Duluth so anti progressive?

I look in the paper and see nothing about sustainability. No solar, no wind, no geo. But great music. That’s the way it is, Dem. or Rep. Why is Duluth so anti progressive?

Murzik — “Poison Tears”

This is a Minneapolis band, but the video is directed by Nicholas Sunsdahl, and the lovely Chelsy Whittington appears in it — both of whom are locals.

Unwelcome Duluth?

MPR has this story about the difficulty of settling into Duluth both professionally and otherwise for a new college grad.

I know in order to finally make this place home myself I had to leave after my tenure at UMD and gain experience and then be willing to make a little less salary but then be able to live here and enjoy it’s uniqueness permanently. I know of others who have done the same and feel the same a I do.

What’s your experience?

Duluth not welcoming, young transplants looking for work say