April 2012 Posts

Where In Duluth?

Mont du Lac Snowboarding

History of the Homegrown Chicken

We tracked down the origins of the Homegrown Music Festival chicken and interviewed the original artists.

Check out our photo slideshow and audio story at LakeVoice to see the evolution of the Chicken.

Where in Duluth?

Duluth’s job growth continues as Perfect Duluth Day adds half a position

As if recent news about AAR and Cirrus creating hundreds of jobs in Duluth’s aviation sector wasn’t enough, Perfect Duluth Day has announced the creation of one-half of a job in the important selling-square-boxes-on-the-right-column-of-websites sector. Yes, the Internet giant has launched a search for a part-time media sales representative.

Mayor Don Ness’ press conference regarding this major development is apparently still in the planning stages.

PDD Corporate President Paul Lundgren said the addition of this half job should put to rest any rumors that the popular website is considering leaving Duluth to take advantage of incentives offered by Hermantown and Esko.

“After months of working with city leaders, DEDA, APEX, the Duluth Area Chamber of Commerce, the West Duluth Business Club and for some reason the Duluth Amateur Hockey Association, we feel confident Duluth is the place to grow our business and add one half of a job,” Lundgren said, noting also that “interested candidates for the position can read a serious job description through the link embedded in this very sentence.”

The general public had no comment on the matter, because comments to this post are closed.

I wonder if Hibbing knows yet

MPR Story: Bob Dylan awarded National Medal of Freedom

“The release continues to describe Duluth native Dylan as…”

I’m waiting for a retraction but we’ll see what happens.

Duluth trails are now open

The city Parks and Recreation Dept. has determined trails are now dry enough for public use. Let the hiking and leashed dog walking commence.

Trail maps and info

TxT Tix

I’m wondering, why is Homegrown punishing Trampled by Turtles fans by making them pay an extra $20 to get in? Isn’t having to wait in line for 24+ hours going to be bad enough?

Haley Bonar with a *free EP download on NoiseTrade.com

Haley Bonar is giving away a sampler EP from her “Golder” album which came out last year. Haley claims MSP as her home these days but she has deep roots here in Duluth, too. If you want you can share some of those roots in the comments, I always love hearing that stuff. Especially after some folks have been doing so well on a larger stage lately. In fact, this seems like a fantastic week for music and acknowledgement for Duluth artists. We just became Duluth, MN home of Bob Dylan, Low AND Trampled by Turtles. Haley is another candidate for high pop culture level consciousness and success. This noisetrade promotion is good exposure for her, and us.

* Yes, she’s giving the EP away, but you can give her a tip if you want, also NoiseTrade will add you to their email list and they send out a lot of offers and opportunities (at least one a week). I don’t mind so much as a music lover, but you should know that going in.

Minnesota Northern Lights

I was fortunate enough to be up the North Shore Monday night near Grand Marais and caught an awesome Aurora Borealis Storm that was, dare I say, a Perfect Grand Marais Night. This art showing by Mother Nature was one that I would have thought I’d have to travel to northern Norway to witness. I have seen the Northern lights many times in the past, but this was pretty amazing, there were many moments over the course of 3 hours I had to duck as I thought they were gonna hit me. I probably should have been wearing a tin foil hat.

Trampled by Turtles on Letterman (video)

Favorite Duluth sinkholes

The sinkhole above, on the Raleigh Street spur to the DWP Trail, is huuuuge. Can anyone beat it? Will we need to get out the tape measures?

I concede, of course, that though it is much larger than the sinkhole Nate Lindstrom posted about in 2010 (shown below), it doesn’t exceed that one in terms of comedy. Maybe I need a model.

Millinery classes begin

I’ll be teaching a beginning millinery class on Mondays, from 6 to 8:30 p.m., May 7 to June 11 (no class on Memorial day).

We’ll begin with the easiest material to work with: millinery-grade felt. This is not the same process as “felting” a hat. Picture the material used to make a fedora. That’s the stuff. You will learn to make a hat from the very beginning: blocking the felt, to the end: lining the hat. In the middle there are a whole bunch of steps that generally involve a needle and thread and some ribbon. Some proficiency with said needle and thread is helpful but not necessary.

Classes will take place at Otlak Felt Studio in the DeWitt-Seitz building and will cost $150 plus $56 in supplies. You can email me at emily @ moesewco.com for questions and to register. Space is limited, so jump right in there.

Trampled by Turtles – “Alone” (Live on the Late Show with David Letterman)

Kickstarter for Breanne Marie: “Music saved my life”

Duluth’s Breanne Marie seems like a very nice lady and I think she makes a nice addition to the local music scene.