Mu-Tron Love

The Current released Local Current, Vol 2 a few weeks ago. I couldn’t help but notice that someone in the art department there has a mutual appreciation for the Mu-Tron Phasor, an effects pedal from 40 years ago.

In last year’s Homegrown Field Guide ad, we Photoshopped up my Mu-tron Phasor. Someone at MPR has a better collection of vintage gizmos, they used the Mu-tron Phasor III.

I’m sure you’ll be delighted by a couple of Mu-tron ads. Click for a larger view.

And here’s a video of the two units side by side, but the wanky guitar player never even touches his Phasor I, he only twiddles his Phasor III.

And the songs from the compilation.


Slim Jimmy M

about 13 years ago

I used to have one of those Mu-Tron III pedals.  The two nine volt batteries needed to operate the thing last about 20 minutes before they go dead, but man, the sound of that thing was so cool.  Stevie Wonder in a box!


about 13 years ago

Speaking of the Current, when are we going to get it in Duluth?

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