January 2012 Posts

A Few of Duluth’s 1911 Achievements

To read the story, click here for the PDF.

Where in Duluth can I find a … ?

I moved here a few months ago and love the area. My wife is looking for two types of stores: A Hobby Lobby type of store, and a good baker’s supply store. Can anyone help me out here?

Duluth wedding reception ideas

I’m getting married next summer and we are looking for a venue for our reception. I’m hoping to be able to either choose a caterer or do our own food and hold 250-300 people. I saw the post from last year and looked into several of those suggestions but I thought I’d see if anyone had any new ideas.

Weird light!!!

There was a scintillating pure white light on the south shore of Lake Superior from around 3 to 3:15 a.m. It looked big but binoculars did not make it much clearer. It shone all the way across the lake onto my bedroom wall! I have seen it before but don’t recall when. Does anyone know what this was?

2011 Arts Interviews at Ennyman’s Territory

A number of local artists were featured in interviews over the course of 2011 at Ennyman’s Territory. Links to each can be found here and here.

Celebrate the arts in 2012. Get to know your local artists. And remember that you don’t always have to understand a work of art to be moved by it.

Duluth’s Limerick, 2012 Version

There was an old man from Duluth
Who wept when he thought of the truth,
Remembering the chances with lots of refinances
and once while at Fon-Du-Luth.

(apologies, as I’m not really a good poet…)

Here is the original:
There once was an old maid from Duluth
Who wept when she thought of her youth
of all the missed chances at her school dances
and once in a telephone booth.

Perfect Duluth Day’s Best Videos of 2011

Best Videos of 2011