Background: Ann Lockwood is the owner of a modest East Hillside home. She walks with a prosthetic leg after a major medical crisis that also cost her a good-paying job. Ann is now at risk of losing her home to foreclosure by State Farm Bank, even though she is working again and able make consistent mortgage payments.
Please join us on Monday, MLK Day, at 10am to send this message from our community to State Farm: 1. cancel the sheriff’s sale of Ann’s home, and 2. provide Ann with a fixed-rate loan modification she can afford. Gather at 8th St and 7th Ave E, then march to the Washington Center to join the main MLK Day celebration.
This kind of people power is saving homes across the country, and we aim to do the same for our neighbors in Duluth.
What: Save Ann’s Home — March for housing rights
When: Monday, January 16, 10 to 11 a.m.
Where: Meet at the corner of 8th St & 7th Av E, march to the Washington Center
Who: Project Save Our Homes, Loaves & Fishes Community, Minnesotans for a Fair Economy, and hillside neighbors
More on Facebook, and check here for a complete listing of MLK weekend events.