November 2011 Posts

Jeno Paulucci dead at 93

[This post originally contained an embedded video that is no longer available at its source.]

What Duluth Men Want for Thanksgiving

Thankful in Duluth — 2011 Edition

I’m thankful the server that hosts the PDD Calendar is back up and running, after a day of problems. (Ironically, in setting up the links below I noticed that last year my personal Internet service was down just before Thanksgiving, and I was thankful for it being restored. Ah, the joy of technical issues around the holidays!)

Anyway, what are you all thankful for this year, fellow Duluthians?

(Here’s what PDDers were thankful for in 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004 and 2003.)

What will happen to old Washburn school?

Does anybody have any idea what might be in store for the old Washburn Edison Charter School at 201 W. St. Andrews St. now that it is no longer being used as a school? I have a hard time imagining it’s all that cost effective for the Duluth Bible Church to continue there alone.

Ten Minutes with Caitlin Robertson

Singer/songwriter Caitlin Robertson’s first album will be released in December. She will be performing Dec. 9 in Duluth at Fitger’s. She was interviewed for Ennyman’s Territory this past week and it is posted there today.

Let’s Get TBT on Prairie Home

OK first, this is a first. Me writing to suggest we organize an effort to get someone on the stage of A Prairie Home Companion when the show comes to Duluth in February. It’s not quite like calling a local radio station to request a song, but not all that far off either.

It reminds me of the time I called Sirius XM ’60s on 6 host Phlash Phelps when Duluth was the mystery city of the day. I actually sent him about a dozen quick facts which he used throughout the morning. Patty was not amused.

I like Trampled by Turtles (listening now while I pour through data for a report) and believe they’d be a natural for the PHC audience. So, I’ve posted on the PHC Facebook page suggesting they contact the group to see if they’re available. Maybe you’ll consider a similar post.

This week: Hairball, Thanksgiving buffet, the New Standards and more

Tuesday, Nov. 22
The Harbor City International School hosts a night of cultural experiences.

Wednesday, Nov. 23
Aftershock is playing at a Pre-Thanksgiving party at the Gopher Restaurant and Lounge. Gallus, Old Knifey and Snobarn play a show at Luce.

Thursday, Nov. 24
The DECC is hosting its 21st annual free Thanksgiving Buffet.

Friday, Nov 25
Find some great snowmobile action at the Duluth National Snocross at Spirit Mountain. There will be two nights of rock at Clyde Iron with Hairball performing Friday and Saturday. The What Four opens on Firday. Hypnotist Gabriel Holmes brings his act to Teatro Zuccone.

Saturday, Nov. 26
Hairball night two with opening act Menace. The jazz trio from Minneapolis, The New Standards, plays at the Mitchell Auditorium. Local group, Excuse Me, Princess plays a CD release show at Beaners.

Check the PDD Calendar for more events!

PDD Gift Guide 2011

Here it is, the annual gallery of local goods, submitted for your holiday shopping approval. If you’re going to get all material this Christmas, it might as well be local material, right?

In most cases you can acquire these items in retail stores or shop online. Click on the images for more information and links.

Asian & Pacific American Student Culture Show at UMD

Saturday was the Asian & Pacific American Culture Show at UMD.
“How We Came to Be Here” was hosted by UMD’s Asian Pacific American Student Association. Kate and I enjoyed a night of Asian arts, cultural performance, and delicious Asian cuisine catered by Sala Thai.

UMD Alumni Fine Arts Panel

Are you:

  • An alum of the School of Fine Arts at UMD?
  • Still living in the Twin Ports area?
  • Currently making a portion of your income through creation of your art (music, visual arts, theater)?

A student group through UMD’s School of Fine Arts is looking to organize an alumni panel event and discussion in the Spring of 2012 for students of the SFA. Our mission is to provide our students the opportunity to a.) hear from those in the area who have succeeded in creating their art for a living and b.) ask questions about the ins and outs of doing so.

If you are an alum of UMD’s School of Fine Arts and are interested in helping to provide an important educational experience for our students, please email ellis477 @ with the subject: SFA Alumni Panel.

Look forward to hearing from you talented people!

Developer has new student housing/retail plan for Woodland Middle School site

The DNT ran a story today detailing a new mixed-use residential/commercial plan for the site of the former Woodland Middle School. The developer bought the site from the school district in September. You may be familiar with the developer’s other projects like Boulder Ridge and Campus Park.

Minnesota Property Tax

If you are trying to make sense of the “Proposed Property Tax for 2012” statement you got in the mail last week, check out the following link on the Minnesota Dept. of Revenue website. I found it helpful in explaining the changes related to the axed Homestead Tax Credit: “Understanding Recent Changes in Homestead Benefits
For Property Tax Purposes.”

Duluth head shot photographer

Does anyone have any recommendations of where to get a simple professional head shot taken?  I am just looking for a photographer perhaps in downtown Duluth that would do a good job for a fair price.

What happened to DJ Mouse?

The past few Sundays we’ve noticed that our favorite Caribbean Roots/DJ Mouse programming on KUMD seems to be lacking DJ Mouse. Does anyone know what happened?

Flavor of Nerd Nite, November 2011

Below, just a few photos from Nerd Nite at Teatro Zuccone in Downtown Duluth, November 2011.
Nerds, can you chime in with your best memories?