Yarn Bombing Incident in West Duluth

Loll and Epicurean got yarn bombed over the weekend and guess what,  it didn’t even hurt, darn it.

Since operations were moved into headquarters in West Duluth there have been more than a few less courteous folks who have stopped by after hours and dumped icky garbage, worn out car tires, stolen wire they stripped for copper, and of course fast food wrappings; even fugitive dumpers have to eat!

Imagine if those people instead dropped off respectful, creative, and heartfelt art? Imagine if we all did something nice like this for our neighbors and community?

This is a simple something nice when most times all we get is not nice. See a few more pics of the new colorful handrail on the Loll blog and I dare you not to smile when you do.

Thanks Yarn Bomber, whomever you are.



about 13 years ago

Oh, the humanity!


about 13 years ago

+1 Tim.

you beat me to it.


about 13 years ago



about 13 years ago

Though I will say I am waiting for these yarn bombs to get moldy and start rusting the items it is attached to.


about 13 years ago

This post was referenced on MPR this morning. Though it was tied to this article, it was not actually in this article, so no record. You just have to trust me ... or not care I suppose.

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