August 2011 Posts

Planning for Climate Change

Climate change is already impacting the U.S. Midwest with higher average temperatures, more frequent heavy downpours, decreased Great Lakes ice cover, and more frequent heat waves.

Projected future climate changes in the region include a likely rise of another 5-10 degrees Fahrenheit by 2100, continued increases in winter and spring precipitation, decreased summer precipitation, and a possible drop in Great Lakes water levels.

The region will likely face the greatest adaptation challenges along Great Lakes coasts and waterways, as this is where many significant economic and ecological impacts will occur as a result of a changing climate.

While climate impacts will vary regionally, it is at the state and local levels where critical policy and investment decisions are made for the systems most likely to be affected — water, land use, energy, transportation and public health and natural resources, as well as important economic sectors such as agriculture, fisheries, forestry, manufacturing, and tourism. By factoring a changing climate into planning decisions today, communities and agencies can avoid future costs.

Find out more at “Planning for Climate Change Impacts in the Western Lake Superior Region” on Thursday, Sept. 22, from 8 a.m. til 5 p.m., a workshop geared for planners and professionals, but open to everyone.  The workshop will be held at the EPA Midcontinent Division (map) and costs $20, which includes speakers, lunch and materials.  Registration is available online.

Manifest Destiny Yard Sale — Final Day

We’re headed out west, to Rapid City and surrounds to visit family and see whatever the 2011 Sturgis Rally visitors left behind. To fund this trip we have mounted a massive 4-day yard sale combining the items of Mrs. Goose, the Goslings and my Mother Goose (in-law).

What does that mean for you? Pure gold, folks. Witness this mash-up of schlock here:

Michael Bolton and this rare, near mint VHS of Sheena Easton’s so-bad-it’s-good 1983 TV Special “Act One.” you get them both for a dollar. One greenback, people.

Junior League of Duluth Fall Kick Off Party & New Member Social

New to the Twin Ports region and wanting to meet new people?  Looking to get more involved with your community? Join us for the Junior League of Duluth’s Fall Kick Off & New Member Social.

On Thursday, Aug. 25, from 5-7pm at the Zeitgeist Arts Café, the Junior League of Duluth will be hosting a party to kick-off a new year of service.

Saturday at Thirsty Pagan Brewing – Avenpitch, The Horror, The Formal Age


The Horror

The Formal Age

Duluth apartment licensing inspection

Is it usual, or even legal, for a landlord to demand that all the tenants leave the apartment building while it is being inspected for licensing?  We got the written notice for an inspection in a week and then the landlord tells us face to face “don’t be here while the inspectors are here.” Weird?

October 6 – Turtles! Parr! Ness. Clyde!

I’m hosting a concert to raise money in support of music programs in the Public Schools.  We’ve got a few old friends who’ve agreed to play for a good cause.  Tickets for this show go on sale on Friday and will sell out quickly – you won’t want to miss this show.   Details here

I love the concert poster.  Thanks to Vega Productions for pulling this together.

Get your square dance on

Thank you for all your input in the previous article.  We will be hosting 4 fourth Monday square dances at the All American Club. The first one will be…

Monday, Aug 22: 7 pm cocktails and sound check, 7:30-9:30 dancing

All dances will be taught. It’s helpful to listen to instructions, but no previous experience is necessary. And if you get stuff wrong, it’s still a lot of fun.

Live music provided by the All-American String Band (Tom, Brandy, Sarah, Clancy and Adam K-not shown)

Calling provided by Tom and Sarah.

‘Shelter’ modern dance performance

Kim Nofsinger’s Shelter Repertory Dance Theatre will be showing its current Minnesota Fringe Fest concert in Duluth this Saturday, Aug. 13, 6 p.m., at the Board of Trade Bldg, 301 W. First Street.

Shenanigans Bar & Grill in Superior

J.T.’s Bar in Superior is now called Shenanigans. Anyone have any info on this? Is it still a GLBT bar? Do they still have fish fry Fridays? Dance music?

(1506 N. Third St., Superior WI, 54880)

In-wall insulation

Does anyone have a recommendation for a Duluth contractor to add insulation inside walls? I had an energy audit and the auditor recommended adding insulation inside my exterior walls, since there’s no insulation in there right now.

This is the first large project I’ve undertaken in my house and I’m intimidated by the process of picking a contractor. Before anyone suggests it, I did go to an informational class through the Duluth Energy Efficiency Program and submitted my information, but my house is already too efficient for me to have access to those resources.

I’m hoping someone here may have done this recently and has a recommendation for me.

Sample Ballot for Duluth Primary Election on Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2011

Duluthians who live in the Fourth Council District, which includes parts of the West End, Piedmont Heights and Duluth Heights neighborhoods, will also vote on that council seat. The candidates are Jacqueline Halberg, Garry Krause, Ryan Miles, Wallace Newquist and Travis Silvers.

There will be more races in the General Election in November, but only one or two candidates filed for those offices, so they are not on the primary ballot. To see a complete list of candidates visit the “Duluth 2011 Election Candidate Filings” post.

Seeking Environmental Education Interns

Spreading the word through the hip and well connected PDD community:

Hartley Nature Center is looking to fill three fall environmental education internships in Duluth. Interns in these full-time, stipend positions spend time teaching EE to local school groups, interacting with park users, and continuing the mission of Hartley Nature Center. Visit the HNC website for more information and to submit your resume!

Invasive Species Alert

I dunno if this was intentional or an outrageous prank on someone who is blissfully out of town. If you thought Duluth has a seagull problem, then we might be in some serious trouble with these invasive species.

Can you guess where?

Death-Defying Archeologists of Lake Superior

Recommendations for non-profit help

Hi, Wildwoods Rehabilitation is interested in a booth at the Harvest Festival. We have a few questions and wonder whether the PDD community might have some answers.

1. Would an agency who has already exhibited at Harvest Fest be willing to share rough numbers (how many t-shirts, brochures, etc. to bring, how many volunteers to staff the booth)?
2. We’re looking for good rates to produce t-shirts locally. Any recommendations?
3. We’re looking for good rates to produce buttons, magnets, and bumper stickers locally. Suggestions?

We’re also looking for other suggestions of ways to get our organization out into the community. Thanks as always, PDD& community, for giving us a forum to get the word out.