Support a National Public Lands Day Event

In honor of National Public Lands Day, September 24, my brother Mike and I are going to spend 2 weeks paddling over 120 miles across the BWCAW documenting, collecting, and packing out all the trash that we find along the way. 

We will inventory everything we find and create trash density maps to aid wilderness resource managers and environmental advocates focus education and clean up efforts within the BWCAW. 

Checkout our blog and Facebook page The Great Pack Out 2011.


John Hanson

about 14 years ago

Really guys?


I read you plans on Perfect Day and wanted to say that seeing you guys paddle by in a boat covered with sponsor stickers and the two of you in sponsorship tee shirts would lessen my or anyone's wilderness experience. I applaud your desire to help remove trash, but I have also traveled throughout  the BWCAW and always pack out any trash I see in sites or on the trail. Lots of folks do and we don't ask for money to do it. It seems to me that you are trying to get a long fishing trip paid for and some free tee shirts and perhaps even gear. I suppose there may even be some cash left over to buy home brew supplies as you indicate you both do.

 Michael as a BLM employee I am sure you pack out trash as you find it as I am sure the rangers do here in Minnesota on the Superior National Forest.

Do you intend to document the cash flow as well as all the trash you find in your effort to assist land managers. I am sure they would love to know of your plan to profit on public lands.

Yes, let's bring corporate(though small) sponsorship to the BW.

This seems fishy to me...

-Concerned advocate for stopping scams on public lands.

Rob Peterson

about 14 years ago

Wow! I never thought in a million years that anyone would perceive our trip in that light.  Our one and only goal is to spread awareness of the trash problem growing in the BWCAW.  While you may not have noticed, I and many people I have spoken with agree that there is an increasing amount of garbage being left behind at campsites and at portages.

Believe me, we won't be making any money on this trip.  If people want to support our cause and help with food and equipment costs along the way then so be it.

With that being said, I can see where you're coming from.  The last thing I want is to commercialize the BWCAW.  Thank you for bringing this to my attention.  All I hoped to achieve by posting on this blog was to help spread the word.

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