Bed Bugs in Downtown Duluth?

Anyone know the story of what is going on in the building at 103 W. First St.? This is the building that is owned by Center City Housing, apartments on the top floors and Sammy’s Pizza on the main floor along with offices. For the past week there have been trucks parked outside doing some kind of “abatement” work. The workers have been bringing large stainless steel containers in and out of the building. I heard a rumor tonight that there was an infestation of bed bugs in the building and a company was there trying to eradicate the bugs. It was all very mysterious so just wondering about it.



about 14 years ago

Yup. It's bedbugs but that's not the only place that has them. They are all over the city, including some motels and high rise buildings. We had them in our building but finally beat them with many hours of work on a steam machine.


about 14 years ago

It's not definitive, but I always check before staying at a hotel...


about 14 years ago

My house in Fort Wayne, Indiana got infested by bed bugs.  We figure we picked them up while staying in a hotel in Wisconsin.  They are nearly impossible to get rid of and can hide dormant forever.  My sympathies to anyone who are cursed with them.


about 14 years ago

I have been unable to get this out of my mind for the afternoon. My fear of flying has been replaced by bedbugs in my environment. Will not be visiting that corner for a while as they can be picked up everywhere. Excuse me, I have to go search the mattress again.

The Bed Bugs Bite

about 14 years ago

This all sounds a tad too akin to the "Salem Witch Hunts"...

There are many possible reasons for "trucks" to be parked outside of a legitimate business address people...

Keeping Duluth free (or at the very least "informed" on bed bug happenings is in all of our best interests, that being said, lets not try and hurt legitimate shop owners with mere conjecture or hearsay accounts!). The global and local Duluth economy can barely stand even a tiny amount of pressure at this critical juncture, practice safe shopping and travel habits in regard to bed bugs and lets keep supporting local Duluth businesses people!


about 14 years ago

I agree with you BBB, I don't even like the title of this post as "Bed Bugs" is like a code word for dirty and dingy, but this problem could happen to anyone.

That said, I do know that there was a bedbug infestation in that building.  They had professionals come out and work with the building's cleaning crew and residents to deal with the problem using the latest techniques.  As far as I know Kingsley Heights is now most likely the most bed bug free apartment building in Duluth.  However, I doubt it will escape the rumor mill for some time to come, as BBB, correctly notes, rumors & hearsay are a real b*tch to eradicate.  Worse than bedbugs.


about 14 years ago

Might be time to re-legalize DDT for use in the hotel industry.


about 14 years ago

So long as that DDT is applied WWF style.

Bad Cat!

about 14 years ago

Even if the apartments above Sammy's are crawling with bed bugs, it doesn't affect the business below. Eat your pizza without worry!


about 14 years ago

The preferred method for getting rid of bedbugs is steam. Chemicals are not needed for these critters and the overuse of insecticides is probably a contributing factor in their cyclical evolutionary resurgence.


about 14 years ago

This is Michelle's second recent post maligning the pizza places of Duluth. Michelle what have you got against pizza???? I smell conspiracy! With extra cheese!!!!


about 14 years ago

I fucking HATE bedbugs.  Took them home from a beautiful lodge on the south shore.  It took us six weeks to rid ourselves of them


about 14 years ago

talk about a stuffed crust...


about 14 years ago

BBB, whoever you are: "Salem Witch Hunts", REALLY.  How can you even compare what happened during that era to a perfectly respectful question about what was going on with the Center City Housing Building on 1st and 1st? AND if you read the follow-up responses you would know that they DID have bed bugs and that is why all the trucks were there. AND you would also know that they dealt with them and the building is once again bug free.  BUT I think I have the right to know and to ask.....


about 14 years ago

Wild goose are you calling me a bitch?


about 14 years ago

Whoa, Michelle ... calm yourself down there. You really need to go back and actually read what goose was saying.

I've never known him to swear very much, especially at someone.


about 14 years ago

Michelle your email to me was last night was anything but calm, so I'll reiterate: 

Pleading your case to a bunch of complete strangers only invites conjecture and speculation ... ergo, this is hardly the forum for what you're trying to accomplish.

The only ones who really know what's going on are the people who are involved.


about 14 years ago

Whoa, jump the couch!


about 13 years ago

Ummmm did not "email" you last night or any other night that I can re-call.  But if you are referring to my "posts" I always am very calm when posting opinions on any is always very entertaining to watch the reactions and listen to others opinions.  But, this issue is now in the past, I think, and we are on to new and more important creepy stuff......

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