Renting in Duluth (near UMD)

Greetings, people of Duluth. I am not one of you. But I will be soon. My wife and I are moving to Duluth in August, and are in the middle of house/apartment/duplex/hobbit-hole hunting. Reviewing PDD for tips, I have learned that ShipRock should be avoided, and that people really like to argue about the Hillside neighborhood. Any more … constructive advice? Great rental experiences? Recommended companies to go through? Places other than Craigslist to look for listings? Questions to ask before signing the lease? Any and all advice is appreciated!



about 14 years ago

Just out of curiosity (as I'm shopping myself fairly soon), why should ShipRock be avoided?  Seems cool they helped sponsor Homegrown this year (not that that is, in and of itself, a reason for renting from someone).


about 14 years ago

If you can, you should drive around the UMD neighborhood, I see lots of houses for rent signs, and they don't like they're offered through a company, but by individuals.

Mike H

about 14 years ago

Check out Melhus Management. I've lived in the Torrence Hall apartments for a couple years. The company has been great to work with. I'm pretty sure they have units available in my building too. No pets allowed unfortunately.


about 14 years ago

Just because businesses sponsor cool things does not in itself mean the business is good or cool. 

But not to derail the thread: we live very near Chester Park, but we're considered "east Hillside." It's a neat little neighborhood with mainly progressive folk and it's within walking/biking distance of most of the cool places to hang in Duluth. There are tons of houses to rent, and, as Claire said, most of them just have signs out front. 

I guess it depends on what you're looking for in rentals. If you're looking for something better than the average bear, you may want to move a little farther afield than the UMD area as many of those places are college rentals and as such, have a lot of wear and tear. 

Obvious questions are whether or not utilities are included, who is responsible for snow removal and grass cutting, etc...


about 14 years ago

I am in need of an affordable one or two bedroom apartment or house immediately due to domestic life crises. I have a son who I haven't been able to have with me (he's at grandpa's) because my ex kicked me out. I need a break here somebody. I am at the end of my rope, but I'm a good person with a lot of great qualities, and I really need a safe place to sleep and have my life. I have a complete household of things, but nowhere to put them and it's getting really desperate. If anyone has some solutions, I do have some money to work with, but have to re-look for a job because we had just moved out of Duluth. I am a professional in the social services field, and hold both a degree and a license in my field. No charity, just a hand up, please. Thanks.


about 14 years ago

"Just because businesses sponsor cool things does not in itself mean the business is good or cool."

Agreed.  But in a pro/con look at things, I'd say it was a pro - beats NOT supporting local music festivals.

Alas, I'm not trying to derail the thread either . . . I am more interested in how people have felt about interactions with their own property management companies.  I can (hopefully!) judge the details of a rental agreement on my own ;-)


about 14 years ago

Please come and live in our neighborhood!


about 14 years ago

I love East Hillside, that's a cool neighborhood. Lots of rentals along Woodland Avenue these days. I wouldn't like as much, but it's close to grocery store, bagel place, and liquor store. Oh, and a pizza place too.


about 14 years ago

I live in the Hillside-Hillside.  Central.  Smack dab in the middle and have a wonderful neighborhood and absolutely terrific neighbors, plus a killer view. I wouldn't live anywhere else -- in fact I did live in Congdon and the move to the hill was a great one for me.


about 14 years ago

Like anywhere else, you have the choice of living near people who act as if they're alive, but are unsavory now and then, or living further away from town in some sort of dull purgatory where your neighbors do not act like they're alive (Lakeside, Piedmont, etc).

Another option is to move to West Duluth, where you get the worst of both types AND more air pollution.


about 14 years ago

I live in Hillside and absolutely love the location (in respect to how accessible almost anything is like downtown, the interstate, UMD less than 10 minutes away...) Don't dig the neighborhood as much in the summer it's when the riff raff sorta "come out" of their winter long hibernation.  My landlords are absolutely amazing, they are a nice couple who are just saving this property for their retirement.  The place use to be a 4 bedroom house but they divided it into two duplexes.  I have been living upstairs alone but will be getting a roommate in August and they will be needing to fill the downstairs in August as well.  Rent is 750/month all utilities included for the two bedroom place.  Off street parking, heat is kept at 72 degrees (which is amazing in the winter time!)  They mow, shovel, and always respond to any complaint I have immediately.  

Let me know if you're interested.


about 14 years ago

@LookingUp, I am also looking for work and saw this ad for a Social Worker today.

As far as a place to live if you have the $ you should have no problem finding a place.  If not I would suggest talking to C.H.U.M. about emergency housing.

Henry Jenkins

about 14 years ago

Live here, let me have the extra bedroom (for like $350 a month). That would probably be a great idea.

Bad Cat!

about 14 years ago

Also avoid any property owned or managed by Kurt Bartel, and Kalligher realty.

Voula Heffernan

about 14 years ago

I had a recent conversation with a long-time realtor who explained that rentals are at a premium in Duluth as the housing sales are still very slow. I wonder if, as a new person, if you might want to call a reputable and experienced realtor to find a rental that meets your needs?


about 14 years ago

AVOID: Boardwalk Reality.


about 14 years ago

Looking Up
Give me a call.
I might be able to help you.


about 14 years ago

Need speaks the truth.


about 14 years ago

The Hillside is awesome. Views. Proximity. Vibrant arts and culture. Diversity. Did I mention views?  

Sure it's got issues but I can say by comparison that we get far less interference or "vandalism" from neighbors here than we got from bored middle class white kids when I was growing up in Lester Park.  That is my truth.  

The people whining about the Hillside may be hung up on the age old (but dying) rivalry between east - west - central  in Duluth.

Barrett Chase

about 14 years ago

The thing I love about living in West Duluth is that my neighbors don't judge me by whether or not I "act like I'm alive."

Bad Cat!

about 14 years ago

Duluth's bad and good neighborhoods are far different than any other cities I've seen.

Most cities have vast parts that cover blocks/miles and are considered "ghetto," whereas in Duluth it's really block by block. In order to get the feeling of a particular house/apartment, you'd really have to go visit it.

I looked at buying a house off of 5th & Lake. The upper side of the street had cute houses with new siding, well taken care of lawns with organic gardens. The lower side had row houses with couches on the porch filled with people drinking at noon.

It's interesting how the character of an area can be determined by just a few meters.

Voula Heffernan

about 14 years ago

I think all Duluth neighborhoods are pretty nice places to live. And if you've got a view, you're in heaven. Good people in all locations.. and it helps to have them next door.


about 14 years ago

Bad Cat! You are funny.  I think you just described my block.  But I actually think that can be true anywhere people will make sweeping generalizations about a whole area without really thinking of the individuals that make up that area.


about 14 years ago

We live in Lakeside, where we've lived since we moved off Woodland. We too were coming to UMD from out of town and it was near impossible to find a rental (then, I have no idea about now).

We used a company, Apartment Advisors, that acted as an agent. It was ok. Great apartment, but if I were closer (we came from Ohio State) I might have been annoyed that I paid a service to look for my apartment.

My Lakeside neighborhood is great. Good parks, nice people who actually know each others' names, hardware store, post office, new coffee shop coming. and the bus is easy.


about 14 years ago

A new coffee shop is coming to Lakeside?


about 14 years ago

Hi! Do you have any more information on the August 2 br? Possibly some contact info? Not to just jump in, but your comment caught my eye.


about 14 years ago is a free site that aggregates listings from several sources (including craigslist) and displays listings on a map -- very helpful if you are not intimately familiar with the area. You can also make notes, hide listings, like listings and it generally lives up to it's tag line, "Making Apartment Hunting Suck Less."

Bill Meier

about 14 years ago

My girlfriend has a 2 bedroom house on Redwing st in upper woodland that is rented out until August. I think it'll be available August 1st or shortly thereafter. Its a great neighborhood with single family homes instead of apartment houses.  Email her for details at amilee.s @


about 14 years ago

I personally love renting with Shiprock, I'm on my second apartment with them and have had ZERO problems, they are quick to fix anything that I have issues with and I pay my rent online for free.  I'm curious to know what problems others have had as this isn't the first time I've heard Shiprock referred to negatively.


about 14 years ago

I have a house in East Hillside available in August.  Lots of off-street parking.  And great for a couple.  Neighborhood is good and lots of nice neighbors.  612 723 9226


about 12 years ago

I know this is an old thread, but hopefully it will still show up on the comments feed.

Does anyone know of any apartments that are available either for month to month or a short term/6 month lease? We are sadly leaving our skyline home, and need to rent an apartment, but we don't know if we will be staying in the area after the fall, so can't commit to more than a 6 month lease, which is proving to be very difficult to find any options! Any tips would be appreciated! We're looking for a simple 1-2 bedroom apartment within walking distance of downtown. Thanks

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