Lost Keys Near Chester Bowl?

Is there anybody (or do you know anybody) who lost car keys near Chester Bowl in the last day or two? If so, some kind soul has hung them by their lanyard at the Kent Rd. end of the retaining wall fence along the road through the bowl. Been there since yesterday (Friday). Cheers.


Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

My nephew lost his keys in the snow there on Christmas night. Maybe they weren't spotted until now.

Dave P

about 14 years ago

Hard to say Paul, but these didn't look too weathered. Plus, with where they are situated and all, I'd say more likely something someone dropped while walking the dog or jogging along the sidewalk.

Rick F

about 14 years ago

I lost a set of keys up in that neighborhood a few months back. is the lanyard a black wrist sized lanyard with a Ford key and a few unusual looking keys on the ring also?  the set i lost also has a key that is stamped do not duplicate on one key.

Dave P

about 14 years ago

Sorry, I didn't look super hard at it, but my impression is that it was a longer lanyard made of webbing that had a complex sort of pattern to it. And it appeared to be the sort of newer car key that has the lock button on it. Didn't catch the make. Kicking myself. Hope that helps.

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