Duluth Central High School class of 1924: Mixers, fussers, boosters and bluffers

These snippets are from the 1924 edition of The Zenith, Central’s yearbook. If you wish to read the text and find it too small, click on any image to see it bigger.



about 14 years ago

What's a Bluffer?

Danny G

about 14 years ago

This...is hilarious.

Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

I would think a bluffer is someone who is skillful in the art of deception, but that definition only kind of seems to fit here. Obviously it's fun to pretend there's a sexual innuendo going on here.

Danny G

about 14 years ago

It's fun to read these out loud in an old-timey voice.  I suggest everyone tries it.


about 14 years ago

That was a hoot.

Danny G

about 14 years ago

I just realized that all of these people are probably dead now.  Then I got sad.


about 14 years ago

In this context I believe a bluffer would translate to a tease.


about 14 years ago

At least when applied to the girl.


about 14 years ago

Reading is fundamental.  Paul is right.


about 14 years ago

I'd wager a bluffer is like a bull-shit artist and a low-level scammer, someone who wins you over but will take you for a ride. Perhaps a "rouge."

Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

PDD's Fairy Research Spy found an article from the Dec. 3, 1915, Duluth News Tribune which seems to indicate the Central tradition of voting on a favorite bluffer started eight years prior, with the class of 1916. Lazies, grafters and roughnecks were also targets that year.


about 14 years ago

This is awesome--I love old yearbooks.  I have a 1896 edition of the Zenith that I've been meaning to scan in and do something with.


about 14 years ago

I'd equate bluffer to joshing.

"Biggest grafter," on the other hand... Joining?


about 14 years ago

Methinks edgeways meant "rogue".....

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