Dismal Duluth Dating?

A recent conversation with some friends brought up the question…what’s up with the Duluth dating scene? The main consensus was that it was pretty dull. Does the sometimes inclement weather force us to stay home rather than go out and socialize? Is everyone already taken? Am I too quick to judge? I am curious to know what the readers of PPD think about the Duluth’s dating scene. Successes/failures? Tips and tricks? As a fairly new inhabitant of Duluth, I would like to know… where are all the single people at?



about 14 years ago

Wait til spring ... you'll be beating them off with a stick.


about 14 years ago

Dismal does not even begin to describe it.


about 14 years ago

Nothing new, dating up north is tough. After college few people stay in Duluth unless they have a career and serious relationship. That leaves just a few single people who only seem to meet by chance. As a nice single guy who is in shape and nearly finished with a masters degree dating shouldn't be this hard.


about 14 years ago

I get all my dating advice from Duluth's own Maria Bamford.



about 14 years ago

I agree, dating is tough in Duluth.  For a guy that is way out of shape, mildly employed, semi sober, and who has a degree from a nearly reputable university, I should be taken. ;)


about 14 years ago

There is no such thing as dating in Duluth. At all. Especially if you're between the ages of 25 and 35. Anyone who is reasonably attractive, somewhat sophisticated, mildly interesting, gainfully employed, fun to be around, of at least average intelligence, is already taken (yes, all five of them). I've been at this for 2.5 years now, and I'm not hurting for offers, just offers that I would ever even contemplating accepting. Duluth is one big dating desert. It's pathetic. As long as you are single in Duluth and have standards, you'd better get used to being single or settling.


about 14 years ago

The other sad part of it is that thing that runs through people's minds:  "Why is he (or she) still single?  Must be something wrong."  I'm married so I don't have to worry about that anymore, but yeah it is rough dating here.  

I guess what I did was just drink and party a lot and then ... oh wait, you probably don't want to do that.  The other thing that works is to go to lots of things and to have get-togethers.  This town is also bereft of good dinner parties.  There's a niche growth area for you that could end up killing two birds with one stone.

Hot Shot

about 14 years ago

Wildgoose is right. I think, 'how are they not getting dates?' quite often. Being such a small town it's tough. When standards come into play, it's even tougher. I happen to be terrified of dating, as a freshly single young dude. Lots of connections can be a blessing or a curse in this city.


about 14 years ago

No doubt, if you don't already know people in town (or even if you do!) meeting people in Duluth is not easy. There are very few activities other than the bar/music scene, which for many people loses its gloss after you're like 28. 

I'm a normal (stable), reasonably attractive man with a decent job and lots of interests, and I've had zero luck meeting anyone in duluth after my last relationship ended three years ago. It doesn't help at all that I work at home, I've noticed that. It works a lot better to have a job that brings you in contact with the public.


about 14 years ago

You get out what you put into it, nobody is going to do it for you and bitching about it does not make it better. Get out of the house and be social. The more people you meet, the better the odds of finding someone interesting or attractive.

Everyone likes to be flattered, complimented or feel they are attractive to others, so if you meet or see someone who interests you, introduce yourself and say something nice. (Be sincere -- not some cheesy pick-up line).  

If you are new to Duluth and/or a busy working professional consider a paid online service such as match.com. Many of my busy friends have met their partners online. Avoid Craigslist, Yahoo personal ads and other free ads because they are full of weirdos.

Be yourself and good luck.


about 14 years ago

Please. It's soooo easy to pick up somebody in a bar in this town. You are not trying hard enough. Get a turntable and some records. Whiskey and beer. Ask them to come back to your place. I promise you will "get some" as the kids are saying these days. Make sure you have coffee for the a.m. and be up on current events for morning musings. 

I'm a big dyke and still can get dates in Duh-luth. If I can, you can too.


about 14 years ago

Wow everyone.  Didn't know dating was supposed to be so easy.  It's not easy anywhere.  You have to work for a relationship and if you are like Aaron and work at home, you need to find reasons to get out of the house.  There are shit tons to do all year long.

Skiing, snowboarding, skating, hockey,  running groups, book clubs, Fuse Duluth where you can meet lots of younger people, the YMCA where you can join intramural sports, get involved with your church if you attend one as corny as it sounds, go to a bar and take risks meeting new people -- there are about 150 of them in Duluth, learn an instrument and play in Homegrown and you'll meet tons of new people, volunteer -- there are a million groups you can volunteer with year round, try an online dating site since the Duluth dating scene doesn't extend online.

I think not being able to find someone is more the result of laziness and a lack of effort combined with a perceived lack of options.  Options are all around you.  Dating and finding someone that's right for you is not supposed to be easy, if you want a hookup that's a lot easier but it sounds like a relationship is what people are searching for, and those things are not just going to fall into your lap.


about 14 years ago

I didn't hear enough sensitivity.  People forgot that all the things mentioned, plus cloistered midwesterners who are as cliquey as anyone, in their shallow gene pools, adding to this the low light levels during brutal winters can get a person pretty down when they start to consider the tired patterns of Homo Eroticus.  It's easy to throw down advice, once you're married and settled into your little group of friends who used to drink and screw with you back in college before you settled into domestic neutrality by decree. Whose 'group' hasn't taken on any new friends in the last six years, or thrown any good dinner parties that weren't boxed, and why would you with Dish? Yet pontificate wisely for someone who's reasonably wondering if this is normal, or just the sad biscuit of how Americans have become 'a little soft,' when compared with say,  an Apache?  Lacking the convictions of those who are hungry, yet questioning not their own. Heated garages, big screen televisions, robot dating, shag carpeting, F'n Twitter. 'You screwed my girlfriend so I'm going to drop you from my Facebook page!' The humanity.


about 14 years ago

It is hard to date in Duluth. Going to all the social activities is not always successful. Many of those participating are not single! 

I've spent many years being single, by choice, while I built my career and raised my kids. Now I find being single and successful in Duluth is not a recipe for instant dates, especially over 40.


about 14 years ago

I went to a small women's college in the early '80s -- which was a mile away from a small men's college. It was hard to know whether or not you were dating or just friends with someone -- basically, if you were sleeping with that person, you were dating. Otherwise, it was all pretty fuzzy. Duluth seems to be the same way.


about 14 years ago

Gosh Mac.  You are soooooo right.  Every one of the posters (myself included) expressing their frustration is clearly a lazy, un-motivated, sorry SOB who deserves to be single. 

I mean, I must just be a loser. Self-employed for most of my career life in a position that requires much social interaction, race director for an event where I'm exposed to 2000+ people in a two week time frame, volunteer, on match.com (80% scary), attend most university hockey games, coach, live-music scene follower.... yep, I clearly am not doing jack shit and have no business calling the Duluth dating scene dismal. 

Could you tell us more about how awesome you are so we can aspire to be like you.  That must be the secret.


about 14 years ago

So...  Where is it easy?


about 14 years ago

I wasn't calling out anyone in particular except those who fail to get out in the public sphere and do things.  Maybe I was off, but listening to some of the posts made it sound like people were just cooped up inside all the time and that is what I was talking about.  Dating and relationships are not going to happen if you just stay inside and don't try.  I would know, I was single up here for a long time too.


about 14 years ago

I think I see what Mac was trying to say although he was not a wordsmith with his English.  Dating in Duluth is tough since most of the younger people leave town after college and there is not much to keep them here when they do graduate and might be single.  We all know the talk about how hard it is to find jobs up here so maybe that is part of the problem.  We need to get more jobs to generate more dates or at least try to keep some of the younger crowd in town longer so there at least is a dateable pool.


about 14 years ago

Get social.  Don't be a creeper.  Don't play the pity party.  Get on match.com and don't take that too seriously.  Dating is fun, try to relax and get out there, talk to people.  Yes you're going to have awkward moments, yes you're going to need to spend some dollars (both gals and guys), yes you're probably going to need a little haircut-n-wardrobe upgrade.  Leave your crappy attitude and insecurities at the door and just show people who you are.  There are people out there but they're not going to come knocking on your door.


about 14 years ago

I think a lot of people are right, here. While the scene IS tough, it takes being involved and allowing yourself to "forget" that you are in search or a relationship so you can just be yourself and not stress about perceptions of others. 

A guy my age has to sort through a lot of the younger girls in search of their M.R.S. degree (the ones who feel that marriage is a crucial next step to life after school) to find a deep and authentic relationship-but that is all part of the fun. It is nice to commiserate with you all for a moment but I'm getting off my computer and going out skiing today, maybe I'll see you on the trails? =)


about 14 years ago

Kite boarding, Tai Chi at that universal church on Superior St 45?, Rideshare on Craigslist, back country skiing, if you're soloing, you've got to hammer yourself silly with fun activities till the last thing you're thinking about is anybody but yourself.

Bad Cat!

about 14 years ago

I was going to comment that I've never noticed that Duluth was difficult for finding dates, but then I realized I'm a girl-gamer: the math is in my favor (like shootin' fish in a barrel).

Hot Shot

about 14 years ago

I'm wondering how many commentors who have left a mini personal ad have found a date here through PDD.
Perfect Duluth Dating.


about 14 years ago

Hot Shot- 
I was JUST thinking the same thing!  PDD, I see an opportunity for you!  How about a cooler, hipper, Duluthified dating site?  Maybe we kick it off with a singles night?


about 14 years ago

Looking for a date is like looking for money on the sidewalk -- sometimes you get lucky, but most of the time there's just dog poop. Instead of looking for a date, why not spend some energy volunteering with an organization or group who has the same values/concerns that you do. You are much more apt to meet someone with your same passions.


about 14 years ago

I married my high school sweetheart so i've never had to "date" and would have no clue where to even begin. But i listen to all my single girlfriends complain about how hard it is to meet guy's who are actually worth dating. I always tell them they need to branch out their social scene. 

Try going to Duluth Chamber of Commerce events or for the younger crowd, their Fuse Duluth events.

Also, visit meetup.com -- there are a few Duluth social groups on there.


about 14 years ago

This is one of the best threads on PDD in awhile.  

People are idiots for not dating these amazing people.  Claire is also right, the "hanging out" and "hooking up" crowd does tend to miss out on a lot in their relationships, mainly a future. I don't blame anyone one bit for not wanting to participate in that scene. Although I have tried it and I know it can be fun for awhile.   

Finally, TimK is my hero.


about 14 years ago

Match.com is laughable, as is Plenty O' Carp, and eHarmon(e)y. I've checked those (out of curiosity and doing a bit of study for a sociology class) and more out a few years back (and you don't get what you pay for - sometimes free is better - and paying can be worse - eH and Match are the best examples of that - not to mention those eH rejects), the same people are on each site (and still are from what friends have said), their profiles all read nearly exactly the same, nearly all are chicken to write or meet, much less leave their computers/houses - many are just plain scary, or scary looking, just want to hook-up, many are (secretly) married and cheating, more are substance abusers (mainly alcohol in this area), religious/other fanatics, have age/weight issues, are fixed on looks (supermodels or studs - not realizing how vapid those types usually are), and more. But there is someone for everyone...right?

True there are other ways, but most times even when you do volunteer, attend events, or get out socially, most people are 'with' someone, married, or undesirable for some other reason(s).

This isn't just the Northland though, as people from sites all over the US and even other countries say the same, many of them living in much larger or smaller cities than Duluth. Many aren't willing to travel even more than 5 miles (my 5mi radius is all college, married/family, or retired people - those are pretty slim pickings considering), or relocate which also greatly cuts their prospective dating pool. Not to mention the unemployed, those who don't drive (for various reasons), have some questionable living situation, or ex/children issues. 

Everyone has standards, and expectations, or there'd be no problem. But there does have to be an attraction. Even when seemingly attractive online - in person can be another story completely - same with meeting socially first, and finding out their 'issues' once dating - no situation is fully ideal. No location is fully ideal.

BUT as Bad Cat mentioned - there are niches - a girl gamer in a mainly guy gaming world = WIN. 

You have to find your niche.

Perhaps as mentioned PDD can set up a side/sister site Perfect Duluth Dating - and have monthly or bi-weekly event meet-ups -  or even just at the events listed here in this site. (Perhaps with a sign-up or some area of the event designated as PDD area/section for those interested.) There also should be a variety of meet-ups, not all at bars, or venues, but some that also may be for non-drinkers or free/cheap as well for those on limited budgets. (Such as walks, picnics, or meeting for those music or movies in the park - or a moonlight winter's hike, or a group fundraiser day for a local charity/foodshelf.) Then the singles here would know that at those events there'd be more of a chance of meeting other singles, or even the other people/regulars from this site as friends - which could be a bonus if nothing else (or scary too - thinking of some of the regulars whose comments I've read).

New friends are always good, and who knows, maybe one of your friends would be the 'perfect' fit for your new friend? Often times the best matches are made between friends who know the 'perfect' person, that perhaps your social circle didn't previously encompass.


about 14 years ago

What's wrong with weirdos?


about 14 years ago

Re: Bad cat and ruby2sd4y, what is a "girl gamer" or a "guy gamer"?

Hot Shot

about 14 years ago

This year at the Homegrown Music Festival. Sunday should not only be New Band Night, but New Date Night. Sponsored by PDD, giving local, hopeless romantics the opportunity to meet in a fun, social setting.

Also, there isn't anything wrong with weirdos.

Carl Miller

about 14 years ago

Agreed, Wildgoose.

My two bits? 

After living in this city for 8 years I am ready to move on.  I do not consider the dating scene to be non-existent, it just takes a little bit of effort on both parties to get the train moving (i.e. eye contact, quite possibly a smile!, introducing yourself, having a conversation and so on and so forth).  More importantly it's a matter of asking yourself "am I ready to meet someone new, exciting and fun?" -- "do I really want to start a new relationship, possibly even sexual?" I think you must ask yourself this prior to thinking a magic bunny will deliver your true love to your doorstep. I can remember in my early twenties when friends would think that every night they went out they were expecting to meet the womyn/man of their dreams, if you are in this boat, jump out fast.  Things tend to happen when you are not looking.  

Not sure what people mean when they say the "hook-up scene"?  Would that be when people have parties and unintentionally have sexual relations with a person(s) they thought were "cute" for five minutes?  More or less bars are the next stage in that process.  

Alas, I must be honest! For some time I have been consumed by some strange hope that a womyn I used to love will realize our love meant "oh so much more" and to express that love to me once again.  Humility good people. To any men or womyn out there in the same boat, don't waste your time, again jump ship, seriously. The person you were once with is no longer in love with you, they have changed and possibly resent their entire time they spent with you. Heartbreak aside, buck up, stop living in the past and take control of your life, wasting months on end thinking about the past and wishing it could have been different is like being tortured relentlessly by some freaky ghost.  Sure you may not be able to stop yourself every time a memory makes you want to bring them up, or the almost permanent/constant dreams of having sex with this person.  Like Curtis Mayfield would say just "move on up" out of it, would be my best advice.  

It's not as though there is a lack of beautiful and intelligent people in Duluth or the surrounding areas -- and maybe when everyone's thinking, "why is he/she still single? something must be wrong," it could be that not everyone here knows how long they are staying. I know it's difficult to grasp, but some people choose to be single; sanity, past experience, etc. etc. etc. all factor in.  

I fell in love and am still in love with Duluth, that love has been attributed to my time spent here and a relationship that developed and flourished some of the best times in my life.  For me, if you are living in the past, get out fast. San Francisco here I come. Cheerio.


about 14 years ago

Never mind. I think I figured out what a "gamer" is. Originally, in the context of this thread, I thought it meant "someone who plays someone for a fool" as in a "player." Now I am thinking you mean someone who actually plays "video" games. Sorry but I am kind of new on the planet.


about 14 years ago

How can you tell when a boy likes a girl? He stares at HER shoes. - Finnish Proverb


about 14 years ago

For once happy to be old....


about 14 years ago

Wow! This is really great. I wasn't expecting this kind of reaction (maybe something along the lines of, "go to this basic bar, meet guys, visit park point!, etc, etc.").   There is some worthy advice and a lot of tough love, which most of us needs to hear sometimes.  

I agree that when you are "out on the town" it is super easy to hook-up if you want it here in Duluth.  A hook up can be whatever you want, from just kissing to full on knocking boots.   Although this statement may be lopsided towards the females.  Males usually have to work a little harder to get their hook-ups.   We (females) think we are entitled to perfection sometimes.   It's just that these types of drunken hook-ups rarely lead to a satisfying relationship.  Someone usually wants something more.  It's an old story.   

Dating can be difficult no matter where you live, and I think making it even a little more difficult is that it is now a multi-million (maybe billion?) dollar industry.  Just consider again all those dating sites promising happiness, Sex and the City re-run episodes, and countless self-help books about the subject (He's Just Not That Into You, anyone?).  How is anyone supposed to live up to any of that? 

Ugh, we can't and we shouldn't.   Dating is a lot of hubaloo with a side of constant bruised ego.  Meeting someone we like can make it worth it.  Rejoice! There are single people in Duluth! Take care of each other!   See you around!


about 14 years ago

Frank, will you go out with me?


about 14 years ago

Yes W.T.F. - Gamers in the game/gaming sense - be they video, online or at a gaming venue, RPG's, conventions or more. Groups similar to those who are into Ren (Renaissance festivals/costumes), Trekkies or Star Wars, Steam Punk, or the like.


about 14 years ago

PDD should indeed sponsor more in-real-time get-togethers. I'm married so I'm not on the prowl. But I have made some new pals at the annual bday party. Some people might make some new lovers there, if that's what they want. Paul! Make it happen!

Bad Cat!

about 14 years ago

@WTF: Yes, girl gamer as in "I can roll a d20 and slay the hell out of that dragon" rather than "Don't you want to buy me some new shoes?" gamer.

The "find your niche" advice could be used for any (non-nerdy) types as well. Guy wants to take a knitting class for the hell of it? No competition! Girl wants to hang out at the firing range? Hottest girl there! Guy at swing dance lessons? Fighting the women off.
Go outside of your normal realm, experiment and have fun - you might meet someone special you might never have crossed paths with otherwise.


about 14 years ago

If it makes anyone feel better... I have friends who live in NYC and they say the dating scene sucks there, as everyone is always looking for someone better than the one they're with.


about 14 years ago

... as opposed to Duluth where everyone is looking for someone who doesn't think he/she is anything special -- 

Why the clean shirt today, we're just going to 'the looch' who does he think he is?

She's gonna get those new heels all covered in salt and grime stepping over the snowbank on the way into Quinlans, and I sure am not gonna throw my back out lifing her over the snowbank.

or my all time favorite

What's with the jacket and tie?  Is he gay?


about 14 years ago

I know I should quit while I'm ahead, but I've got to add one thing.  When I was in college back home visiting my friend and I would go to Grandma's sports garden and keep a tally of all the guys that WEREN'T wearing a backward baseball cap and jeans.  Occasionally you'd find someone in Dockers and a golf shirt, but there was never anyone in dress pants, and the only people wearing jackets and ties were the ones who had just bailed from a wedding party somewhere.  I'm not on the scene anymore, but isn't that still pretty much how it is?  

I mean the ladies certainly do dress up for a night on the town, many of them do, anyway.  But the guys?  It's like a race to the bottom, exact opposite of what Claire said about NYC.


about 14 years ago

Good lord. You men are not looking hard enough. And the quasi-dating posts/pleas are pathetic. ("I'm a smart, well built, good looking, blah, blah, blah). Men, here's your post-college field guide.

Granola Girls from the North Shore - Can you fake your knowledge of Kerouac? Are you from "The Cities" or live in a hipster city? "Ooh my gosh, you live SEATTLE (or Portland or Austin or Asheville?). You are in like Flynn. Built for speed or comfort. Mercurial. Habitat: slum bars near downtown or occasionally Superior, N. Shore tourist traps in summer, art exhibitions, picnics, faux hipster coffee shops and nature trails.

New Doctors and Nurses - if you are not intimidated by a woman who makes more than you (I'm not) and you are willing to be a house husband with an allowance, this is your scene. College degree required. Handyman skills are a must. Your ass is gonna be busy. First year doctors/nurses are a no-go. Too focused on work. They get get lonely in the second year. Built for speed, not comfort. Habitat: running races, XC ski trails, respectable bars with patios during happy hour.

Rangers - Iron Range women are easily identified by their birthing hips. Their career aspirations will sink if they think you will marry them. Very stable and loyal. Limited world view. Low maintenance and easy going. Lack of physical exertion is an issue after child birth. Dad and brothers drink too much. Built for comfort, not speed. Habitat: Grandmas. Dance bars. Summer street dances in their home towns.

West End Cougar - Fun, fun, fun, but keep it a limited engagement because of ongoing complications such as loser ex-husband, wild children and her binge drinking. Will make you crazy at the end of your relationship, but not before. Habitiat: bar (i.e. her workplace), Sports Garden, Blues Fest.

Almost Graduated - Bored Cities girl who is looking to date a townie for a change. Entertain them, OK? They don't want to get married yet, but you better be marriage material. Free places to stay when visiting the Twin Cities. Be on your toes. Built for speed or comfort. Habitat: waitressing at Hacienda del Sol or Grandmas. Fitgers. Starbucks. Park Point with visitors.

East End Townie - This is a very rare species. UMD grad. Family has deep roots. Attractive in an exotic scandanavian way. This species can be segmented further into a wild child, a homebody or a slacker. Dad and/or Mom own a well known business like a ski shop, gas stations, liquor stores or the like. Has propensity to either party too much, let themselves go by age 30 if they are not married. Habitat: rare sightings at townie bars downtown (only for short periods) and locals-only parties.


about 14 years ago

PS - the best advice is the first post from Aleasha, the woman with the great profile pic.

"Wait til spring ... you'll be beating them off with a stick."


about 14 years ago

This is both scary and really funny.


about 14 years ago

Wow Bob! You are one super observant SOB! The details are all so right! As an ex-cities granola girl, who's lived on the range and is currently a nurse, I can relate to your post on so many levels. I think there's more nuances that haven't been mentioned, but you pretty much nailed the obvious ones. Best thread yet.


about 14 years ago

My friends and I discuss this often as we are cute (yeah, that sounds bad in my head too) grad students. Duluth has little to no young, attractive, educated, single men. We go out, meet men, and get hit on often, but our main aggressors are 22 year old undergrads or 30 something no-collegers. We absolutely love this city and would like to stay here, but we know that the sad truth is that we will have to move to a larger city to meet men that match us.
We joke about how wanting to leave this town to finally meet a man helps motivate us to finish our M.S.s, but it is a sad true fact.


about 14 years ago

Hahaha! So sad for you Is. I'm a blue-collar high-school dropout dating a woman with a masters degree and teaches at a university. Too bad your criteria for finding men to date is so snotty. I forsee many cold nights for you.

Hot Shot

about 14 years ago

Just lower those standards. Trade the salary for an artistic niche. 
Most my age are involved in their destined-to-be-eternal college romance, or dudes trying to get lucky. 

In the last five years I've had some awesome girls fall into my lap, but now is the time to start from scratch. Knowing a load of people is sort of a curse. Being a new kid on the scene will likely help in meeting folks.

Carl Miller

about 14 years ago

Well put c-freak.


about 14 years ago

c-freak...ever the smartass.

I agree that early 30s is a super hard time to date in this town.I get out a lot, and am involved in many different social circles but there is something to be said for the economic argument of many young people heading elsewhere for jobs. Also, I'm kind of over dating jobless fellas exclusively. At least in theory.


about 14 years ago

C-freak, I think you mean she teaches at a college as it is rare for a university to hire someone to teach who only has a master's, but that is just my assumption based on generalities. I would also like to know her name, as I would like to invite her to our women in academia meetings. Many of the women there also complain about what Is was talking about and I think she could offer a unique perspective.

Also, wouldn't you rather be alone than with someone whom you did not respect? I do not think that anyone should lower their standards just to be with anyone, I waited.

Tony D.

about 14 years ago

Sorry to take an off-topic swerve here, folks, but I'd like to make a clarification for HE:

Many of UMD's adjunct faculty members, particularly in the Composition Department, hold a Masters and not a Ph.D. They are non-tenure track positions, often hired on a semester-to-semeter basis, and, with few exceptions teach strictly undergraduate courses—often the courses the tenure-tract Ph.D.'s don't want to teach (like freshman comp, but of course no one *wants* to teach freshman comp). And of course of course, in a creative field such as writing or the visual or performing arts, the Masters of Fine Arts is a terminal degree, on par with a Ph.D. And of course of course of course the University is made up of many "colleges" and "schools": The College of Liberal Arts, The College of Science and Engineering, The School of Fine Arts, The Big-Time Donator Name School of Economics, etc.

Hope that opens up the dating field for you! Now, back to our regularly scheduled program.

The Friendly Old Knifey

about 14 years ago

Knowing a lot of people is kind of a curse.

Yep. I agree.


about 14 years ago

This a really funny post :) Look at all the single ladies wanting dates, Single guys should be all over this post getting names and numbers.    

PDD=Perfect Duluth Dating.


about 14 years ago

Haha, this is pretty funny but you have to take the opportunities as they come, right? If any women are interested in a man working through his masters (lookin at you, Is) shoot me an email and we can get to know one another.

JetSetJoe26 @ gmail.com



about 14 years ago

Flattered Jill, but now that I'm over the hill at 33, and my Johnson isn't what it used to be, I'm purely a man of intellect.  Plus, the Mothership will be picking me up in a few days to reunite me with Jimi Hendrix, so I don't have much more time for earthly concerns, or those snotty Masters chicks who watch too much Sex and the City (no offense if you are one.)
Sincerely, Frank


about 14 years ago

I'm surprised no one's yet made the women's field guide version of Bob's post.

Way to go TypeSend!

Wow Frank, only 33, already over the hill(?), with a broken Johnson?!? Yikes! That'd be a pretty sad state if most of the 30+ guys are in this same boat, and would make Duluth dating even more bleak.


about 14 years ago

Is here any point to discussing the dating "scene" for a straight woman over 60 with "young" and interesting sensibilities???  I meet lots of very nice lesbians!


about 14 years ago

When I read your kind words, I almost shat myself to tears.  Nothing I try seems to work. My hormone replacement therapy has failed, this steak and ice cream diet is backfiring miserably.  My therapist, Doctor VanDounkersgoud, tells me I am beyond redemption both physically and spiritually, in spite of my prompt payments, and so I must accept her prognosis.  Would you also believe I recently spent five grand on a real cyborg female companion, anatomically correct with $500 redhead upgrade?  She's a great listener, but now I've grown tired of her too, and the people I bought her from won't take her back, or refund my money!   I am at my wit's end. Thank you for your concern though on behalf of all 30 something Duluth men, I doubt they are ailin for Palin like I am, if it is any comfort.


about 14 years ago

The dating situation is terrible in Duluth if you have anything even resembling standards. To those who are saying people just need to get out more, they don't know what they are talking about. All you meet their are friends not dating relationships. Basically, if you moved up here, get used to being alone for a long while. Further, I really don't think that more jobs would help much considering the poor dating pool that already exists. The people leaving weren't much better than the people staying.


about 13 years ago

Well, it looks like I'm over a year late to the party.  But, as they say, better late than never.  Seeing as how so much time has passed since this thread began, I'd just like to start by saying that I hope everyone who was searching has now found that special someone.  

I should also preface my comments by warning you that I am not a Duluthian, nor am I even a Minnesotan (although I did live in Saint Paul for a while).  I actually live in Fargo, ND.  Wait, wait, before you cry blasphemy, I do have extensive knowledge of Duluth.  Both my parents were born in Duluth, most of my family still lives in Duluth, and I have been visiting Duluth regularly since the mid 1980s.  So I am not speaking completely out of school here.  

I'd be curious to know the age ranges of the people who use this forum.  Not that it matters in the context of this conversation, just that I'm curious as I might be moving to Duluth within the year and have found this site a wonderful resource thus far.  I'll be 30 in September and I am just curious if I fit the age demographic of PDD frequenters, or if I'd be better served looking for something "more my age."

The only point I wanted to make on dating is this: it's hard.  No matter where you are.  Look, if you are a guy, the male/female ratio is working in your favor in Duluth.  If you are lady ... well, I'm completely unqualified to provide you with any advice.  But seriously, I've lived in Florida, Minnesota, North Dakota, and Colorado.  Dating is hard everywhere.  Finding you niche is hard everywhere.  It takes time and it takes effort.  I'm not suggesting that anyone above is unwilling to do those things, just stating a fact.  Several times that I moved, I thought that the dating would "just be easier" in say, Boulder, CO than it was in Fargo, ND.  False.  Although for some, being in a new place might afford you the confidence to step out of your shell more than you might have in a hometown where everyone already knows you.  But that's the extent of it.  

The moral of my story: don't blame Duluth.  Duluth is a beautiful city with active people and plenty to do.  Admittedly, Duluth's economy has seen better days, and this contributes to circumstances being less than ideal.  Don't blame yourself either.  If things are moving slowly for you in the relationship department, it doesn't necessarily mean that you are doing anything wrong or not doing enough.  Just keep keepin' on and doing your best and you will end up right where you are supposed to be.

Barrett Chase

about 13 years ago

@TomK - PDD's readership demographics can be found here.


about 13 years ago

@Barrett Chase -- Thank you!

Bill Thomas

about 11 years ago

I must say, of all the places I have been, this has been the coldest, hardest place to even meet people of the opposite gender. Myself I don't just take anything that comes along, I am not desperate nor am I unreasonable with my standards. It seems like at the clubs here, especially the college clubs, everyone comes in one big group. Girls don't dance with guys unless they know them. What's the point of even having any night life? I am here for business and once that is completed I am out of here!!!

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