Scott Keenan Park?

So I was just reading this story from the News Tribune about changes in the Duluth Park system:

Duluth park plan says smaller is better

It mentions a number of potential changes to improve the park system. But one caught my eye. The article mentions the possible elimination of something called “Scott Keenan Park.”

So, I have a few questions. First, where is this park? Second, has anyone told Scott Keenan that his namesake park might be closing?


Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

That jumped out at me, too. I fancy myself a guy who knows stuff, but I have never heard of Scott Keenan Park.

Maybe Scott Keenan's parking spot is somehow connected with Parks & Rec, since he's the director of Grandma's Marathon.

I like Scott. I hope he doesn't lose his parking spot.

Keene Creek Park is the closest to sounding like Scott Keenan, but there's no way the only dog park in town is closing.

Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

I can verify that Scott Keenan Park is indeed referenced in the Duluth Parks and Recreation Master Plan in chapter five. Here's the passage:

There are other tax forfeited lands which contain high quality natural resources. The significant natural resources sites (as defined by the Mayor's Taskforce for Recommending the Re-use and Development of City Land and Protection Parcels of Public Significance) should be protected through conservation easements or other suitable protection methods by either the City or the County. While the County is looking to gain revenue from the sale of these tax forfeited lands it should recognize that Duluth is part of St. Louis County and by preserving public lands it is serving County residents in Duluth and the rest of the county who enjoy Duluth's parks, trails and open space. The City owns undeveloped park lands which range in size from small, 1 acre squares to large, + 200 acre tracts of natural land. Most of the undeveloped land has a logical use (such as preserving open space, steep slopes or stream corridors) and some undeveloped park properties are likely candidates for neighborhood park use when future development occurs. The City should consider the recreation benefit and evaluate the potential to sell some undeveloped open space land such as Manchester Square, Russell Square, Scott Keenan Park, portions of Bayview School Forest and portions of Brewer-Bellvue open space.


about 14 years ago

Hah! I wondered about that too, but figured I was the only one. 

On a related note, did we really need a consultant to tell us that we can save money by tearing down community centers, and make money by selling "undeveloped" land?

Barrett Chase

about 14 years ago

I couldn't find it on the City of Duluth Parks Map, but there are several little parks that are unnamed on that map.


about 14 years ago

For that matter, where are Russel or Manchester square?


about 14 years ago

When the city works its way toward solvency again I hope something is done for Downers Park. There are parts of that I really love, but it is in a bit of a mess here and there.

Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

Manchester and Russel Squares are both in the Lakeside neighborhood.

Manchester is on 46th Avenue East.

Russel is on 42nd Avenue East.

Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

The Parks and Rec office is closed today for Veteran's Day, so to find out where Scott Keenan Park is I asked someone else I thought might know the answer -- Scott Keenan.

"There is no park called Scott Keenan Park," he said.

So, what is the Parks Dept. referring to?

Keenan was on the City Council for eight years, and during that time he convinced his fellow councilors to vote in favor of creating a park on 40th Avenue East and Jay St. in Lakeside (near Manchester and Russel Squares).

"Public Works had a tool house there where they stored sand and that kind of stuff," Keenan said. "I envisioned a soccer field and playground equipment there. It's flat, it's beautiful, it's perfect for that. Of course, money has always been an issue and it's never developed."

And the name?

"Some people have been calling that Scott Keenan Park, but it's not official -- trust me. They're doing it only to be funny, I think."



about 14 years ago

I'm still waiting for Don Ness to change the name of Lilliput Park to Cork Park. I've been working on that for years. I'm even refraining from calling him "Donny" to help my cause.

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