Free Bloodbath!

In the comments to this post, explain in one sentence why you should win two tickets to see Rubber Chicken Theater’s Evil Dead: The Musical.

The winner will be chosen later today — maybe around 3pm … maybe sooner. We’ll see how it goes.


MK Bates

about 14 years ago

I deserve to win two tickets to see "Evil Dead - the Musical" for one reason: I really want to take my husband to see this show. We moved to Duluth from Madison a few years ago. While in graduate school, my husband and his housemates periodically hosted "Cheap Wine and B-Movie Night." They thought Bruce Campbell was a great actor, and the "Evil Dead" series were their favorite movies to show. There was one rule for guests: they had to bring a bottle of wine and no corks were allowed. Because of this great history, my husband should go see this show and I would love to be able to take him.


about 14 years ago

I want to be scared of laughing my ass off.


about 14 years ago

I haven't been to a live show of any sort in years. Plus, my husband and I could really use a date night. I love my 10 month old daughter and all, but a night away from her would benefit both of us greatly :) Plus, who doesn't love blood/gore/being scared? :D


about 14 years ago

If I don't win, I will go on a murderous rampage the likes of which this town has never seen.


about 14 years ago

I deserve these tickets because...I am 22 from the cities, have several buddies that go to college at UMD and I have visited a few times and love the area, might move up there in fact.  Long time reader, first time poster. Just got laid off on Friday :( and I can do whatever I want with my time now.

1. I will actually show up because I dont have a job to worry about.

2. I will stop Vicatious from their murderous rampage with the Happy Chef icon.

3. MK Bates isnt even a MN native, not fair.

4. Amber had a 10month old baby, this is no show for a new mother to go to, go to elmo on ice instead.

5. David sounds funny, i would probably bring him with me, so you would make 2 happy readers instead of 1.

So, you can stop looking for a winner, im right here.


about 14 years ago

To fulfill my clockwork orange fantasy of white suburban kids getting drunk and kicking in neighborhood doors looking for a party.  Oh, sorry I've confused this challenge with Baci's thread, but I'm still clearly worthy.

Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

I'm going to declare Vicarious the initial winner, because he answered succinctly and awesomely. 

But I'll keep this going by offering a second pair of tickets for the best answer that comes in between 2:30 and 4 p.m.

Note the direction to "explain in one sentence." More than one sentence is a disqualification, folks. (And I thought it could go without saying that use of emoticons is also a disqualification.)

Anyway, those who tried before are eligible to try again. And congratulations to Vicarious.

Carl Miller

about 14 years ago

I eat, breath and sleep to the soundtrack of EVIL DEAD, needless to say a musical would stimluate my wildest EVIL DEAD fantasies....:)


about 14 years ago


On the downside, I don't get to go on my murderous rampage...

DJ Coco

about 14 years ago

I think my husband deserves to win so that he can take his best friend for a boys night out!


about 14 years ago

I need those tickets for my son- to make up for my leaving on tour for a couple of weeks.


about 14 years ago

My twisted -elevator blood scene from "The Shining"- mind thinks that women actually get turned on by bloodbaths - and I need to test this hypothesis (in a manner slightly more covert than a murderous rampage).


about 14 years ago

Shortest contest ever.


about 14 years ago

I love PDD and think the operators of this blog are awesome. (3:49pm)

Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

I'm going to go with Laze as winner #2, with the hope that he is not serious.

Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

Hey Vicarious, I keep getting bounce-backs when I e-mail you. I need to know which night you would like to attend the show. Contact me.


about 14 years ago

Let's make a deal. You give me the tickets now, and the next time I possess you, I won't pour hot coffee down your pants.


about 14 years ago

Because I won them last time?  And didn't have a date?  So I went alone?

Hot Shot

about 14 years ago

Damn, I had a great sentence ready too...


about 14 years ago

Yahoo! Now the arduous task of seeking out the elusive & mysterious bloodluster (Carl gets the tix when I fail hard)...


about 14 years ago

I hope you guys like it. Cuz you should cuz it's awesome. And also... everyone else who posted should just buy tickets anyway.

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