League of Women Voters of Duluth hosting 350.org Global Work Day of Action

Join the League of Women Voters Duluth for a great adventure on Sunday, Oct. 10 (1-4pm), and be a part of a global event that’s “Making A Difference.”

The League of Women Voters Natural Resources Committee will be hosting a Global event at the Munger Inn (7408 Grand Avenue) to highlight the need to reduce carbon emissions. Carpool, bus, or bike (if you can) to the Munger Inn and join many others by taking a bike ride up the Munger Trail or walk the Western Waterfront Trail (if you don’t want to bike), and pledge to reduce your carbon footprint! Special Guest – Brent from SkiHut West will be joining the event to conduct bike check-ups and discuss bike commuting. Take home a tree to plant in your yard and reduce carbon emissions.

The League of Women Voters will be giving tips to the public to reduce carbon foot printing and aid in the fight for global warming. Bring your friends, neighbors, relatives, join other organizations around the world on this momentous day, and be a part of the solution to reduce carbon emissions.

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