Loud & Angry

“Councilor Kerry Gauthier said he plans to support the proposed ordinance, especially after witnessing the effects of K2 on a neighbor boy who ‘got loud and angry’ after smoking the stuff.”



about 14 years ago

Uhg.  Just uhg.


about 14 years ago

Well, every single person I have ever seen consume alcohol becomes "loud and angry," so we better make alcohol illegal ASAP.


about 14 years ago

Let's make coffee illegal too...since caffeine can make some people louder and more easily agitated.


about 14 years ago

If a person "got loud and angry" about the ban, would he then change his position?


about 14 years ago

They should pass a law that makes it illegal to smoke anything except the real stuff! Keep it real, keep it organic!


about 14 years ago

Wasabi should also be banned.  It's been known to make many an unsuspecting Scandinavian "loud and angry" when they were expecting something bland instead.


about 14 years ago

Elden...based on the back and forth emails between Fedora and myself on this issue, the answer to your question is "no."

Tony D.

about 14 years ago

Fascinating: synthetic marijuana that has the opposite affect of marijuana.

I don't hold the product in high regard (pun not intended), but this whole "banning" campaign stinks of "let's find me an easy issue to help me get reelected."

I wonder if any one of our councilors can honestly say he or she has never been too loud after a few legal alcoholic drinks....


about 14 years ago

Lewis Black has made a career out of being loud and angry. Perhaps we should ban him, too.


about 14 years ago

Out of curiosity, does anyone have a decent argument in favor of K2 aside from generic arguments about why the city banning its sale would be ineffective?


about 14 years ago

How does one smoke a large mountain?

(sorry, I tried to keep it to myself)


about 14 years ago

@andy:  No.  I don't have a decent argument FOR the stuff.  I've never tried it.  I have no interest in trying it.  To have an argument FOR this stuff defeats the purpose of having an argument against the act of banning not just this product, but ANY product.  If you have to justify the benefits of anything that has the potential to be banned, then you are basically saying that you agree with the potential of banning items...you just need a reason to do so.

I'm just against the banning of a legal product...especially since the argument that Gauthier and Fedora seem to be making is that this stuff is harmful to kids.  Yet, the ban would effect everyone, adults and kids.  Sorry.  I'm 35 years old.  I am not a fan of some d-bag sitting on the city council in my Northern Hillbilly town telling me what I can and cannot purchase.


about 14 years ago


I'm super against my local "d-bag" (classy term, yo!) legislating against me buying meth or kid-porn. 

Your arguments are waaaaaay too vague.

Bob Loblaw

about 14 years ago


Coming soon to a city council near you - a ban on all CAPS posts on the internet.

The Big E

about 14 years ago

Tony is right--this whole thing strikes me as an effort to manufacture a mini-crisis in order to inflate Fedora's profile.  It seems quite plausible that the product is dangerous to a troubling percentage of the tiny population that purchases it, but I have a suspicion that a primary effect of the publicity over the proposed ban has been to alert a significant number of slackjawed potential customers to its existence.

Bob Loblaw

about 14 years ago

The more corrupt the republic, the more numerous the laws.  ~Tacitus, Annals

What's next?  Are you going to regulate how many sheets of toilet paper I can legally use to wipe my ass?


about 14 years ago

Way to waste council time on a non-issue.


about 14 years ago

Every time they mention banning this crap, Last Place gets a boost in revenue from rubes buying it up.

Sounds like a bunch of crap to me, but hey, to each his own. If the real stuff was legal and regulated we wouldn't be having this conversation.


about 14 years ago

Well, I'm rarely angry but I'm pretty loud. Guess I'm partially ban-able.


about 14 years ago

Big E is right -- Todd Fedora is hoping to raise his profile, perhaps in positioning himself to run for mayor. Thus, his "it's for the kids" proposal to ban a product in local stores that's completely ineffectual. Anyone can buy it elsewhere or online, I am sure. I never even heard of this stuff before Councilor Fedora started complaining about it.


about 14 years ago

But the whole council (minus Anderson) voted to ban the stuff, not just Fedora.  In fact, isn't the topic of this thread in regards to Gauthier's ridiculous reasons for wanting to ban "fake weed"?


about 14 years ago

The only thing the DNT article/news coverage did for me was to make me want to go buy some and see what all the fuss is about. The ban was passed, but doesn't go into effect for 30 days...time to stock up! hahaha


about 14 years ago

Lola, that is exactly the unintended consequence of all this public outcry about the substance. People are going to want to check it out, duh. There's no such thing as "bad" publicity.


about 14 years ago

I have dealt with a child that has been in treatment over the summer for a drug addiction. It is an alternative drug that we really have no idea what it will do to us or our children in the future. I know that it just may do more damage then the real thing in the long run.  I know that it alters thinking and decision making and I don't need that to deal with along with everything else my child has been through and put me through.  One less thing in my eyes the better ... just coming from a mothers point of view.


about 14 years ago

Patricia, I honestly feel for you.  Really I do.  However, why is it that every example of how horrible this stuff is involves kids yet the ban is across the board.  The ban has nothing to do with keeping children from purchasing this stuff, but banning it entirely.  The ban assumes that adults are unable to make their own decisions even though every example of why the ban is being put into place involves children.

Bob Loblaw

about 14 years ago

Everyone on the city council voted for the ban because to vote no would have been political suicide.

Thus the reason politics is not only ineffective but actually harmful.


about 14 years ago

Well, Fedora probably lost my previously very loyal vote over this issue...along with plenty of my friends in the neighborhood.  We shall see how this plays out.

Carl Miller

about 14 years ago

Alcohol is sooooo not dangerous.  Have you not seen all of the wonderful drivers on the bridge coming back from superior after 2am?  I mean what skill, blood alcohol levels rising and trying to beat the blue and white.


Why does DNT choose to use disinformation to get its point across? 

"CANNABIS CRACKDOWN" - I doubt if the man was smoking the best of the best indica he would be getting into high speed chases.  Thanks DNT for blurring the lines yet again.  THE STUFF IS NOT EVEN CLOSE TO BEING CANNABIS!


about 14 years ago

I'm quaking in my boots.


about 14 years ago

Lots of my friends smoke the stuff all the time. Good guys too, usually supervisors and management position people. It "was" a legal way for an honest guy to catch a buzz in a pretty harmless manner, or thats what it came across from my point of view. I dont smoke the stuff myself, gotta stay sharp you see, but there has been a definite lack of axe wielding or seizures in my immediate circle, even though over half of them partake. I'm probably on the wrong side of this one too, so go ahead and let me know why...


about 14 years ago

"Don't worry officer...it's legal."

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