As of a little over a year ago (the most recent figures I could find) coal was $103.90 per dmtu and taconite was $101.00 per dmtu (dmtu= dry metric tonne unit).
Nice figures, TimK. My initial guesses were that tacontie was worth more, but the coal pile looks bigger (to me). Now I learn they are worth roughly the same - then I guess coal is the victor. However, dmtu measures mass and not volume. Taconite seems more dense...probably still significantly more coal. I'm going with coal.
The real question:
Which "Earth-Booty" pays for more 8am Jack and Cokes at Our Place in Finland (MN) on a typical Tuesday morning?
Answer: low-grade taconite.
Oh yeah, that's a great idea. Get rid of jobs and shipping that help make Duluth what it is. I'm all for enjoying the bounty of or city, but come on. Bayfront, canal, and the north shore are sufficient for me!
about 14 years agoTimK
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about 14 years agoTom Maloney
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about 14 years ago