Canal Theft Park

It always sucks to have something stolen from you. Recently (within the past 3-4 days) I was sitting down on the north side of the pier right by the bridge with some friends, when I walked away to go back to my car, realizing: Oh wow, I forgot my backpack! So, not even 5 minutes had passed, and when I went back to get it, it was gone. I thought, “Oh, someone just picked it up and will read my contact info on the inside and call me later.” That never happened. It was a black Duluth Pack that was given to me from my girlfriend, and then inside was my favorite pea green sweater ever, my iPod Classic, and then my headphones. In the front pocket was a whole lot of fun stuff too. So, I’m just saying, if anyone has it, please return it. I’d be so thankful and probably give you a few bucks for being an awesome person and returning it. If I find you wearing it, I’m going to have to punch you.


Paul Lundgren

about 15 years ago

I'm no fan of thieves, but a Duluth Pack with a pocket full of "a whole lot of fun stuff," would be a tough thing to return.

I think most people wouldn't think twice about tracking down the owner of the bag if it just had an iPod and a sweater in it. But because there is "fun stuff" involved, I think the finder will likely feel that destiny brought that pack to him or her.


about 15 years ago

I hate losing sweaters, let alone favorite sweaters.

My condolences.


about 15 years ago

Forget the stuff; the backpack is the thing.

Bad Cat!

about 15 years ago

That totally sucks!


about 15 years ago

Wow, I am so sorry some jerk would take your backpack with all the cool stuff in it. I hope it turns up. I lost this cool black blazer once and have been searching for it ever since.


about 15 years ago

Actually, the backpack, iPod, and headphones were all different gifts from people. So they all kinda were the things. The sweater was a hand-me-down, special to me. ;(


about 15 years ago

No good, all replaceable stuff at least.  Well except for the sweater.  It's enough to put a damper on your day thats for sure. I had my sub and amp stolen from the back of tower ave tavern last Friday night/ morning.  Our businees has been burgled once and vandalized twice now, also on Tower Ave.  Just remember karma will will insue, be sure you don't do anything to bring the bad vibes back to you.


about 15 years ago

Mean People Suck. Once I got a bag stolen out of my car (shattered window) and inside was my new book about Random Acts of Kindness.


about 15 years ago

We need a new CCC to get these thieving bastards jobs.


about 15 years ago

I'm all for starting a vigilante mob.  I always wanted an excuse to buy a torch and pitchfork.


about 15 years ago

A buddy and I recently had an iPhone, iPod, and a GPS stolen out of a vehicle.  We were gone for less than 20 minutes on 7 Bridges Road fishing, and came back to a shattered window and all electronics gone.  The feeling that you get after being robbed like that really sucks.  I hope you get your bag back.


about 15 years ago

Is there any chance there is a surveilence camera covering that area that you could perhaps get the footage from? I would think that most of the lift bridge area is covered by cameras somewhere (and that isn't just because I am paranoid...really)

Tom Maloney

about 15 years ago

I came up with a philosopy that has helped ease my loss of stuff...even really fun stuff.

Theives are idoits.  You can replace those lost things eventually; however; that theif must continue to walk the path of lameness for the rest of his/her life.  Or, reconsile - which would be a ton of work for such a loser.  So, be thankfull that it's just a backpack and stuff - the thief is surrounded by lameness.


about 15 years ago

I am sorry that someone took your things. It is an awful feeling you get when you know someone has violated you. I had my purse stolen from my car about 24 years ago. In that purse was money, keys to my house and just girl stuff, but in my wallet was a letter that my father had written to me ... the only one in my life. It meant more to me then I can write, but it's gone and I still carry angry feelings for the person. I know I need to get over it. But what gives anyone the right to just take something? I found money on a train once, $1,200 in cash on the floor in the womens' bathroom. I could have took it, but the feeling of finding the person that was looking for it and giving it back could never be replaced. It's not that hard to be a good decent person. Hope you get it back.


about 15 years ago

My 13 year old recently had a nylon sport bag stolen from the Encounter downtown... during Thursday night "skate church" no less. Inside was his cell along with a new ball cap and head phones he'd bought with $ earned mowing lawns. 

Thieves suck. Hope yours does the right thing and returns your bag.


about 14 years ago

Funny thing is I lived in Canal Park for a year. I had my Directv Truck parked outside filled with thousands of dollars of equipment. Granted I didn't pay for the dishes and receivers, anyway; I never had anyone even try to get into my truck. The only bullshit I dealt with is people in my parking space when I got home from an 18 hour shift.

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