Murder House on a Foggy Day
Reading Duluth News Tribune reporter Brandon Stahl’s series of stories on problem properties in Duluth made me think of the Murder House.
Along with the issues outlined in the story — such as a deadbeat and/or drug-addicted neighbor who can’t manage to do something as simple as put garbage into a garbage can — there are also situations where a neighbor has mental health issues and, in the case of Murder House, paints strange things on his roof and puts up weird signs on the lawn that attempt to explain conspiracy theories.
On one hand, I like to respect the rights of property owners — whether they are mentally ill or not — to turn their homes into pieces of expressionist art or whatever. On the other hand, it must be quite trying to live next to one of these places. One of the neighboring homes to the Murder House is for sale, and I have to imagine it will go for a fraction of its rightful price. The challenges of living in a free country, I guess.
And now, to cheer you all up after all that, here’s a lilac bush. Ain’t they lovely this time of year?
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about 15 years agowatergirl
about 15 years agowildgoose
about 15 years agoPaul Lundgren
about 15 years agoJPersch
about 15 years agoBad Cat!
about 15 years agoRae
about 15 years agoTerry G.
about 15 years agoBrandon Stahl
about 15 years agoPaul Lundgren
about 15 years agoTerry G.
about 15 years agoPaul Lundgren
about 15 years agoLithis
about 15 years agoPaul Lundgren
about 15 years agoJude
about 15 years agoJude
about 15 years agoWes Scott
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about 15 years agoRyan
about 15 years agoJude
about 15 years agoAnon
about 14 years agoEm
about 14 years agoBad Cat!
about 14 years agoPaul Lundgren
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