Very funny, Google. Very funny.



about 14 years ago

Look at it this way -- it's a joke. If they'd put "Duluth" up there, then people would be laughing at Duluth. Today, people are laughing at the idea of Google changing its name to Topeka and how ridiculous that is.


about 14 years ago

But it is a reminder that everybody interested in Google fiber coming here should remain active, drumming up support for the effort.  The applications are in, but now they are evaluating them, so we need to do what we can to influence.


about 14 years ago

Whatever happened to the Google movie?

Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

I'm sure it's still in production. I think it's only been about two weeks since they started shooting.


about 14 years ago

Does this mean Topeka won?


about 14 years ago

@ Vicarious, of course not! It's an April Fool's joke! The deadline was last week, Google is going to make site visits, and the decision for "at least one city and maybe more" may take months.


about 14 years ago

I want every Google employee to rename their first born child "Duluth" or "Duluthina."


about 14 years ago

That is awesome, actually.  I'm not gonna lie it grates on me a tiny bit, because I worked (and am working) on the campaign.  But it also shows extreme props to some people for having fun and playing around with the Fiber to Home RFI, and Duluth-Superior was a clear leader there.  

It's also gonna be awesome press for Google.  And Google fiber.


about 14 years ago

Oh, I forgot it was April 1st.

(On a snarky side note: We never start letters/emails/Facebook messages/etc. with the "@" symbol. Why has the Twitter protocol bled into nearly all internet communication? When I email my Mom, I don't start with "@Mom, how are you? Is it mainly used in forums such as PDD where there may be multiple persons to reply to? Why do so loathe modern trends?" 

This has been your Morning Moment of Snark.)


about 14 years ago

I also loathe forgetting to type key letters in words when I'm trying to make a point. Sorry to steal the thread. Paul, delete as necessary.


about 14 years ago



about 14 years ago

@ Vicarious. . . WHOOPS!

Dear Vicarious, My bad. I stand corrected. I don't even Twitter, so there's no excuse. And the whole "C" and "U" and using letters and numbers for words business is also ridiculous.



about 14 years ago

Nothing personal, Claire. I just think it's an odd trend.


about 14 years ago

I did not take it personally Vicarious. It IS an odd trend, like, as I pointed out the short-hand in vogue, like "C U". Are we all just getting lazy when communicating online?


about 14 years ago

Joke, perhaps.  April Fools, mayhaps.  Either way I'm pissed.  Enough of this nice guy shit, I say we go get 'em.  Ass kicking train to Kansas leaving in one hour!  Who's coming with?

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