February 2010 Posts

Duluth KCWV-TV Channel 27

Have any of you noticed Duluth has a new broadcast TV station? Is anyone able to get decent reception of it?

The station runs programming from the My Family TV network, which features “programming to entertain, educate and edify,” including “uplifting spiritual” shows. In other words, a bunch of preaching and paid programming with some Andy Griffith and Bonanza mixed in.

Duluth Precinct Caucus Information

Precinct Caucus Information
February 2, 2010

Precinct caucuses are meetings organized by Minnesota’s political parties to begin the process of selecting candidates for the 2010 election and policy positions to shape the party platform. Caucuses are held in locations across Minnesota, are open to the public, and participation is encouraged.

To find your precinct caucus, go to www.sos.state.mn.us (MN Secretary of State).