What: Informational Picket
Who: Lake Superior News Guild and supporters
When: Thursday, Feb. 25, noon to one
Where: In front of the Duluth News Tribune, 424 W. 1st Street
Why: The members of the Lake Superior Newspaper Guild would be glad to take a pay cut, but what we want in exchange from the paper’s owners, Forum Communications, is protection of jobs. Instead of working with the Guild, however, the company continues to lay off workers and diminish the quality of the paper. Help us send a message to Forum management that the Guild is more than willing to sit down at the bargaining table to achieve the savings the company desires in exchange for saving jobs here in Duluth. Tell the company that what it’s done to your newspaper is wrong. If you value having a newspaper in Duluth, please come out and support us. If you can’t make it, feel free to send an email to Forum owner Bill Marcil at [email protected] to let him know you’re concerned about the paper and you support the Guild’s efforts.
Cover: Free!