November 2009 Posts

Duluth 2009 General Election Results

These are the final numbers.

Still no mandate on the school district’s long-range facilities plan. Half of the opponents of the plan were elected, and half were not. Jim Stauber is the comeback kid in the at-large city council race.

Duluth Second District City Councilor
Patrick Boyle – 2,543 | 78%
Rob Wagner – 668 | 21%

Duluth Fourth District City Councilor
Kerry Gauthier – 1,932 | 52%
Gordon Grant – 1,779 | 48%

Duluth At-large City Councilor
Top two candidates are elected
Dan Hartman – 9,322 | 26%
James Stauber – 9,045 | 25%
Beth Olson – 8,851 | 25%
Becky Hall – 8,256 | 23%

Question 1: Amending the city charter so the mayor can appoint a communications and policy officer and a community relations officer.
Yes – 10,797 | 59%
No – 7,431 | 41%

Question 2: Amending the city charter so city employees are not required to take a leave of absence from city employment to run for any political office, except city offices or Duluth’s board of education.
No – 9,069 | 50.07%
Yes – 9,044 | 49.93%

Duluth District One School Board
Ann Wasson – 2,925 | 54%
Marcia Stromgren – 2,513 | 46%

Duluth District Four School Board
Art Johnston – 1,972 | 53%
Laura Condon – 1,770 | 47%

Duluth At-large School Board
Top two candidates are elected
Tom Kasper – 11,757 | 32%
Mary Cameron – 8,960 | 24%
Nancy Nilsen – 8,308 | 22%
Maureen Booth – 7,975 | 21%

Yoshikas Sauna: Seventeen years of Memories in Duluth’s Friendly West End


From 1991 to 2008, Yoshikas Sauna served the West End with its famous  “erotic” massages. Everyone in town knew prostitution was going on there, but somehow the long arm of the law seemed to ignore it.

It was finally shut down when the city decided not to grant a massage establishment license to owner Suzy Woo-Young in November 2008. (Woo-Young had operated Yoshikas without a license all those years, and decided to finally apply for one. Oops.)

Kevin Lund bought the building and had it torn down last Thursday.

Any Yoshikas memories for the record, PDD commenters? (You know, stories that won’t gross us all out.)

By the way, people always called the place “Yoshiko’s Sauna.” The News Tribune refers to it as “Yoshiko Sauna,” which is also how it appeared in the phone book. The sign (pictured above) said “Yoshikas Sauna,” so I spell it that way. It seems like there should be a possessive apostrophe, but I’m not sure who or what a Yoshika is.

CleanBar – Sober Networking Event


I am proud to say I went to the same high school as this guy…

22 Year Old runs for Mayor of Minneapolis on the ‘Is Awesome’ party.

And with instant run-off voting, for the first time ever in tomorrow’s race, who knows, he may have a shot.

No Can Haz Drunken La-z-boy

Only a few hours left in the infamous motorized La-z-boy auction, and it’s nowhere to be found on ebay! Anyone know what happened to it?

Oh well. If I can’t have an infamous motorized La-z-boy, I can at least bid on this.

Remember to vote

Tuesday, Nov. 3, municipal elections will be held in Duluth. Vote early, vote often.

AFSCME’s endorsed candidates are: Kerry Gauthier, Beth Olson, Daniel Hartman, and Patrick Boyle. If you are a public employee, my wife is probably going to knock on your door or call you tonight. Be nice.

Last call on the $100 drawing

PDDMarketingWeasel89457Perfect Duluth Day’s readership survey will end at 8 p.m. Tuesday, when the election polls close.

If you haven’t already surrendered your private information in order to be eligable to win the drawing, you have until then. Click here for a chance to win $100 from PDD.

The drawing will be held Wednesday morning, and the winner will be announced in the comments of the original post, which is linked above.

10 Days to the Charter for Compassion

Like and, this is another product of the TED Conferences.

Charter for Compassion trailer from TED Prize on Vimeo.

NaNoWriMo Write-ins

What is this NaNoWriMo you speak of?

National Novel Writing Month, of course!! For the month of November, join the masses of delusional word hungry authors-to-be in writing a complete novel–50,000 words! Winners, and participants, get to savor the victory of embarking on a crazy journey that will leave others slack jawed and amazed.

