November 2009 Posts

Storytelling events tonight

Thursday, Nov. 19, 6 p.m.
9th Annual Tellabration Family Storytelling event at Grant School, located at 1027 N 8th Ave. E., Duluth, MN. Tellers will include: Rachel Nelson, Harold Kallio, Rose Arrowsmith DeCoux, Elizabeth Nordell and Carol Lee and Sparky. Refreshments! Free! Non-perishable food item appreciated. ?s: 733-7016

Thursday, Nov. 19, 8:15 p.m.
“Wit, Wisdom and Whatever..” a Tellabration Adult Storytelling event at Dubh Linn’s Pub, The Murphy Room, 109 W Superior St., Duluth, MN. Tellers will include: Rachel Nelson, Rose Arrowsmith DeCoux, Elizabeth Nordell and Carol Lee, Tom Martinson and Harold Kallio.$5. ?s: 724-3484

SNL Skit: Duluth Live! from 2006

I had been trying to find this clip for ages, turns out it was right under my nose at I’m not sure if this has posted before, but I’d thought I’d share it anyways. Enjoy.

UPDATE: Sadly, there is no longer an embeddable version of the video online, but it is available on

More harsh online criticism of the Duluth News Tribune

Just when PDD had gone a full month without a post specifically targeting the local daily newspaper, Business North coughs this up for us to share:

DNT Web ‘deep’ linking challenged

Get it Local Gift Fair – Dec. 5

Saturday, Dec. 5 – 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Peace United Church of Christ, 1111 N. 11th Ave E.

This is the 3rd year for the fair that has over 25 local artists and a mix of nonprofits providing key services and support in the area.

What you will find there: artwork, pottery, jewelry, felted and sewn items, and so many unique items.

New this year-Make & Take station

Get Great Stuff local gift fair – Dec. 8

Shop the evening of Tuesday, Dec. 8 at Duluth Congregational Church, 3833 E. Superior St. Open shopping time: 4:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Do some holiday shopping after work. Many local-made and creative gift items will be available for purchase. Over 20 artists will be participating. Pottery, books, sewn items, jewelry, cards, healing pads, diamond willow items, T-shirts, chocolates, and more.

For more information, contact 525-5098 or [email protected]. These fairs are brought to you by

U2 + TCF/UofM = -beer

U2 is booked to play at the University of Minnesota’s TCF Bank Gopher football stadium in Minneapolis on June 27. Tickets go on sale Saturday (11/21) at 10 a.m.

Interesting footnote: No alcohol will be served. The U of M does not allow it.

Please let me know what you think about the proposed Duluth Art Office

The Duluth Art Office is my proposal to make Duluth artists, musicians, actors, directors, dancers, unicyclists, squirrel trainers, cartoonists, writers, publishers, gallery owners, and etc. rich(er) and happy(ier). I’m proposing to set up shop as an advocate for Duluth’s arts workers here and in the larger world, linking them with potential clients using a database of their work, connecting them with small business assistance to set up business plans and accounting systems, helping them with grants info and writing, and doing a host of other things. Read the proposal on the Duluth Art Office blog, and please comment–I need to know what you need in order to design this thing.

Also, if anyone feels that I would be duplicating what you do– that is not my intention at all! This is meant to be a liaison service, connecting artists and arts orgs, as well. Please help me with constructive criticism.


Ann Klefstad

Duluth Recreational Hockey Groups, Pickup Games, etc.

Is there an adult (I use that term loosely) recreational hockey group in town? A variety of Google searches leaves me without answers.

Better yet, how about a women’s group? Ely has a successful group, Chix with Stix, and I would love love love if we had something like this in town.

If the answer is no, then who’s in to get this going?

Music for Hibernation


Friday, Nov. 20
doors @ 6 | music @ 7
A night of good times and positive vibes!
Come have fun!

A walking tour of Target Field

Minnesota Public Radio producer Jim Bickal took a walking tour of the future home of the Minnesota Twins, which is still under construction. Click here to check out his report. It’s pretty cool.

Violet Days in Nov. Funny Times


Not only is Violet Days in the November issue of Funny Times, but Twiggy the waterskiing squirrel is shown skiing in Duluth!


We’re (in)famous [1]:

Barry Saunders, “Junket Doesn’t Help Kids” Raleigh News & Observer, 12 November 2009.

Why is it that these indispensible conferences that state employees are always jetting to never take place in cities such as Duluth, Minn., in January or Gary, Ind., anytime?”

[1] [For definitions of “infamy” extending to well-worn stereotypes cited by minor newspapers.]

DNT blogs.

Don’t know if anyone has commented on this yet, but is it just me or do some of the DNT blogs kinda look similar to PDD? Specifically the Education and Attic blogs.

Sex offender “roach motel”

The Minnesota Sex Offender Program has failed to rehabilitate a single patient. Each person enrolled costs the state $134,000 annually.


Cowboys, where do you get your clothes?

Is there anywhere in Duluth/Superior/Proctor/Hermantown that sells western wear? Not so much the Wranglers and Levis, but the western-style collared, button/snap front shirts?