Duluth in song and video

The pictures and the lyrics seem to be sending mixed messages.  I wonder, if a blind person and a deaf person experienced this music video, what would their discussion about their perceptions of our fair city be like?


Danny G

about 15 years ago

Hmmm.  Where have I heard that song before?

Paul Lundgren

about 15 years ago

Yes, this video has been posted on PDD before, but it's been a while and Bret provides a different spin with his presentation.


about 15 years ago

I actually think the music video is being intentionally self-deprecating.  The song is some of that unpretentious, self-deprecating Duluthian state of mind that I love so much, but the pictures show what we really have up here!

Danny G

about 15 years ago

If you're interested in Duluth-themed music/slideshows on youtube, here's one I threw together a while back:



about 15 years ago

I think it's kinda unfair.  There are plenty of employed alcoholics in Duluth as well.

Paul Lundgren

about 15 years ago

It's been over six years since Vinnie and the Stardusters composed that song.

Bobby is right. There are more employed alcoholics these days, at least compared to other cities. 

Duluth's unemployment rate has been lower than both the state and national rates for five months now.


about 15 years ago

"The song is some of that unpretentious, self-deprecating Duluthian state of mind that I love so much, but the pictures show what we really have up here!"

I live in a damp hovel, my feet stink, my '91 Aerostar don't run, and I'm wearing Zubaz. But just look at those waves!

Olaf Benjaminsen

about 15 years ago

I would venture a guess that Kim Rudolph wouldn't be happy about her photographs of Duluth being used in such a crappy video.

Tony D.

about 15 years ago

And Oly, I recognized some of Dennis O'Hara's pics as well--and he wouldn't be happy either. Selling photos is how he makes his living.


about 15 years ago

FYI, I found this video on youtube while doing some random "Duluth" searchs.  I had nothing to do with creating it.

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