
There’s an entry on the DNT’s Attic blog about milkmen. Which made me want a milkman to come to my house and bring me delicious dairy-ness. I tried to find someone online, but either my Google-fu is failing me, or the milkman has become extinct.

Anybody doing this still?



about 15 years ago

my nieghbor gets milk deliveries....never payed attention to the name on the truck time I see it I'll let you know.


about 15 years ago

It looks like this place from the Range does deliveries in Duluth:


Aysta Dairy from the Range used to deliver to Duluth... but I'm not sure if they do any more. Their Web site is


about 15 years ago

We have a milkman in Duluth..It is called Tim's Dairy. Owned by Tim Waltz on 3517 Trinity Road. Our milkmans name is Ross and we love having him. Saves us trips to the store.Only bad thing is making sure your schedule matches up with milkmans. They also have hormone free milk. and lots of other food products. The number is 218)727-1956


about 15 years ago

You know what Stuart? I like you. You're not like the other people here in the trailer park. Oh no, don't get me wrong, they're fine people—good Americans. But they're content to sit back, maybe watch a little Mork and Mindy on channel 57. Maybe kick back a cool Coors 16-ouncer.

They're good fine people, Stuart. But they don't know what the queers are doing to the soil.

The Big E

about 15 years ago

I believe Aysta's Duluth delivery operation might have been bought out by Dahl's.  We know a number of people who use Dahl's and seem happy enough.


about 15 years ago

I *heart* dead milkmen.


about 15 years ago

Dahl's Sunrise Dairy is fantastic milk. You can try it out by getting some at the Co-op. The delivery people are really great and someday soon, Wayne Dahl is going to start making ice cream, which will be awesome.


about 15 years ago

One thing about having a milkman is that it does cost more.  

But NOT so fast.  This is something I have been considering suggesting as a recession money saving tip.  You see, grocery stores are designed with the milk in the far back corner because .... everyone is going there for milk.  

In our case by getting milk, bread and a couple of other things from the milk man we save on trips to the store, but we also save on all of the crap we would have boughtEN if we had gone to get milk ourselves.  So, I really think it's cheaper.  Plus it does save time, and there is a quality of life issue with having a milk man -- it makes life better.  One more personalized business relationship in an increasingly depersonalized world.  Plus I get a kick out of the big milk truck pulling up in front of out house in the hillside, it's so Mayberry, yet in an urban setting.  That's Duluth, folks.  Love it or leave it.  (lol)


about 15 years ago

if nothing else this thread finally inspired me to find where Tetzner's Dairy was... finally.

and no they aren't going to deliver to you, but they have mighty fine ice-cream and in a world of ever diminishing sources for HFC free ice-cream that is good.


about 15 years ago

Tim Waltz and Tim's Dairy is currently being investigated by the MN and WI Depts of agriculture for various and numerous violations.  He has been delivering dairy in WI for over 2 years and has never had a dairy or food license in that state according to inspector for Douglas county.  He delivers to St. Francis Nursing Home in Superior, the Red Mug and the Hammond.  WOW!!!  I wouldn't buy a pint of yogurt from a business that isn't regulated.


about 15 years ago

Who is Gordy?  

Can I get a fact check, here?  That is a pretty serious allegation to lay out on a small business without any corroboration.  It would be one thing if it was at least funny, like Ramos  does on Custom Cab, but this one is just ... serious.


about 15 years ago

No kidding, Wildgoose.


about 15 years ago

fact check?  call the depts of ag in MN and WI.  pretty simple.  the dairy and food inspector in this for the WI area is bill rescheske.  quite easy to find.  ever seen the internet?  wow!

Jinghai Niu did the investigation in MN	
[email protected] 	Dairy & Food Inspection Division 	651-201-6679

Princess Wild Cow

about 15 years ago

Here is what I know about "Gordy." There is no Gordy, this is a person with a personal beef regarding this business and is under investigation for this at this time. With a potential lawsuit in the offing, "Gordy" needs to examine the laws of karma. The investigators I have talked with have mentioned the implied presence of harassment and its consequences are being looked into. "Gordy" has been in contact with numerous businesses in the community and when attempts are made to reply to his comments, the phone numbers turn out to be "spoofed" and the emails are temporary addresses. Please let it be noted that with all of the investigations that have been conducted to this point in time, there have been no violations that have been instituted against Tim's Dairy and I will continue to use this service and would be willing to meet "Gordy" to discuss this in person if he would like to. With a witness, of course.


about 15 years ago

Thanks for the info Princess WC. It seemed like he had an axe to grind.  I emailed the investigator that he listed but have gotten no response.  

On a sad note we have had to cut out the milk man for now, budgetary considerations.  Hopefully some others can take up the slack for them, it is a wonderful service.

posting boy

about 15 years ago

Peculiar...Princess Wild Cow in "her" post is apparently a customer of Tim's Dairy, yet knows all about the "numerous" investigations into his business, and has even talked to investigators (plural) and even knows about all the businesses this fake "Gordy" has been in contact with.  This customer even wants to meet "Gordy" to talk about it.  That's brand loyalty hey?  Doesn't really pass the red face test for me.  And yes, posting boy is not my real name.

Princess Wild Cow

about 15 years ago

Not odd at all, boy....I heard many of the rumors and did my own investigating; hust as anyone can do. These are matters of public record.  Moo-ving on.

Melanie W

about 15 years ago

You are correct Princess WC (to a point).  These are matters of public record if the agency is willing to release info.  They all seem to have their own rules.  The problem is in your earlier statement, "with all of the investigations that have been conducted to this point in time, there have been no violations that have been instituted against Tim's Dairy"  That unfortunately is not true.  I did some research and he was found in violation of many statutes relating to consumer protection, and was issued citations carrying heavy fines.  The issuing agencies are: The Wisc. Dept. of Agric. for failure to obtain a license to distribute dairy or food.  The FMCSA (a div. of the U.S. Dept. of Transportation) issued an "Order to Cease Operation" (OCO) against them in Oct. of 2008.  The Wisc. State Patrol also joined the party in Oct. of this year and stopped them at the Hammond in Superior costing him a few more bucks.  He seems to be in full compliance at present, so we're hoping he gets out there and lands more wholesale accounts.  We'll be watching closely as that happens to make sure everything is done on the up & up.  I am curious about this Ross that mistystarr mentions above.  I think the name is Russ and he used to be with Aysta.  They went out of business on the dairy side.  His name rings a bell from way, way back but not sure why.  I've got  some feelers out on him so will post more later.

Princess Wild Cow

about 15 years ago

Yea  Melanie, you are a much better investigator than I appear to be. I am glad that the problems that were cited earlier had nothing to do with the health issues regarding their products. This is a local business and I support the concept of following laws and correcting problems. If these have been addressed and rectified, let's get behind all of the area businesses we can. Thanks for the info.

posting boy

about 15 years ago

hey princess.  what do you mean, "the health issues regarding their products?"  i don't remember reading anything about health issues.  the only thing i ever read about was formalities regarding licenses and inspections.  that's nothing, but product safety is different.  wouldn't that be the dept. of health and not the dept. of ag?


about 15 years ago

am i the only person who finds this redundant, irritating and a teeny bit creepy?


about 15 years ago

No, you are not.  It is not only irritating,redundant and so very obvious that this person (Melanie, posting boy, Gordy...) has a personal beef against this local businessman.  CREEPY TO SAY THE LEAST.


about 15 years ago

DNFTT   'wow' :)


about 15 years ago

local businessman?  a personal beef? he's not even local?  he's from the cities dudes!  wake up...been here since '07 and that's it.


about 15 years ago

What do you mean you have feelers out on him? He is an employee..what does an employee have to do with licensing? What is your stake in this investigation that makes you have feelers out?

Cliff's Arm Candy

about 15 years ago

I agree with Loretta...CREEPY... sounds like Melanie, posting boy, gordy...are personally attacking a local businessman.  Sounds rather libelous to me.  If I'm not happy with a business, I moooove on.


about 15 years ago

nice...that's 4 identities in just this post tim.  at least try to use different words and phrases next time so it's not so blatantly obvious that it's you.  i just don't see any personal attacks here against anyone, except yours (as princess wc) against gordy.  which post should i be reading to find them?  libelous is sure a big word, but unfortunately it does not apply if what's written is true. *SNAP

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