Job opportunity: Become the leader of Duluth’s music scene bureaucracy

HomegrownChicken2The Homegrown Music Festival is looking for a director to follow in the footsteps of Paul Connolly, who has stepped down from the position.

Homegrown is Duluth’s yearly celebration of local music, featuring eight days of concerts with performances by well over 100 bands.

The 12th annual Homegrown will be held May 2 to 9, 2010.

The festival director is responsible for the overall management of Homegrown.

The job entails the following:

  • Tracking the festival’s finances and balancing its budget, while maintaining records of all invoices, receipts and expenditures, and filing necessary tax information and other reports in a timely manner.
  • Managing communication with bands, steering committee members, media, festival staff, volunteers, the general public and the festival’s fiscal agent, the Bridge Syndicate.
  • Promoting the festival, and developing and maintaining a business plan for it.
  • Rawking and/or rolling in accordance with the spirit of Homegrown.

Strong organizational and communication skills are a must, due to the size of the festival and number of parties involved. Diplomacy is of the utmost importance, as the festival includes between 100 and 150 acts, each with its own preferred color of M&Ms.

This position requires an intense time commitment in the spring, but light workload throughout the rest of the year. It is an independent contractor position, with pay based on the festival’s annual budget.

To apply, please send a brief e-mail, with a resume attached, to duluthhomegrown @ by Sept. 15.



about 15 years ago

Paul Connolly has consistently done a great job!

Paul Lundgren

about 15 years ago

Amen. Connolly did a great job, and Homegrown is indebted to him.


about 15 years ago

Gartman Gartman Gartman I say


about 15 years ago

I nominate Paul Lundgren.


about 15 years ago

i'll do it, but only if i can carry the title of "Czar."

I actually do have a ton of festy organizing experience (green man 25 or so other festies under my belt as both a crew member and leader...)...


about 15 years ago

I will be organizing a frothing mass of FOX TV puppets to "protest" this undemocratic "election" of the new Dictator of the Great Annual Deviant Leftist "Art" Festival.


about 15 years ago

Without the Red Lion, Homegrown will never be the same.


about 15 years ago

zra.  do it.  you want it.

p.s. hello freaks.

Paul Lundgren

about 15 years ago

I nominate Starfire.


about 15 years ago

I paid my dues.


about 15 years ago

I'd do it if I get free child care.


about 15 years ago

Is there a dental plan?

Paul Lundgren

about 15 years ago

Homegrown dental plan: Wear a mouth guard during mosh pits and crowd surfs.


about 15 years ago

I nominate Jason Cork.


about 15 years ago

Crickets for the most part? Where did all the "Well, what you guys should do" people go? Curious.


about 15 years ago

Thanks, Godsey. 

If I lived in Duluth, I'd do it. [In fact, I probably would have been doing it.]

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