Thank you so much for playing along.
Please add your own Larry adventures.
We look forward to your contributions.
Please let us know if you have any problems submitting.
Greg @ Maki
Larry's Handler
I did this once. Well, something similar with a toy bison. I started out with taking pictures of him on various trips, but eventually I had pictures of that baby all over the world because my friends ended up stealing him and getting his picture taken all over the place. Wish I knew where those pictures were now. I also have some of a toy boat swimming in each of the great lakes and various other places. My friend ran him over in a car outside of Toronto. He was crushed but lives on in a box somewhere. And again, I have no idea what I did with those pictures.
I thought Greg had a pretty good idea here and I was kind of thrilled to have found lobster larry, myself. My cousin took him now and he will next resurface hopefully quite far from here.
about 16 years agowildgoose
about 16 years agogreg
about 16 years ago