Finally (part two)


Soon-to-be (?) U.S. Senator Al Franken, D-Minn.



about 16 years ago

Full text of the opinion:


about 16 years ago

God, I hope so. This b.s. has gone on too long.

Danny G

about 16 years ago

Yes.  Finally.  Because life has been so difficult not knowing who our second Senator is.


about 16 years ago

Our Governor promised he'd sign the papers. We'll see if he does.


about 16 years ago

Time to call/write/email Pawlenty and Coleman to put the pressure on and make sure this ends now.  I'm excited to have Franken's voice on health care, energy, and transportation reform and ending (remember?) two wars.


about 16 years ago

Pawlenty promised to sign the election certificate if directed to do so by the court. It is my understanding that the courts opinion did not so direct him. I expect him to take no action until forced to do so. Coleman will definitely appeal to the US Supreme Court.  Beer is on me if he doesn't.


about 16 years ago

Coleman just conceded according to the DNT.


about 16 years ago

doh- directly after posting I see that Coleman has conceded. I hate being wrong - especially when beer is on the line.

The Big E

about 16 years ago

Hey, how do we cash in on that, dbb?

The Big E

about 16 years ago

Sigh, slow on the draw.  Never mind me.

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