Open Letter


Dear manufacturers of pretty much every electronics product,

Thank you so much for including a plastic sleeve for the owner’s manual. It would truly be a shame if such an important document as an owner’s manual were to ever be damaged by dust or spilled liquids during the two minutes between it coming out of the box and getting jammed into a file cabinet.


Pear Head

about 16 years ago

You put yours in a file cabinet?:

Dear manufacturers of pretty much every electronics product,

Thank you so much for including a plastic sleeve for the owner's manual. It would truly be a shame if such an important document as an owner's manual were to ever be damaged by dust or spilled liquids during the two minutes between it coming out of the box and getting jammed into the trash can.


about 16 years ago

heretofore, the only owner's manual i've dealt with to any great extent (read: grease smudged and personally annotated) was actually the maintenance manuals for my VW...until recently, that is, when I had to install my own water heater.

I'll read through it more than the average Paul, if for no other reason than I actually like reading owner, maintenance and tech manuals.

My SHT guide's starting to look like a typical owner/maintenance manual from my collection.

plastic dust jackets? meh. waste of extruded polyester.


about 16 years ago

Paul Lundgren, you sir are one funny mother fucker.  I needed that huge laugh.  Thank you.

Todd Gremmels

about 16 years ago

More money for the big oil guys, Paul!

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