« July 2008 | Main | September 2008 »

August 31, 2008

3 bedroom home available immediately on Park Point!

Got stiffed on the new roommates so these rooms are rentable right now!

Charming home on Park Point, second floor completely available to rent. We are lake side with direct, private access to the beach. the upstairs has 2.5 bedrooms and full bath. Kitchen, etc are share.

1.5 Bathrooms, washer/dryer, HS internet, off street parking. no pets, one year lease agreement with the landlord (whom I am not, I am a tentant).

Rent is $270. With all utilities it usually works out to be about $350/month. A great deal at a great location.

Give me a call to set up a time to see it!
Marc 218 269-1861

Police Intimidation by MSP Police

it's going to be a week to remember

there's a strange feeling in the air down here in the twin cities. civil unrest doesn't even begin to explain it. i'm expecting some major shenanigans this week. but this is still awesome.

August 30, 2008

Jesus for Canal Park

Have I managed to happily avoid it all in years past, or has the levels of zany Jesus stuff in canal park and downtown really increased in 2008?

It seems I can't go down there without seeing at least one person waving a huge sign. Or sometimes, even better;

PVC Jesus

August 29, 2008

DNT Fans the Flames


The story itself actually has nothing to do with trouble, conflict, noise, garbage, or anything negative at all really. It's just a handful of profiles of nice, wholesome students, along with a graphic explaining student population trends.

The image that ran right above the masthead, however, would lead you to think otherwise. Or maybe they just thought the paper needed a little T&A.

[see also: reader comments]

Sarah Palin

via http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25970882/?GT1=43001

"They have five children. Their son, Track, enlisted in the U.S. Army on Sept. 11, 2007."

I think my inner eagle just got choked up and wept tears of Red, White, and Blue. Is that Lee Greenwood I hear in the distance?

liberty parade featuring my car and retribution

If you're planning on heading to the twin cities this weekend, be sure to check out the Liberty Parade on Sunday. After the parade is a ton of free music including the Retribution Gospel Choir.

Also, my art car the Geo Chalker (www.geochalker.com) has been asked to be in the parade. Because it's an interactive art car, I would need a few people to walk along side it to help hand out chalk. If you've ever wanted to ride in a parade, here's you chance.


The Last of Barrett's Privateers

I'm pretty sure this is the Lake Superior Cacaphonic Choir.

August 28, 2008

As seen in St. Paul

Bike in Duluth?

Friday, September 12, 2008
Noon to 1:00 pm
Location: Conference Room 402
Fourth Floor Duluth City Hall

Creating a Bike-friendly Duluth: Sustainable transportation through bicycling
James Gittemeier, Planner with Duluth-Superior Metropolitan Interstate Council/ARDC
Mimi Stender of Fit City Duluth
Susan Koschak of Bike-Walk Duluth
Background/why bicycling
Bicycle Education overview - rules of the road
Health & Cost Perspective
Infrastructure Ideas for Duluth

For more information contact:218-730-5580

Superior FAIL

Recently seen on Fail Blog:


ride the drunk bus

bus 2.JPG

Weekend ride share to St. Paul

Almost every weekend I and a woman commuting partner go to St. Paul for weekend classes. We leave at about 11:45 a.m. Friday from Central Hillside and arrive at Hamline University on Snelling and Hewitt avenues about 2:30 p.m. We leave St. Paul from the same location at about 4:15 p.m. Sunday, returning to Duluth about 7 p.m. If you or someone you know is interested in riding along and sharing expenses, either one time or on a consistent basis, please have them call 218-206-4699.

We are not going for the Labor Day weekend, but I am going to Twin Cities tomorrow. I will leave Central Hillside at approximately 11:45 a.m., returning to Duluth at about 7 p.m. Wanna share the expense for one way or round trip? Call 218-206-4699.

We're on 'The Hope' !

Rougement and I cordially invite our fellow PDDers to a MoveOn political action group flavored "Obama's Acceptance Speech" gathering tonight at our home in Superior. There'll be munchies, the acceptance speech on the tube, and chit chat.

If you'd like to pop in, send me a quick email and I'll pop back the address and directions.

The Party will start at 8pm. You're welcome to bring a snack or sweetie to share, but no pressure :) We have 2 dogs (who will be kenneled) and a cat, for those who may be allergic or adverse to fur balls.
We also have a small child, so there are 2yrs and under age appropriate toys and play space.

MoveOn.org will be conduction a national conference call at 8:15 that we'll listen in on, detailing the the plan to help Obama win. Obama is expected to speak around 9:00pm.

I'll have information about other MoveOn events happening in the Duluth/Superior area if you're interested in participating. Again, no pressure!

We're on 'The Hope'
Just off Hammond and 21st
28 Aug, 8:00 PM
Location: Superior, WI 54880
Host: Theresa Angus

R.I.P. Del Martin 1921 - 2008

Del & Phyllis.gif

Del Martin died yesterday.

August 27, 2008

Why August needs a holiday


Two scarecrow decorations just showed up in the front of this Duluth home. I say it's too early for fall decorations. I say it's still summer. I say this might explain why it suddenly got cooler.
I'm just saying ...

August 26, 2008

I Think You're All Wrong!


TONIGHT | 08.26


More on John Huggy Bear McMansions

This is a troll-free entry.

August 25, 2008


There are all sorts of free WiFi hot spots in town. How do they do it? Does anyone know the "proper" way to set up a public wireless hot spot? Will a standard consumer-level access point work (allow a sufficient number of simultaneous connections)? Is 802.11n the way to go?

The Violin of Awesomeness

Violin 003.jpg

I'll bet when you woke up this morning, you weren't even considering how much you needed to purchase a violin. I'll bet you have never contemplated how much pure and unadulterated joy that a violin student can bring to your home.

Well, that's why I'm here to give you this golden opportunity!

Violin 002.jpg

My daughter has finished using her violin and we are now looking to unload....er...sell it to a new violin student or an old hat looking for a second fiddle.

In all seriousness, this is a good student violin, it has a couple small scratches but comes with a bow and chin rest and a lovely tapestry case.

Violin 001.jpg

It has been a dependable instrument. I'm not sure of the maker's name but you are welcome to test drive it if you're interested. We purchased it for $300 but will sell it for $150 O.B.O.

Contact me at 525-0046 to check it out.

How to Disable Comments


Because not every post needs to be a conversation.

D/S GLBTAQI Pride starts this Thursday

2008 DuluthSuperior Pride logo1.JPG

Relax, Costas, they didn't mention your hair.


And it really, really happened.

August 24, 2008


I am a daily bicycle commuter, and today I had an experience on my bike that got me riled up... not with a car, but with another biker.

I was riding home to Superior through West Duluth. Coming down Michigan Street past the oredocks, there was a shirtless, helmetless man riding slightly slower than me up ahead. I had almost caught up with him, but then he cruised through a red light at 27th Avenue West.

Being of a personality type that shies away from risky illegal activities unless they serve a good cause, I stopped for the light and waited for it to turn green before proceeding. I once again almost caught up to the shirtless biker.

Now, as a general rule, I try not to be sanctimonious or a party-pooper, but after this man blew through the stop sign at 40th without so much as a sidelong glance at traffic, I decided I was peeved enough to say something. After stopping for the stop sign (which, by the way, traffic from the right does not have to stop at), I pushed hard to catch up to the renegade rider. I gave him a piece of my mind, along the lines that he was endangering himself and others by not following traffic laws, and making all bicyclists look bad to drivers.

Of course he blew me off, something to the effect of "thanks a lot officer." Still, I felt better having at least made the effort to prevent a future bike-car run-in, even though he ran the next stop sign with unphased vigor. But could I have been more effective?

I'd be interested to hear what fellow bicyclists on this blog would have done in a similar situation. Would you have:

A. Ignored him (after all, he's an adult; let him take his own risks)
B. Said something similar to what I did
C. Cut him off and sucker-punched him to the pavement
D. Joined him in some good ol' fashioned law-breaking
E. Something else... (specify)


Not So Secret Detention Facility


I think one a minute is a little bit optimistic, but what do I know about nonviolent demonstration mass arrest processing.

Video here via MnIndy via The Uptake.

Usain Bolt

Hat tip to the Candidate.

August 23, 2008

Zombie Killer

Leslie Hall (of Gem Sweater fame) and Elvira have some useful advice for surviving a zombie invasion.

Bonus points if you caught that it was a Thriller spoof.

Pod, Yurt

The Pod is looking good in the Garden of Ferns.

The Yurt, now six years old, has seen better days.

No sign of sasquatch.

Star Wars Trumpet

I thought this was hilarious! With all the tension and craziness going on around the city, I thought I would share this and give everyone a minute to just laugh. Apparently this was a talent portion of a beauty pageant in New Mexico in 1993. WOW!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wffwg7pA0t8

p.s. If someone could tell me how to post a video easier that would be great! Couldn't figure it out :(

Star Wars Trumpet

I thought this was hilarious! With all the tension and craziness going on around the city, I thought I would share this and give everyone a minute to just laugh. Apparently this was a talent portion of a beauty pageant in New Mexico in 1993. WOW!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wffwg7pA0t8

p.s. If someone could tell me how to post a video easier that would be great! Couldn't figure it out :(

ride in my car

on sunday, august 31st, the liberty parade will roll though minneapolis as an alternative to the protests happening that week. the geo chalker will be rolling in that parade. i would love to have a few bodies help me out by passing out chalk so people can write on the car and also on the sidewalks. i was also thinking (but not positive on this yet) as pushing the car through the parade as a way to help save the environment. it's a geo so it wouldn't be that hard. it would be really cool to find some way to attach bikes to pull it but I don't think that will happen.

if you're going to be in minneapolis and want to ride with the chalker and then enjoy the good times and music at loring park, then come along for the ride.

Library and Park Closings

If you oppose the recent closings of Duluth branch libraries and parks, please take a moment to email your city councilors regarding the issue. Councilors Gardner, Anderson, and Gilbert are working on initiatives to mitigate the closings. Let them know of your support. While you're at it you might as well drop Donny a line as well to let him know you think libraries and parks are essential city services.

At Monday's City Council meeting, there will be a gathering of Duluth citizens speaking out about the closings. Feel free to join in that as well.

Monday August 25th
7:00pm Council Chambers
3rd Floor of City Hall



click here to learn more

August 22, 2008

Help John McCain Count His Houses

Rex Bar @ Fitger's Opens August 29th


August 21, 2008

Commie Soccer in Duluth

One certainly finds odd things when searching for Duluth on various Web sites. For instance the audio clip below found on archive.org is a bit about communist soccer players in Duluth.

sturgeon eel love

sturgeon eel small.JPG
taken today with my camera phone @ 0950.
i guarantee you won't see these boring old uglies while kayaking the great lakes. does anybody know why? (excluding sara k.)

August 19, 2008

show this Friday


Wine Train!


August 18, 2008

Yes, the party is in great shape!

Coleman Hippie.jpg

"If the convention wasn't in St. Paul, I wouldn't be at the convention,"

17 Sandwich Decrease Monday May Cause Closure of Downtown Erbert & Gerbert's


And since we're on the topic, why does Erbert & Gerbert's in Duluth uses delivery vehicles with Wisconsin plates?

let the good times roll...


Conquering Copper Peak


I made my first visit to the Upper Peninsula's Copper Peak ski jump earlier this month. Well worth a stop if you're heading in that direction. Here's a travelogue.

In the middle of nowhere (nowhere = 10 miles north of Bessemer, Mich.), a tower rises from the forests of the Upper Peninsula.

A dusty field in front of a massive hill, topped by a massive ski jump.

A kind-of-rundown chalet at the bottom - ticket sales inside, along with photos and mementos of major world ski jumping competitions from years past. Mostly from the 1970s and early 1980s. Not much since.

$12 a ticket gets you on the chair lift to the top of the 350-foot hill. "Oh, can you bring this backpack up to the guy working at the top? He forgot it down here."

Uneventful chair-lift ride, sharing the double-chair with the backpack. Cargo successfully delivered, next stop is the base of the ski jump.

A salty older woman is running the elevator. Did she just say it was closed yesterday for repairs? And the sign says maximum load four adult passengers... but there are five people inside.

No matter. An uneventful ride eighteen stories up to the observation deck. The woman talks of efforts to refurbish the massive, weather-beaten structure.

Beautiful views for many, many miles in all directions. But we're not at the top. That's another 80 feet up, climbing the stairs and catwalks clinging to the edge of the structure.

Our guide can go no further - bum ankle. So we're on our own. Start by climbing the little wooden staircase alongside the jump - imagine what goes through the minds of ski-jumpers as they make this same climb.


Now onto the metal catwalks - you know you shouldn't look down, but you can't help it. All that stands between you and the trees 200 feet below is a metal grate. You didn't think you had a fear of heights, but now you wonder.

Continuing up. Finally, the top - about 280 feet above the hill, which stands 350 feet above the surrounding area. Take the final catwalk out to the edge to look down the ski jump. Notice that the plywood walls on either side have big holes. Feel the whole structure sway in the wind.

A few minutes, a few photos, and then back down. It's harder going back down, seeing all those steps in front of you and trying to not think about falling forward. Gingerly, take one step at a time.

Finally back to the observation deck. Take the elevator back down. Take the chair lift back down. Take photos showing where you just were. A sense of accomplishment.

It looks like rain - they might have to close for the rest of the day, they say, because they take no chances with lightning. You think of that safety philosophy, and then think of the holes in the plywood walls at the top. Oh, well. You survived the experience, and so have thousands of other people. It was $12 well spent.

Back in the car, back on the road for another U.P. adventure.


August 17, 2008

Never Gonna Give You Up

Sure Shot

[I can't get the last 30 seconds to play but it looks like it's blank anyway. Enjoy. Hat tip to the Candidate.]

Rally/Press Conf. to Save Duluth's Parks & Libraries

protest in response to announced layoffs and cutbacks

[411 West 1st Street]
Rally Speakers:

-Deb Strohm, employment counselor & representative of AFSCME Local 66

-Erin Bates, laid off from Portman Recreation Center

-Sue Schumacher, youth services librarian at Main Library

-Laurie Slattengren, library technician at Main Library and Mt. Royal Library

-Patrons of city parks and libraries
Last week Duluth Mayor Ness surprised AFSCME members with plans to layoff 217 employees in order to balance the city's budget before the end of the year. The cuts will close parks and libraries and diminish other city services that residents of Duluth want and need.

This Friday, 30 AFSCME members expect to receive layoff notices effective September 2. Some of the laid off workers will be available to speak with the media about the impact this will have on them and the vital services they provide.

"The city shouldn't be balancing its budget on the backs of its citizens," says Deb Strohm, an employment counselor and representative of AFSCME Local 66. "A city than can roll out the welcome mat for tourists, can also invest in taking care of the folks who live here."

"City leaders have options to avert the cuts," says Alan Netland, president of AFSCME Local 66. "It's time for citizens to create the political will to protect the services they want and need."

CONTACT: Jennifer Munt: 651-287-0575 work; 651-357-8544 cell

August 16, 2008

Your Grandpa's MPR

Minnesota Polka Radio.

Chili Cook-Off



stupid economy

They're CLOSING the branch libraries?!?!

Oh god, I feel faint. Are they offering grief counseling for library patrons, too?

August 15, 2008

Renegade Announces "Pillowman" auditions

PILLOWMAN poster 4 pdd.jpg

"The Pillowman", by Academy Award-winner Martin McDonagh is an extremely dark comedy about the interrogation of a writer and his brother by two detectives. They are being questioned about the gruesome content of his short stories and their similarities to a series of child murders. This play features amazing roles for actors.

We are seeking 5 men, 1 woman, and a young-looking girl and boy of mature age.
Please prepare 1 storytelling monologue and be prepared to do some cold readings.

Auditions are at 7:00pm on Monday, August 25th at the Teatro Zuccone's upstairs rehearsal space.

Junk/super-awesomeness for sale

If you've been wanting a vintage fiberglass Yakima ski box and a retro Sierra Designs tent to put in it, I've got your hookup right here. These and other delightful items can be seen live and in person at our highly awesome crapatorium garage sale tomorrow, 16 August, 8am-1pm, in the alley behind 4322 Robinson Street in scenic Lakeside.

heading to the cities this weekend? how about $1 pints of Summit?

you may want to take advantage of this awesome happening if you find yourself in the twin cities this weekend. Groveland Tap in St. Paul is having their 3rd annual Summit Summer Celebration this Saturday.  From noon to 10pm, you can get $1 pints of Summit while grooving to some music and enjoying $2 brats.

You had me at the beer.

Photo Show - Carlson Bookstore

The Duluth Photographers Guild is having a photography opening TONIGHT at Dominic's Downtown Tattoo. This photography show will feature various artists work related to the now closed "Carlson Bookstore".

Where: Dominic's Downtown Tattoo
Where: 132 E Superior St, Duluth, MN

When: TONIGHT (Friday 8/15/2008)
Time: 8-10pm



The "Make McCain Exciting" Project

The "Make McCain Exciting Project" II

The "Make McCain Exciting" Project III

August 14, 2008

This Friday!

I’m having a ‘going away’ party this Friday (August 15th) at Beaner’s Central and Thirsty Pagan Brewery. Here are some details:

Beaners Central | $5

Greg Tiburzi
Ashley Northy
Leane Perius
Jessica Myshack
Adam Depre and Chris Kelly
Two Beat Band
Canine Heart Sounds
The Brushstrokes

Thirsty Pagan Brewery | Free

The Modern Antiques
Old Knifey and The Cutthroats
Dave Mehling
More TBA!

Free wine @ Beaners for the first and lucky few!

I’ll be on 91.3 KUWS tonight at 10 or so. I'll be guest DJ'ing w/ Walt Dizzo - selections from Phillip Glass and Talk Talk.
I’ll be on 95.7 the Bridge (Duluth) tomorrow morning @ 8.

I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'


I knew that pic of Don was familiar. I'm surprised that the gonzoSci guys didn't pick on this. Nessfoot or Bigdon ... talk amongst yourselves.


Earlier today, a UMD campus police-officer attached himself to a harness and had another UMD campus police-officer lower him into a storm drain. They did this so that they could fetch my keys.

They are my heroes.

Don't ever drop your keys down the storm drain. You'll feel really stupid. But if you do, do it at UMD, where the campus police are very friendly, and will do all that they can to dispel the shame that you will undoubtedly feel.

August 13, 2008

fairly delightful

Raw Horse Power by d_wooden.
(photo of an illinois draft pull stolen from flickr)

the carlton county fair starts tomorrow, thursday the 14th. the first day's events include the draft horse pull at 6pm. horseracing starts at 1:30 on saturday and sunday. this fair (which is in barnum) is much prettier and more laid back than either the head of the lakes or south st. louis county (proctor) fairs. i highly recommend it.

yet another roommate wanted ad

back view small.jpg

my roommate is moving out--alas!--so i need another. see my craigslist ad.

Pastors for Peace Caravan Report Back

People-power busts US blockade of Cuba!Report-back from the
19th Pastors for Peace Friendshipment
with David Moulton

Monday, August 18
Lafayette Community Center on Park Point

(3026 Minnesota Ave, Duluth)

In July, the NY-based Pastors for Peace successfully challenged the US blockade of Cuba by openly delivering 100s of tons of unlicensed material aid to an NGO in Havana. Along the way they were confronted by US federal agents, threatened with arrest and saw some of their aid confiscated. But nonviolent people-power won out, and Homeland Security was forced to relent and let the caravan and its aid go.

David Moulton represented the Twin Ports in this dramatic act of civil disobedience, and he's back to share slides and stories from the trip. Come out and hear all about it - from the tense border crossing to impressions of Cuba today - and learn how you can help change US policy toward Cuba for good.

Sponsored by the Twin Ports Cuba Solidarity Committee.

August 12, 2008





Obama said knock you out.

From the Photo Archive | Summer 1998


Ten years ago, I was heading toward South Superior when I couldn't help but notice a giant roll cloud eating the sky. This photo is from the parking lot of the Midtown Jubilee grocery store at 2911 Tower Ave. It only shows the edge of the cloud, so you have to imagine it continuing to the left as far as you can see.

Although the cloud was mighty ominous, it didn't bring a noteworthy storm to Superior. There was some heavy rain and lightening, but not the kind of devastation the cloud portended. Cass County was hit pretty good though. Longville got six inches of rain in 45 minutes. Hackensack saw 1.5-inch hail.

My new lawn-scaping plans


What do you guys think? Looks great doesn't it? No mowing that pesky green grass for me! Now that a majority of my "representatives" on the city council have exhibited their continued support of the HOMEOWNERS of Duluth, I can go forward with my plans to maximize profits on my investment...er...I mean remodel my home...I've got new cutsie signs on the front door, "investment, sweet investment" and "there's no place like investment". I've asked Kathyrn Martin and Jeff Anderson to help me with decorating and design ideas for investment impoverishment ..er...improvement projects like how to make a basement into an additional rental unit without the expense (and enforcement) of egress windows. I'm REALLY hoping to upgrade my Endion neighborhood property with some light industrial manufacturing in my garage. The only thing bumming me out is the fact that I know the city will soon be hiring more people and beefing up the inspections staff.

August 11, 2008

bees bees bees

Anyone here keep honey bees, or know of non-cranky honey bee owners in the area?

I'm thinking of starting a hive next year and would like to hang out and watch hive maintenance in action rather than JUST read about it.



August 10, 2008

Information Dystopia

My latest video tells the story of my travels from Duluth to Los Angeles and my frustrations with online video. It's 39 minutes long and I'm distributing it via BitTorrent and email.

Here's a promo I did about it on YouTube:

But I'm not going to make Duluth jump through the hoops. You can download the torrent here.

Don't watch it if you're UNDER 18. And don't watch it if you're at work. And don't watch it if you're offended by Luke Holden's comics.

16th Annual Beach Sweep Day

Great Lakes Aquarium Beach Sweep Day
Saturday, September 20th, 2008

Cigarette butts, lighters, plastic bags, pop cans, and tires are the majority of the trash cleaned up off Duluth’s beaches and creeks. Join Great Lakes Aquarium for the 16th annual Beach Sweep Day on Saturday, September 20th, as we clean area waterways. Volunteers from the Duluth area gather each September to clean up our beautiful beaches and help collect data on aquatic debris for Ocean Conservancy.
Beach Sweep is part of International Coastal Cleanup, and this September millions of people in over 120 countries will be on the coasts picking up trash. Various sites around Duluth will be cleaner and greener thanks to helpful Duluthians like you! If you would like to get a bit more involved, we are looking for help in three ways:
1)Be a site captain – Be in charge of a cleanup site and direct volunteers.
2)Take some pictures – There is potential for these photos to be published in the internationally distributed annual report.
3)Distribute flyers –Post Beach Sweep flyers at your favorite coffee shop, athletic club, or restaurant.

*All materials will be provided and volunteers will receive a tote bag and a ticket for free admission to Great Lakes Aquarium on Beach Sweep Volunteer Appreciation Day. Keep an eye out for more information posted at the aquarium and around town. We hope to see you out there sweeping the beaches!

For more information call Sarah Erickson at 218-740-2007.

Check these Videos and Links out

Ocean Conservancy
National Coastal Cleanup
Plastic Vortex

Looks Like A Perfect Duluth Day Today

I guess it's going to be a perfect day in Duluth today, huh?

Perfect Duluth Day

August 09, 2008

important question

I have a birthday coming up. Which area businesses will give me things on my birthday?

I have it on excellent authority that the Schlotzky's in the Holiday Center will give me a free sandwich. This is all I know of so far. Any further advice would be greatly appreciated.

Duluth Paparazzi

Perfect Day in Duluth

Nothing major here. I just want my own "Look at my Duluth photo" post that will net one reply.

NOW we've got some waves


More than you can shake a stick at, actually. Be careful. Have fun.

Bob the Artist

bob pokorney.jpg

I don't know who uploaded this painting into the banners, but in case you were wondering, it's by Bob Pokorney, possibly the best artist in Duluth (according to me). He usually has a couple of pieces up at Waters of Superior for sale, sublime and subtle local landscapes that somehow perfectly capture Duluth's light and form. I suggest getting your hands on one or two, before Bob takes his little sailboat and drifts off to another continent.

August 08, 2008

Roads are for driving

Yesterday evening I drove down to Canal Park to pick up a sandwich at Northern Waters Smokehaus.

During the course of finding a parking spot, I found myself on an alley that's kind of a major thoroughfare in navigating the maze of lots in Canal Park. I came up behind a sedan that was parked in the middle of the alley, blocking both directions of traffic, as its driver chatted with a couple of people outside.

I should mention that there was an adjacent big, empty patch of gravel where the driver could easily pull over.

I was in a good mood, visions of a Sitka Sushi sandwich floating in my head, so I didn't mind waiting a little bit. I counted to 100, and the conversation in front of me continued. I waited a bit longer - at least two minutes total - before I finally rolled down my window and shouted ahead, "Excuse me, can you please pull to the side so I can get through" (exact words - yes, that polite). To which one of the conversants replied, "Excuse me, can you please be a little more patient?"

I was kind of taken aback by that response - I replied that this was a road, not a parking lot. To which he said something about patience again. After which I - tumbling off the high road, in a moment of weakness - said I'd show him what impatience was, and blew my car's horn. I felt a little bad about that afterward - but only just a little. By that point the car had finally pulled off to the side enough so that I could pass through and continue searching for a place to park (finally found one two blocks away). End of exchange. A Sitka Sushi sandwich and bottle of cane-sugar cola later, all was right with the world.

So was two minutes too short a time to give the driver in that car ahead of me? How would you have handled this situation?

August 07, 2008

your hip youth culture update


an advertisement i found today while perusing facebook.

what went wrong?
a) facebook
b) "threads"
c) those damn kids
d) kosherHam.com
e) the commercialization of "baracking-out"

"duluthiscool" in "Quigley Down Under"

"Duluth is Cool" in "Quigley Down Under"

So I'm at RT Quinlan's last night doing the usual -- drinking a beer and talking to insane people -- when I glance up at the TV and see our very own Rich "duluthiscool" Narum portraying a soldier in the 1990 Tom Selleck hit, "Quigley Down Under."

How can one man be so multi-talented? I for one am in awe.

Renegade Opening Night!

RedHot Poster jpeg.jpg

A Neil Simon classic, Last of the Red Hot Lovers tells the hilarious story of Barney Cashman, a married man determined not to let the sexual revolution pass him by. Trouble is, he's awful at adultery. The laughs pile up as he makes three desperate, awkward stabs at extramarital affairs - before a sweet, smart epiphany changes everything for Barney.

Directed by: Josh Hinke
Stage Manager: Kaite Lindner
Technical Director: Bethany Reinfeld

Barney Cashman...Jake Neuman
Elaine Navazio...Ashley Kuske
Bobbie Michelle...Caitlin Losure
Jeanette Fisher...Sarah Diener

Scenic Designer...Bethany Reinfeld
Cosutme Designer...Sarah Kreuter
Lighting and Sound Designer...Noah Craft
Props Master...Bethany Reinfled

August 7-9, 14-16, 21-23 at 7:00 p.m.
call 336-1414 for reservations

Quel es? ... Ahhh ... la belle femme skunk fatale!! Tch-tch.


So, about 15 minutes after I hit a skunk with my car on I-35 last night, the dog managed to get sprayed by another skunk in our yard. My entire world is putrid.

Still, I think skunks are really cool.

Re-List on Guitar Amp For Sale

For Sale: Fender Hot Rod Deluxe Amplifier w/ Footswitch

40W Tube Power (3 X 12AX, 2 X 6L6); 12" Eminence 8 ohm 50 Watt Speaker; 3 Channels (Clean, Drive, More Drive); Independant gain & master controls; External Speaker Jack

This is a great sounding amp and is in excellent condition. New preamp tube recently installed. It's very versatile for all styles of music and has power to spare. Asking $400 or b/o. Paypal is an option, see here. Call Ryan at 218-310-7078

August 06, 2008

Don’t be ridiculous


I’m sure as that storm rolled through just before noon there might have been something resembling rip currents at Park Point, but by 3 p.m. the water was as calm as it’s ever been. Warm, too, which doesn’t happen often.

The signs stayed up into the night. Families kept showing up at the beach and wondering if they should go home, even though conditions were obviously perfect for swimming.

After I assured one set of parents that there was absolutely nothing to be afraid of, they let their son wade up to his belly button, then got paranoid and screamed at him to come closer to shore. The kid had to be at least 11 years old.

I was at the beach five years ago when there was a death due to rip currents, so I know how dangerous they are and I don’t take them lightly. Having that sign up when there's no threat, however, kind of defeats the purpose. It teaches people to ignore the sign.

Comedian Mary Mack's Duluth/Superior Mini Tour

Comedian Mary Mack from the semifinals of NBC's Last Comic Standing will be in the area Aug. 9, 13, and 14! The recommended Duluth venue for seeing the pg13 show is Beaner's on Central, Aug. 14th, simply because Mack is promoting the evening as "Comedy Show and Fake Meat Raffle: The meat's no good, but the comedy's alright." 8pm, Thurs., Aug. 14, $7

Evenings of Comedy Featuring Mary Mack
More details at www.marymackcomedy.com.

Aug. 9, 9pm, Dubh Linn Irish Pub, Superior St., Duluth, $10
Aug. 13, 8pm, The Shack Smokehouse, Belknap St., Superior, $8.50
Aug. 14, 8pm, Beaner's on Central, Central Ave., Duluth, $7

Folk humorist Mary Mack spends half her time convincing her Minnesotan mother it’s okay for her daughter to be a comedian and the other half touring the country in her sweet, 400 dollar Dodge Neon--affectionately referred to as “Street Heat.” Mack and her mandolin sing-alongs, have been featured on the nationally syndicated Bob and Tom Radio Show, XM's National Lampoon's Comedy Network, and Minnesota's Polka Spotlight. After winning the 2005 California's Funniest Female Contest, she went on to appear in the Vancouver Comedy Fest (2007) and HBO's Andy Kaufman Awards (2007), and had her national TV debut this
summer on Comedy Central's Live at Gotham and NBC's Last Comic Standing. Mack started her career in Nashville, and now splits her time between Los Angeles and Minneapolis, where she recorded her live album "Either You Wake Up or you Don't" at her home club Acme Comedy Company. Her endearing stage presence and off-kilter, musical surprises, stemming from her background as former music teacher and polka bandleader, make her popular in up to three non-adjacent counties in Wisconsin. So far, Wisconsin has purchased a total of twelve Mary Mack CD's, which bought enough coffee for Mary to create “The Coffee Blogs” at www.myspace.com/mary_mikelle_mack. Clips and more info are available also at www.marymackcomedy.com!

I'll miss the castle

I'm grateful that other people are working hard to raise money for a playground that my kids will play on. But I'm going to miss this.


And don't know what to think of this.


The Junior League of Duluth is raising money for it. The plan is to replace the wooden playground by next summer.

August 05, 2008

Schell's Oktoberfest Fass


We will be tapping a sneak preview Fass (a german cask) of Schell's Oktoberfest at Hell's Kitchen Thursday at 5:30. Brewmaster Ted Marti will be present to help with beer consumption and answer questions about the Schell's brewery and it's 150 year history. Beer rep extrodinaire Mike Lewis will be dispensing brewery shwag.

Hell's Kitchen Duluth 310 Lake Ave. South 218 727 1620

cars & trucks, the undesirables and sujiko this friday


it's walt dizzo's birthday par-tay!

that right... par-tay.

August 04, 2008

More ship

tall_ships.jpg This was taken from the gazebo near Enger Tower. I thought about heading down to Canal Park but that would have been insane. Two perfect Duluth days on Thursday and Friday.

The Pride of Baltimore II


Since no one else posted one...

This is from the grand entrance into the bay on Friday. I stood in line over 4 hours for my 10 minutes on the boat. It was beautiful to be sure, but I was far more moved by seeing her sail. Does anyone know when the ships will be departing????

Pay homage to Cloquet's one-of-a-kind gas station on Thursday, Aug. 7

flw poster.jpg

Come to Cloquet's recently refurbished & unique Frank Lloyd Wright-designed gas station to celebrate its 50th birthday from 4 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 7 at the station (corner of Highway 33 and Cloquet Avenue). Free food from Gordy's Hi-Hat and a '50s & '60s classic car show - cool photo opps of 1950s gas pump attendants pumping gas at the 1958 price – 24 cents per gallon!
Also Bubs the Clown, station tours, glad-handing politicians, cash bar and super cool shirts by Starfire for purchase.
More info/articles/photos at http://www.pinejournal.com

Best ISP?

My wife and I have been with Charter for a few years now. It's been fine, but seems expensive. Qwest recently sent us a special offer, and we're thinking of switching? Any thoughts on what the best Internet provider in town is? Are they all the same? Download/upload speeds are important, reliability, and of course cost. I don't like the idea of Clearwire because I don't want to fry my little brain. www2.gif



Alexander Solzhenitsyn ~ 1918-2008

August 03, 2008

Artist on the Move....

Artist on the Move
Moving Sale

• Friday Aug 8
• Saturday Aug 9

830 N Lake Ave
(Corner of Skyline and N Lake)

Art, pottery, some furniture, misc.







Schedule subject to change

Spirit Valley Days, Saturday

From the comfort of a hot bath and a good book, I could hear the resounding 80's cover tunes wafting in from spirit valley days through the open window. Ahh, the memories... or, actually, though I used to love the stuff, I'm sort of sick hearing live bands play what now sounds like karaoke.

2 minor things. This event was supposed to be on Friday. Not surprisingly, the website wasn't updated, nor were others. And, secondly, what is up with Duluth's fetish with the 80's? Is it because the beat is so simple? (1, 2, 1, 2, repeat ad nauseam), or because the chords and structure (refrain/chorus/etc.) are so simple? I'm just teasing... kind of. Maybe I've been going to the wrong venues.

All joking aside, I wished I could have joined in the festivities. Alas, I'm lazy this weekend and am saving my energy to stand in line for 4 hours to see the tall ships.

"Arrrgh, matey! There be scallywag 80ers starboard. Right then. To accord. Kenny Logins, sir, would you be so kind as to put one foot in front of the other across that there plank. . Watch yer step."

Okay, I admit, I'm no playwright :)

August 02, 2008

Now we're talking!


More pics of Gartman is what this blog has been missing. Can we get a new category...er..."things gartman".


Cool Vintage Sign

pancake small.jpg

My husband found this wonderful wooden sign while mowing the lawn at the Our Lady of Mercy rectory where we live. Any ideas on how we could fix it? It's ripped apart and also badly bowed - I taped it from behind for this photo.
We're currently drying it out in our garage and would love to glue it back together and display it in the dining room. Barring that, is there a "rolling pin" tool in photoshop to flatten it out so I might make a poster?

Well it's about time...

jeebus people on mars.jpg
"It would appear that the US President has been briefed by Phoenix scientists about the discovery of something more "provocative" than the discovery of water existing on the Martian surface."

Full Story here in Universe Today

...now where's my damn JETPACK!!!

BTW ironic1, do you have a pre-prepared sermon for this?

AND...here's an alternate ending...Mars Gartman 1024x768 desktop background

August 01, 2008

tall ships & judgement day

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it's complete mayhem down here.

Renegade Announces Auditions

Auditions for Tugboat Children's Theatre's production of
"The True Story of the Three Little Pigs"
Sunday the 3rd and Monday the 4th at 7:00
~ Callbacks on Tuesday the 5th at 7:00

At the Teatro Zuccone
222 E. Superior St.
Call 722-6775 for info

The show is a musical - so come prepared to sing!

Lunch for a 4-year-old


Several months ago, in between appointments, I had to get the kids lunch in West Duluth. As the Golden Arches drew nearer, I realized I just couldn't take McDonald's food that day. I decided to try Beaner's, though I was skeptical that would go very well. It can be hard to order food for children in a coffee house that features sandwiches with ingredients such as hot peppers and dried cranberries. It can be expensive when most things on the menu cost $7 or so.
But things worked out great, and we've been back a few more times. They'll make us a plain old grilled cheese, and there's even a bunch of bananas on the counter for 75 cents each. Two sandwich orders is enough to feed me and my three kids. I get one with a side of carrots, one with a side of chips, and we share. And my coffee has always been excellent.
Thank you, Beaner's people!