Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign
Just a reminder about the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign and invitation to meet them at a pot luck
Saturday, August 2, 2008
March begins: Salvation Army (27th Ave W,) at 9 AM
March ends: Cleighton, Jackson and McGee Memorial (2Ave E and 1st St.) at 11 AM. Press conference at 11.
Pot Luck: Loaves and Fishes Hannah House, 1705 Jefferson St. 6 PM Please call Michele at 728-0629 if you are coming to the pot luck or if you would like more information.
On August 1st the Poor Peoples Economic Human Rights Campaign will launch "Operation March For Our Lives." Operation March for Our Lives will be a statewide march/bus tour through Minnesota to collect economic human rights violations documentation. The portrait of poverty that this documentation paints will be presented at the Minnesota Truth Commission.
Human Rights Monitors will collect economic human rights documentation. We're encouraging Minnesotans to watch our website and to visit us along our march and to bring us your stories of trying to pay for healthcare, losing your home to foreclosure, high unemployment on your reservation or how you didn't have enough food to feed your children this month.
Operation March For our Lives will also serve as a vehicle to place representatives of Minnesota's various branches of government & opinion shapers on notice about their obligations under human rights treaties.
The Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign is building a movement that unites the poor across color lines. Poverty afflicts Americans of all colors. Daily more and more of us are downsized and impoverished. We share a common interest in uniting against the prevailing conditions and around our vision of a society where we all have the right to health care, housing, living wage jobs, and access to quality primary, secondary, and higher education.
For more information about the campaign see www.economichumanrights.org