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Needed - Crimping Iron for Geek Prom

gh_crimp.jpgMy friend, Heather, is in need of a crimping iron to put the final touch on her geek style, if such a term is not an oxymoron. If you are in possession of such an artifact please contact me for arrangements. Thanks!


We have a couple - I'll actually be out of town for Geek Prom, but if Heather calls my daughter at 428-1836 on Saturday, she can borrow hers.

We live right beneath the copper top church

Ironic1 seeks hair-syling tools? = Ironic?

Yeah, I was pretty sure people would know that this wasn't for me.

Thanks, GFtNC, I'll have her call you. Maybe she can pick it up Friday or early Saturday.

If you don't end up getting the crimping iron, you could braid the hair in lots of small braids the night before. Braid them while they're wet, and take out the braids before you go. It will be crimpy.

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