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Tattoo advice.


I received an email from someone relatively new to Duluth today wondering about the best Tattoo parlor in town. I honestly have no idea so PDD I ask you, who is the best? There seems to be a new shop opening every month.


Without a doubt, Anchor's End Tattoo downtown on 1st Street. I got both of mine done there and plan on getting my next one done there in a couple of months. Ask for Jay. He's an extremely talented artist and the whole place is very professional and clean.

I haven't seen Jay's work... but I go to Anchor's End too.

Josh Garcia does great black and gray. Dwayne is awesome too.

It really is a personal thing. If you don't like the artist's style, you want to find someone else. You have to go in and look at their work first.

As for just finding a shop, Anchor's End is my first choice but I haven't been to any others that are still open in Duluth.

I have only been to one tatoo artist, so I can't compare, but I would suggest checking out Matt Osterlund at Ink in Superior. (across from the Main/Androy on Tower)

Creative, listens to his customers, and does outstanding line and gray scale work. The only person I will trust with future tatoos.

Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund Matt Osterlund

I'm still lobbying for Jay at Anchor's End. He's got a bunch of his work in the photos section of his myspace page:


Matt Osterlund and Jill Korhonen operate a shop in Superior (as mentioned by Mr. Ashley above) called INK, and it is located on Tower Avenue.

Ink is by far the cleanest, most professional shop you will ever have the pleasure of receiving a tattoo from. And both Jill and Matt are university-educated artists with very open minds and high levels of skill and talent.

I wouldn't ever trust anyone else with tattoo work.

Matt and Jill can be reached at 715.394.6533 (39-INKED).

Better question is, where can you go to get crummy tattoos removed? (Laser method preferred to exacto knives and acetylene torches.)


You're supporting a great artist and a great local musician.

Matt O is alright I hear.

INK is the place to go. matt o. gave me a sweet picasso.

Oooh. I've seen some of Jill's work too (on her sister). Beautiful!

well, who inked the loon on the 'tender at Carmodys? That is the one.

I'M NOT SAYING HE IS "THE BEST", But, Dennis Looney does excellent work.

He runs a nice (and very clean) operation out of his home.


I too would go with Ink.

I've known Jill (& Lynn) for about 20 years and they are phenomenal artists!

OK, here's a question from a newly deflowered tattoo virgin: how long does it take the darned thing to stop being an owie?

I'm doing the recommended aftercare but it seems to be taking awhile...

An owie? Like, it hurts? How much does it hurt and one can of hurt? It really shouldnt be an "owie".

Have you never heard of "owie?" It replaced boo-boo years ago. As in, "I fell down and got an owie on my knee & now require chocolate."

"one can of hurt"? I'm a moron.

What kind of hurt?

It doesn't like to have a sock or pantyhose over it (on my ankle) so at the end of a work day, it's a little sore.

Part of it is scabby - it is a little 'pink' around the whole thing sometimes.

Doesn't seem gangrenous or anything yet...

As long as your not spouting puss, you should be okay. A little pinkness is normal. If you are nervous about it, stop into the shop you got it done at and have them take a look.

As long as your not spouting puss, you should be okay. A little pinkness is normal. If you are nervous about it, stop into the shop you got it done at and have them take a look.

How long did you keep the bandage on it?

I got it done in Florida (at a super expensive, upscale place) and they told me not to put a bandage on it at all (other than the one the first night) - something about leaving it exposed to air and all that.

I have been washing it 3 x daily w/antibacterial soap and then applying a thin layer of fragrance free moisturizer.

Guess it hurts to be beautiful! ;-)

Is it blistering up at all?

Sisler's loon tattoo is from Anchor's End.

OK, at this point I am totallly contrite about being mean to Danny over the "Danny Does Duluth" repeated postings - since he's taken a moment to answer me, like, 10,000 times now.

And Danny - No blisters. Just a little owie.

I'd like to reiterate that I resent Danny's attempt to portray himself as anything other than a culturally degenerate nimrod with atrophied genitals.

Sorry to recycle insults but I thought it bore repeating.


Eh. Whatever.

As for the blistering, I think it SHOULD be blistering. Both of mine started blistering up pretty good the day after I had them done. And neither hurt. I would stop by one of the local shops and ask them about it. Maybe they can give you some tips. Again...my suggestion is Anchor's End.

The style and theme of your tattoo might help you make a decision on the artist you choose. Jay at Anchors End did one of my wife’s tats and does excellent portrait work as well. He also fixed up a tattoo disaster a friend of mine had gotten in New York City.
Matt did several retro style Swallows on another friend of ours and excels at that sort of classic retro work. Several people I work with endorse Jill and state she creates great portrait work as well as excelling at retro style ink herself.


see for yourself.


won't rip off tattoo "virgins" by charging you $300 for a tattoo that should cost $75.

not pointing fingers at anyone specifically, but i know this happens.

a lot.

Where I had it done, it was $150 minimum for any tattoo, and artist acknowledged that it would probably have cost closer to $60 'back home' but for a gal who doesn't even have pierced ears - it seemed like a comfy place to be deflowered.

I don't have a tattoo, but if I ever got one Matt O would be the one I'd go to for sure.

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