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something smells...

like sour milk at duluth's st. mary's hospital.

sure it might LOOK like a newborn, but as you can see in these photos, the baby i was given at st. mary's was clearly stamped 'may 07', which means that they gave me an EXPIRED baby.

don't let it happen to you.-if you go to st. mary's for a baby, check the expiration date immediately.

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Expired baby or not, congratulations! :)

huzzah! welcome to the club.

we'll be picking up another baby in feb., so i'll be watching the nurses very carefully, in case they try to pull a fast one on us.

nice work, btw.

do you know where that head has been?

Those socks are awesome! Congrats..

That's the funniest post ever, after having a baby.

I love the hand, showing the scale of how tiny the newbie is.

Corgrats, D&J! Does this make me like a step-uncle-in-law or something?

Tiny, yes. Smaller than a vagina...? Glad I'm a fella. Congrats and hats off to all you mothers out there.

yes berv, i believe it does. so we will be expecting you to babysit. fyi- he poops about every 2-3 hours.

...much like myself. What?!

I AM PISSED! I had my daughter at St. Mary's/SMDC 10 years ago and my kid DID NOT get a souvenir t-shirt! First, I don't get a cross on the wall in my room, when everyone else on the floor had one in their rooms. Then some man claiming to be a priest, kept knocking on my door, wanting to give me last rites. No one would feed me. People kept asking me if I'd pooped. And, despite all that, I never get a stinkin' t-shirt. Life is so unfair.

CONGRATS! I agree that this is the funniest baby announcement I have ever read.

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