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October 31, 2007

Presidential candidate sees UFO --- yessssss


Many of us have been wondering throughout this long run-up to the Democratic presidential primaries: what’s not to like about Dennis Kucinich? There’s no doubt he’s the strongest peace candidate in the running. His health care platform cuts the rug out from under all the insurance companies. He pledges free medical care for everybody. Don’t like NAFTA? Under Dennis, it’s toast. Kucinich isn’t afraid of anybody, and he rips into his fellow candidates with vigor at every opportunity. He tells it like it is.
So when the Ohio Congressman was asked during a televised debate in Philadelphia Tuesday night if it was true that he’d seen a UFO, Kucinich said yes.
In the same “debate,” Barack Obama was asked what he was going to be for Halloween. He couldn’t come up with an answer. Hillary Clinton was unable to say whether she was for or against drivers licenses for illegal aliens in her home state of New York.
It’s easy to picture Kucinich dressed up like a President in the Oval Office, receiving space aliens on Halloween two years from now. Instead of saying “Trick or Treat,” they say “take me to your leader.”

Morning sun catches new downtown coppertop


Day of The Dead November 1st

Celebrate Day of the Dead

dayof the dead.jpg

i (heart) youtube trifecta...

Just in case you are Finnish, or in Cities Nov. 29

Spout Press will celebrate the publication of St. Paul poet Kirsten Dierking's second collection of poems, Northern Oracle, with a launch party and reading at the Rogue Buddha art gallery, on Thursday, November 29, at 7 pm. The Rogue Buddha is located at 357 13th Avenue NE, Minneapolis. 55413.
Telephone: (612) 331-3889.

In Northern Oracle, Dierking draws upon her Finnish/Sami heritage to contemplate the connections between human beings, animals, and nature.

Kirsten Dierking is also the author of One Red Eye (Holy Cow! Press, 2001). She has contributed poems to such critically acclaimed anthologies as To Sing Along the Way: Minnesota Women Poets from Pre-Territorial Days to the Present (New Rivers Press) and Saunas: A Collection of Works Mostly in English by Finnish-Canadians, Finnish-Americans, and Finns (OTSA Press).

Make Your Own Xmas Card And Painting

Xmas Card.jpg

You can make your own 18x24 painting at our November 10 Bob Ross Workshop. We'll get it "publisher-ready" and make it into a set of Xmas cards with your own custom message for the Holidays. See the details here

October 30, 2007

Neil Young going electric.

The car is a 1959 Lincoln Mark IV, a 19 foot 2 ton behemoth,. He is converting it to battery power with biodeisel backup. He intends to drive it to it's birthplace in Detroit to demonstate the viability of electric cars.
Also Clipper Windpower of Carpteria Calif. announced today of plans to build the largest windfarm in the world in South Dakota. At a cost of six billion dollars it will have a capacity of 6000 megawatts, enough to power 1.6 millon homes.

Old School with a new twist

Pass me the Quisp and milk please.

the right to lie

censorship and fake press conferences.

(Still) Muzzling the Climate Scientists

"I Should Have Cancelled" Fake FEMA Press Briefing

Caption This.


October 29, 2007

Lake Avenue Cafe Monday Special


The Lake Avenue Cafe (in the Dewitt-Seitz Building in Canal Park) is having a great special tonight. Spaghetti & Meatballs for $14.95 soup or salad included.

The Lake Avenue Cafe has catered to duluthians for over 17 years.

All of the items on the menu are made from scratch. Turkeys are baked, Pesto pulverized, and all of the soups lovingly created.

Enjoy the myriad of entrees including many dishes for vegetarians (Ratatouille, Garden Salad, Spinach Salad, Greektown Salad, Black Bean Burrito, Vegetable Enchilada, Falafel Burger or Platter and many types of pastas featuring the vegan Red sauce or from-scratch Pesto).

Ness for Mayor.

October 28, 2007

Discuss your organ...

4065979.jpg...you know you want to...or at least discuss our organ. But really, as a benefit to humankind, and other interested parties, Tangier 57 is proud to announce it's new ORGAN FORUM. Always wanted to show off your organ? Have a great aunt who plays "In the shadow of your smile" on her organ? Well now is the time! HERE is the place.

Last Leaves Linger @ Enger




World Series TV coverage abysmal

Fox Sports' coverage of the World Series is bad enough to make a lifelong baseball fan give up on the game. To begin with, Tim McCarver and Joe Buck suck. Oh, but they dress so well. They look like mannequins inn a department store window. You'd never know McCarver played in the major leagues. His analysis is so pathetic, and he never has an interesting anecdote from his playing days to share. He must not have had any friends as a ballplayer and it's easy to see why. He has this professorial, didactic air about him, talking down to the viewers as if he had insight instead of his Blinding Flash of the Obvious repeated over and over again. McCarver racks his simple brain to comd up with a pun, and then he hammers you over the head with it by using an affected voioce to emphasize his (dim) wit. His patronizing, lecturing tone is so annoying I can't stand it. His sidekick, Joe Buck, does not hold a candle to his father, Jack Buck, who was a genuinely fine play-by-play guy. It's clear to me that Joe pulled a lot of strings and dropped daddy's name to all the networks in order to get his mitts on a microphone. He is bland, blase, conceited, boring, supercilious, one dimensional and phony. Teamed with McCarver, they are truly the worst thing about the best sport. Don't get me started about Fox' tactic of using goofy sound affects to accompany their visual graphics and the way they cleverly show a slo-mo replay after EVERY SINGLE PITCH so McCarver can say he told us so. Does anyone else think this Fox baseball coverage is the worst ever?

October 26, 2007

From the Photo Archive | Circa 1994

1994LeapFrog.JPG 1994Swordfight.JPG

Renee had a photography class at the university. From time to time, we had to go around looking for things to take pictures of. If the natural scenery wasn’t enough, we would go get Barrett. He was always good for high jinks.

“How about we make a sign that says ‘No leapfrog,’ and then we leapfrog in front of it?” he would suggest. None of us had a computer, so what seemed like a simple idea required going to the store for a big black marker and spending a half hour on careful letter work.

Sometimes it was easy though. “Take this stick and climb up here with me. On guard!”

There’s no telling how many different photos from this set are in an attic somewhere or were thrown away long ago. There are only two I have copies of, so there are only two I remember — keepsakes from our staged fun.

Great Idea

A chunky, 50-ish woman at the Hammond:

"A few years ago I went to Kmart and got a white T-shirt. I brought it home, and then I cut off the sleeves and the collar, and I cropped the bottom of it up real high. Then I went on the internet and copied the Hooter's logo -- you know, the one with the owl? I made an iron-on out of that, but I made it so that it said 'retired' underneath."
"Then I got some of those nipples that go on baby bottles, and I glued them to my bra. My husband said I should have cut off some of my hair and glued it to my crotch area ... that way I'd be a real blonde!"

October 25, 2007

I know what I'm asking Santa for this year...

New canoe pack? Hiking Boots? Hennessey Hammock?


Rumor has it that synthoclassical supergroup Mannheim Steamroller will be playing the DECC soon. (tix go on sale on the 7th of Dec.).

hell yeah.

October 27th at Sunhillow Bookstore!

Come buy some books and watch some sweet bands! This was listed in The Wave as being held at Kighle's House, but has been relocated!

Listen to The Wayward
Listen to Buildings
Listen to The Nina The Pinta


The Best Singing Indian Condoms You'll Ever Meet

Singing Condoms.jpg


I'm particularly fond of pink nibbed guy, and his sweet words: Dear, use me while having in sex.

The Kissers - Friday @ Luce


They played Luce last st. pattys day, they put on a high energy show, check it out.

...the Kissers, a young five-piece Irish band from, of all places, Madison, Wis., put across a set of dynamic Celtic-influenced rock. Led by singer-bassist Ken Fitzsimmons, whose lyrical earnestness (in keeping with Irish tradition he writes serious songs about love and war) couldn't dampen the fun of the music... (The Washington Post, Oct. 31, 2005
They have some songs on their website, check it out...The Kissers

UMD Mayor forum

The mayoral forum at UMD last night proved three things...
1. Don Ness has an incredible grasp on his views and plans for the city of Duluth.
2. Charlie Bell is much less professional in his responses.
2 1/2. Charlie Bell used his response to the "What is your weakness as a politician?" response to save face for the "priority" remark made on Fox last month.
3. One UMD student seems to have way too much interest in the parking/housing issue, asking the same question to both the council and mayoral candidates, THEN asking the question a third time claiming that he hasn't heard an appropriate answer yet.

Ooooh, politics.

Thank you

I would like to thank the people who helped me with my request for information on cedit cards and what a http is. I went to my credit union and got a visa card from them at 9% with no annual fee and cash advance capibility at the same rate. Again thanks for the help. As far as learning how to post pictures, I'm still at a loss. I am on both photobucket and image shack but can't figure out how to attach the http to individual pictures . If any body out there would like to help I would trade one of my lift bridge pictures for a tutorial. You can get my phone number from Blaize or Hot Rod Or Rich Boo.

October 24, 2007

Just a reminder why we're all here...

with apologies to Laurie for using the clip from "America's Got Talent."


Lake County DAC Fall Festival and Sale
Friday October 26th 1 - 6 pm
204 Central Avenue Knife River
Featuring Hand Woven rugs and homemade paper
Come for the fun: Music by local artists, door prizes, bake sale, silent auction, games
4th grade poster contest participants on "How I Recycle" on display
204 Central Avenue Knife River (old school house)

Tonight, tonight...

Live music tonight @ UMD:

9pm-- UMD Rafters
That's the 3rd floor of the Kirby Student Center
(where the DTA busses usually load)

Free to UMD Students w/U-Card
$5 Everyone else

Come to this. They are fantastic.



So, my mom had me look up some Powerball numbers for her this morning. Pretty stupid, right?

After obsessing over my awesome fantasy football team for an hour or so I got down to business.

Turns out that matching two numbers doesn't win you shit, but I got really interested in why the odds of winning the $3 prize (only matching the Powerball) are 1:68.96 instead of 1:42 and clicked on the handy little FAQ link.

The answers I got, to questions I never had and probably never will, kept me laughing for about 15 minutes. Not that the Powerball site's FAQ is all that funny, but it's just WAY more flippant and sarcastic than I was expecting (like, I think someone who might actually be fun to hang out with came up with this) .

A sample:


About 70% to 80% of purchases are computer picks. About 70% to 80% of winners are computer picks. Perhaps just one of those weird coincidences?

No, actually, fuck that. The Powerball site's FAQ is funny.

Here's another FAQ heading:


I imagine the person who put the FAQ together got really annoyed by all the emails complaining about all the damn coloreds that keep winnin' the powerballs an' why in the heyll is this? Some damned northern cunspeersy, probly.

Old folks too. They're always winning this frickin' thing!

Here's the link.

October 23, 2007

Help Please

I am looking for a free program that can edit MP3's. I basically just want to cut some parts of a song out and have a workable 30 second snippet. I thought that with all the music and tech savvy people on here, that someone might have some ideas. I realize I could probably Google it but would prefer to get some input on what works the best.

"Brotherly Love" my foot!

A recent survey in Travel and Leisure Magazine has named Philadelphia the "Least Attractive" city in the U.S.

According to the article, in addition to being the "Least Attractive," Philly is also among the least stylish, least active, least friendly and least worldly.


Mega Show...

Mega Faun
Canine Heart Sounds
Equal Xchange

This show is unparalleled in terms of artistic quality.
only 4$
At Beaners Central

Its a Tuesday, what else are you doing?

27th Annual PAVSA Art Auction

The Program for Aid to Victims of Sexual Assault (PAVSA) will host the 27th Annual Art Auction this fall featuring all new, original artwork, fine foods, two cash bars, and live entertainment. All of the proceeds will directly help fund support services to victims of sexual assault and PAVSA’s mission to end sexual violence in the Northland.

Where: Holiday Inn Great Lakes Ballroom
When: Saturday, November 10, 2007

Doors Open at 5pm
Silent Auction 5:30-7pm
Dessert/Live Auction 7:30-8:30pm
Exquisite Gourmet Appetizers: All Evening

Live music performed by Sterling Waters

Admission Tickets: $45.00 ($22.50 tax deductible)
To Purchase Tickets: Call 218-726-1442

Visit www.pavsa.org for up to date auction items available

PAVSA has worked with and provided critical services to victims and survivors of sexual assault for over 31 years. PAVSA operates a 24-hour crisis line and maintains a full time staff as well as approximately 40 volunteer advocates who, together, guarantee support for victims any time of the day or night all year long. We serve more than 700 victims every year while also consistently training and educating community organizations, human service professionals, students, educators, mental health providers, medical professionals, law enforcement, prosecutors, and more.

A large portion of PAVSA’s mission is accomplished by funds obtained through the annual Art Auction. The generous support of businesses, artists, and auction attendees is crucial to victims of sexual assault across our community. The Art Auction provides a unique opportunity for the community to come together in an effort to end sexual violence with financial support to our services. The PAVSA Art Auction features both a live and silent auction with original paintings, watercolors, jewelry, photography, sculptures, quilting, gift certificates, and much more. Please join us for an evening of fun and contribute to services which work tirelessly towards the elimination of sexual violence in Southern St. Louis County.

Tour 6 Homes for Sale by Women in Construction

This Sunday we will have 6 homes for sale on tour. There are all new construction and all are gorgeous. It will be from 1-5. The addresses are 2809 Eco Home & 2830 Coho Cottage Snowy Owl Circle, 21 East 5th St duplex with the best view of the lake and downtown area in all of Duluth, 423-431 N. 50th Ave. W. 3 bdrm 1 1/2 bath homes developed by SVCNDA. They range from 180K-437k. COME!!!

Call 733.1451 or 590.6502 or visit the website to see great pictures at www.womenworking.org

at super one ...

two girls looking at magazines while waiting in line.

girl 1: brad pitt is so hot.
girl 2: yeah. i used to think so until i realized he's only a year younger than my dad.
girl 1: so?
girl 2: gross.

October 22, 2007

The Mouse That Snored


This contented varmint settled in for a long winter's nap inside a cabin closed for the season near the Boundary Waters.

You Are The Deciderer

The Duluth Chamber has a candidate forum. Which… is a slight change in direction from their 2000 PAC ads.

Falling Lake Levels = Lighter Loads


From The New York Times:

Water levels in the Great Lakes are falling; Lake Ontario, for example, is about seven inches below where it was a year ago. And for every inch of water that the lakes lose, the ships that ferry bulk materials across them must lighten their loads by 270 tons — or 540,000 pounds — or risk running aground, according to the Lake Carriers’ Association, a trade group for United States-flag cargo companies.

As a result, more ships are needed, adding millions of dollars to shipping companies’ operating costs, experts in maritime commerce estimate.

Photo is of the Canadian Olympic at the Duluth Lift Bridge.

October 21, 2007

I wonder if they list this on his Chocolate Frog card...

101-albus_dumbledore.gifAlbus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore - Headmaster of Hogwarts,
vanquisher of the dark wizard Grindelwald,
discoverer of the 12 uses of dragon's blood,
famed alchemist...
and gay.

JK Rowling revealed this little know fact to an audience at Carnegie Hall this past Friday.

I can't wait until the religious right gets a hold of this. As if they needed more prodding.

*chuckles to himself*

Inside smoking, outside drinking

Our wise city fathers and mothers have a gorgeous opportunity now to redress many grievances, right wrongs and make sensible legislation. Let the denizens of the Kozy take their drinks outside, but don't let them smoke out there. Let the people remaining inside the bar smoke to their heart's content. If this idea caught on, it would do a lot to clean up our haze and air pollution. And it would restore some rights to that most oppressed of minorities -- nicotine addicts.

October 20, 2007


What's new in solar and electric today

Nambia and SouthAfrica leading in solar in Africa. SouthAfrica to build a 100 megawatt solar power plant. Nambia subsidizing the installation of solar systems for domestic use and also have a plan for solar heating program for all government buildings.
Impressive growth in U.S. solar energy. Total solar thermal collector shipments in (thousand square feet) . 1997- 8000 units. 2006- 20,000. Photovotaic cell and modular shipments in (peak kilowatts) 1997 50,000. 2006 -330,000. Solar thermal collector shipments led by Florida, California and Nevada.
Today's best young solar stocks. First Solar(FSLR), JASolar (JASO), Sun Power (SPUR) and Yingli Green Energy(YGE
German University, Technische Universitael Darmstadt winsa 2007 Internationl competition to design solar house. 2nd- University of Maryland, 3rd- Santa Claire University.. Held in Washington D. C. the criteria were a comfortable temperature, adequate lighting, sufficient power for all home electronics, hot water, and powering an electric vehicle. All powered by solar only
Also check out YouTube, the Hooverboard electric skateboard and the White Zombie all electric dragster

October 19, 2007

All Bad Vikings Must Go

What's better than rummaging through other peoples decade old junk. Sons of Norway have cleaned through all their closets and are selling what is oudated, unnecessary and historically inaccurate. I think it will be cool. My best friend that lives in Indiana now is in love with his norwegian heritage, and I'm hoping I can pick him up some fun stuff. I'm goin' early.
Link to article, pictures & info: http://www.duluthnewstribune.com/articles/index.cfm?id=52377§ion=homepage

Drinkin' Outside the Kozy


The Kozy Bar will be the next to apply for outside drinking. If you didn't see this one coming, you're foolin' yourself.

Poets Go to Work Saturday Evening at Labor Temple

Folks, there is going to be an amazing event taking place Saturday evening at the Labor Temple, 2002 London Road, that you are going to want to catch. It's called "Poets Go To Work," and its a group reading by some of the area's finest poets, organized by Duluth Poet Laureate Barton Sutter. Bart Sutter will read, and so will Ellie Schoenfeld, Sheila Packa, Don Dass, and Jim Johnson. Local musician Jim Hall will provide music. And Larry Sillanpa, editor of Labor World, is providing an amazing spread -- food, wine, bear, coffee, cider. It's going to be a celebration! It all starts at 7:30 pm Saturday night. And it's free, co-sponsored by Lake Superior Writers, Labor World, and the Central Body of the Duluth AFL-CIO.

Last year's group reading, at the Lafayette Sq. Community Center on Park Pt. was a blast, and lasted all night, it was a cool group of poets reading their work and the work of other poets they admired. Good crowd, good vibes, Duluth has a lot to be proud of in terms of the quality of writers living here, sharing their art with us.

Breakfast Beets At Shrute Farms



Actually on Trip Advisor - enjoy!

We're, eh, in the news again...

Duluth News Tribune article

October 18, 2007


I have been trying to post a picture to a construction help blog. They want the URL of the picture I guess. What and how do I get that and also is that something I should do. It's a good site. And also while I'm at it ,how about this and you have my permission to make fun. I've never had a credit card and because I'm ordering materials online It just isn't right to keep going to my friends. Is this something you can get different deals ? What would be the best card for that and also traveling abroad. Should you stay with a major card

Thanks Frank

My roombas named Gary

irobot-roomba-discovery-se.jpgRobot Cannon Kills 9, Wounds 14
By Noah Shachtman EmailOctober 18, 2007

We're not used to thinking of them this way. But many advanced military weapons are essentially robotic -- picking targets out automatically, slewing into position, and waiting only for a human to pull the trigger. Most of the time. Once in a while, though, these machines start firing mysteriously on their own. The South African National Defence Force "is probing whether a software glitch led to an antiaircraft cannon malfunction that killed nine soldiers and seriously injured 14 others during a shooting exercise on Friday."

orignal story here

Target parking lot flood pics

Target Flood 4

Always carry a camera, folks. Always.

Target Flood 3

Target Flood 1

Mad as hell!

October 17, 2007

Right Passenger-side Nut Job


There's nothing quite like the feeling of a wheel popping off your car when you're changing lanes on a highway.

The moral of the story is, when you get a brake job and start to hear a grinding noise a few days later, you might want to check to see if your mechanic tightened the lug nuts properly.

Anyway, this could be the end of a long and glorious run for the ol' Ford Taurus. We'll see.

Left Wing Nut Job

2110-301-603 COLOR.JPGIn a discussion about Al Gore winning the Nobel Peace Prize on KUWS yesterday Karl Spring, chief meteorologist for NBC affiliate KBJR, scoffed at Al Gore and said he wouldn't "pay a dime" to see "An Inconvenient Truth" because Al Gore is a "left wing nut job."

Don't you find it refreshing when scientists can put aside prejudice and examine issues based on cold, hard facts?

Seriously, if this guy as a meteorologist wanted to argue the science behind the movie, I'm all ears. If he just wants to cast aspersions and call people names, then maybe Fox is hiring.

I Love My Lips

What blog about Duluth would be complete without this cultural artifact?

Hurry hard.


Another curling season is upon us! New curlers clinics will be held at the Duluth Curling Club Oct 24,25 and 26. If you've ever been curious about curling, this is a great chance to try out a unique and growing sport.

music swap

Anyone up for a one time "Best of the Century" CD comp swap?

First six people who want to make a mix cd of music released since 2000, are in. If there is significantly more than six we can set up multiple groups to swap within.

fun show


October 16, 2007

Spiritus: Sic Passim


The Alibi Cooperative is at it again. 40 or so new pieces by Ben Boylan, Calvin Kessel and Sammy Macon will be on display for your pleasure this Friday from 5-8pm at Starfire Screen Printing 1131 East 4th Street.

Meet the artist(s) and bask in the wonderfulness of East 4th Street.

Bong Water


I was at the Shack last night and they have a new menu, new smoking policy (Don't) and a new drinks menu - I opted for a chocolate martini but their featured drink was the "Bong Water".

Seeds and stems optional.

Radiohead and Low, sittin' in a tree, s u l k i n g.

Anyone else think that Reckoner sounds an awful lot like a long lost Low song? Even the song title does! I hear they're secret lovers.

(OK, why does this keep cutting off all my text?)

my weekend on the K.

Kawishiwi, that is...







October 15, 2007



SPECIAL REPORT UPDATE: Mayor’s Lawn Looks Fabulous!


SUPERIOR, WI – Cool temperatures, plenty of rainfall, a low sun angle, and lack of killing frost have conspired against Superior Mayor David Ross in a perfect storm of ideal grass growing conditions. Despite Mayor Ross’s attempts to kill his lawn by cutting it too short and allowing it to bake in the sun, Mother Nature seems to have thwarted his plans – at least for the time being. “I hate foliage as much as I hate taverns and payday loan businesses,” hissed the Right Honorable One, “I hope we get torrents of rain and a hard freeze the next day so all that green stuff dies.” Alfie, a neighborhood whitetail doe, looked up from her browsing of the Mayor’s lawn and noted that the grass tasted “succulent.” She then flicked her tail and made a strange cawing sound signaling some faux danger.

Looking for children's books

Our Charitable Crafters group is looking to find new and gently used kids books for our Stuff a Stocking project. We're aiming at ages newborn through middle school. We're also looking for coloring books. People can drop their books off at Yarn Harbor next to the Mt Royal Library, Fabric Works on Tower Ave in Superior, the craft department at the Hermantown Wal-mart, and Tinderbox, across the avenue from Fon-du-Luth Casino. For more info, check out our website at www.charitablecrafters.org. Thanks!

October 14, 2007

From Puke to Farts to Penises

Just thought you'd like to know that Sven Sundgaard's Penis has a blog. I for one am speechless.

recharging stations

Energy giant EDF to put 250 recharging stations for electric cars in England . Manufacture , Elecktromotive to install them this year. You gotta wonder what kind of stupidity drives these people

October 13, 2007

We've had puke, so now farts...

October 12, 2007

Insert Your Favorite Puke Joke Here


Minnesota based writer Lorna Landvik spoke last night at the Radisson, supporting her new book "The View From Mount Joy". The writer of such novels as "Patty Jane's House of Curl" and "Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons" had barely begun her discussion when she commented "Hmmm, I ate something at Tobies today that didn't agree with me", then immediately hurled (though in a very ladylike way, managing to keep it in her mouth until she ran out of the room).

The very funny, and very game Landvik came back right away (did she even have a chance to rinse out her mouth?) and finished her talk, even signing books into the night. She made about 100 puke jokes afterwards, but none so funny as the woman in the audience who advised her to name her next book "Lorna's House of Hurl".


The Greatest Salt Shaker Ever Sold



My first post. I hope it works!

Star Wars + Disco + Trumpet + Beauty Contest =

I cried until I laughed.

Another fanboy.com find.

October 11, 2007

Bring Your Tinfoil Hat!



thanks for the input

www.geochalker.com is registered and will hopefully go live tonight or tomorrow.

this weekend is the st. paul art crawl and my building is one of the stops (featuring works by dr. thunder).
I figured this would be a great time to paint the geo and see what happens.

stay tuned. this should be a fun project.



Our Government

Too funny

Rock the Cradle!

You and I both know that the kids, they love to boogie. But you and I also know that the kids' music, it makes you want to put a drill through your ears. So come on out to Rock the Cradle and you can shake it with the preschool set, AND rock out to the seminal tunes of your dissipated youth.

We'll be partying hardy on November 17, 2007 from 10-2 at the Family Resource Center in Northern Lights Elementary (1201 N 28th St Superior, WI 54880 715-395-5657). $8 adults, $4 kids, free for non-walkers. Scintillating details may be requested: [email protected]

wind turbine towers

Keokuk Iowa announced today that they are opening a factory to build wind turbine bases. The plant will employ 350 workers at a pay of 23.50 per hour. Three other factories have opened in Iowa this year building wind turbine parts. Accima Energy in West Branch, 110 jobs, Siemans in Fort Madison , 200 jobs and Clipper windpower in Cedar Rapids 140 jobs. It's a good thing that we don't look into this. It's a lot nicer to watch them come in and out of town.

October 10, 2007

Cougar Cougar Burning Bright...

Wow...remember this discussion? Now read this!


summons.jpgGot this in the mail today. I'm on call for Federal Jury Duty during the months of November and December. This, of course, doesn't mean that I am going to serve on a jury. Just that I'm in the pool.

So, I'm wondering... I've never served on a jury before, let alone a Federal jury. Anybody got wisdom for me on this? I'm actually kinda psyched about it. I think it would be interesting and given my job as a man o' the cloth I doubt it would present anything I couldn't work around, unless someone ups and dies and I have to do their funeral.

Am I crazy to be kind of excited about this or just a nerd soon to be disabused of my silly bout of pride in doing my civic duty?

Haley Bonar Tonight


She's playing tonight in the UMD Rafters @ 9pm.
That's on the third floor of Kirby Student Center...where the bus hub is/was.
Free to UMD students with U-Card/ $5 Other

Do it.

definitely worth my £3



Explosions in the Sky is going to be on Austin City Limits along with the Decemberists this Saturday night...unfortunately for me, I'll be at church.

October 09, 2007

Crazy Surfing Weather


I figured I'd add to some of the pictures of the crazy weather last Sunday. We were out on Island Lake learning the basics with the UMD Rec Sports Surf Program.

name that blog!

I need your blogging expertise for an art car project. I have a 1996 black 4door geo tracker that is starting to rust away. I'm not ready to give it up yet as I love this little car. It's gone across the country, climbed up the tallest mountain in CO, pulled numerous people out the snow, and never fails to impress me, even when I think it's going to die. It's not the prettiest thing anymore (slightly better looking than the image below) so I decided to let others make it pretty for me.

I'm going to be spraypainting Pepe with chalkboard paint and having my friend weld a metal box to the back door that will hold chalk. I'm going to encourage people to draw whatever they want on Pepe (within reason of course). I'll continue to take pictures and upload them to the blog. Additionally, I will encourage people to take a photo of them next to their completed piece and send it to me. If they took video of them chalking my car, that would be great too.

First, what are your favorite blogging sites? I currently use Livejournal for my own personal blogging, but I don't know if I want to keep that for this project. There will be photos and video on it but that shouldn't be a problem for any blog sites anymore. If there is a blog service that easily allows photo and/or video uploads from a cellphone (I use AT&T and have a Sony Walkman W810 phone, an amazing phone btw) that would also be useful.

Second, what should I call it? I've thought about CarChalk (sounds like Car Talk) but there is a window chalk company called that. Also came up with Chalk Truck, Geo Chalker, and Rusty Black Car Covered in Chalk.


October 08, 2007

The Most Fabulous Story Ever Told

"It's Adam and EVE, not Adam and STEVE!"

Or is it? Paul Rudnick's controversial, heartwarming, and hilarious play The Most Fabulous Story Ever Told wrestles with this question, along with others, including but not limited to, "What is love?" "Why are we here?" "Is there a God?" and "Is it a sin to wear white after Labor Day?" It's a retelling of the Old Testament, with a few dozen twists and characters, including a Pharaoh, go-go elf, promiscuous cats and rhinoceroses, hoe down dancing, pregnancy-induced crankiness, and a lesbian Rabbi in a wheelchair.

  • Place: Renegade Comedy Theatre, 222 East Superior Street, Duluth
  • Dates: October 18, 19, 20 and 25, 26, 27
  • Time: 7:00pm
  • Tickets: $15 for adults, $12 for students and seniors
    (Opening Night Only, October 18, is Pay What You Can Night!)
Go to www.renegadecomedy.org for more information. Or call 218-722-6775 or 1-888-722-6627.

Recently Featured in the Northland News Center!

Directed by: Minden J. Anderson

Adam – Nathan St. Germain
Steve – Jim Paine
Jane – Chani Ninneman
Mabel – Katie Jacobson
Stage Manager – Jean Sramek
Man 1 – Ric Stevens
Man 2 – Nick Elias
Woman 1 – Devorah Jaffe
Woman 2 – Nikki Bohr


Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. I've heard this show referred to as "the gay Bible play." Is that true?
A. Yes. Adam and Steve are gay. Really gay. So are Jane and Mabel. In fact, pretty much every character in the show is homosexual. However, I wouldn't so much call it a "gay play", because it's about relationships and love, and that applies to everybody.

Q. So does it make fun of heterosexuals?
A. Yes.

Q. Does it make fun of the Bible?
A. Yes.

Q. Does it make fun of gay people, Christians, Jews, Mormons, Egyptians, New Yorkers, WASPs, theatre techies, atheists, animals, vegans, modern dancers, parents, disabled lesbian rabbis, and FedEx drivers?
A. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes.

Q. Is it a cruel play, only concerned with mocking others?
A. On the contrary! It is a play about the search for truth, love, and meaning.

Q. Is this play appropriate for all ages?
A. Absolutely not. It is rated R.

Q. Does this play contain adult language and situations?
A. Yes indeed.

Q. My in-laws will be in town at the end of October. Should we take them to see this play?
A. Not recommended, unless they're drunk. On second thought, just take them to the Pickwick like you always do.

Aunts can be great


So can I use my fifteen dollar birthday check for steak dinner ONLY and/or anything I want for lunch (chicken, fish, etc.) , or does the "steak" modify both dinner and lunch? Also where can I get a steak for fifteen buckaroos?

October 07, 2007

...for the woods are lovely, dark and deep...


...and i have promises to keep,
and miles to go before i sleep.
and miles to go before i sleep.

Those damned Hollywood ad wizards...

A guy was looking for a DVD at Pawn America this weekend -- "Dodgeball," of all movies -- and he picked one up, said to his girlfriend/sister/mother(?)/whatever, "Oh, this one's in 'widescreen' ... but I don't have a widescreen TV," set it down defeatedly and left the premises.



Nerds In Spaaaaaaace: Star Wars Edition

Pottery Sale!

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Pottery Sale!
(at Lennis')
Friday, Nov. 23rd
9:00 am-5:00 pm
830 Norh Lake Ave
(corner of N. Lake and Skyline)


Drunk College Kid #1, speaking to Drunk College Kid #2, who harbored #1 in his apartment while the cops were busting a loud party with fighting in the street:

"Hey, man. Thanks for being a good neighbor."

October 06, 2007

Winnie the Pooh at the Duluth Playhouse


I was excited to see this notice at the grocery store today, because I've been reading the original story to my grandkids. More information here.

Andy Nelson


I'd like to make some joke here but I cant find it in me. Andy would have liked for me to make some joke right now but..all I can say is this guy was a truly natural talent.

DNT obit

October 05, 2007

Speaking of Chester Bowl ...

Some stuff I found just dinging around on YouTube:

Chester Creek Slacklining

Chester Creek Water Skipping

The Future and State of Duluth Parks


A Mayoral Candidate Forum
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Chester Bowl Chalet
7 - 8 p.m.

Is your park falling apart? In the last five years, Duluth's extensive and unique park system has had its budget slashed, programs cut, and properties under-cared for. The once vibrant community youth activities programs, well-maintained trails and fields, and beautiful gardens are now in distress.

You are invited to join the Chester Bowl Improvement Club on Thursday, October 25 from 7 - 8 p.m. at the Chester Bowl Chalet. Come learn what the candidates have to say about the future and state of Duluth Parks and Recreation.


What do you think of your neighborhood park? Any questions you'd want answered? Please comment below.


But for the grace of God...

October 04, 2007


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hat tip to DHX at wonkette


"In his defense of Thomas, Toder said they can’t explain what happened but that it wasn't proven that his client shared copyrighted files. Toder offered theories that there could have been a computer party at Thomas’s home or someone could have been outside her window with a laptop.

Computer party? Cripes. DNT coverage here. Ars Technica here.

Show Your Films at Indie Film Night!

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IFP Minnesota's Indie Film Night Is Coming to Duluth!

What: Indie Film Night is Cinema Lounge, the original short film showcase featuring MN work by local, indie filmmakers, AND workshops on how to apply for the McKnight Filmmaking and Screenwriting grants.
Where: Duluth Play Ground, 11 East Superior Street.

When: Friday, November 16, Workshops at 6:00, Screenings at 8:00 PM

Admission: FREE!

The Films: SUBMIT!!

IFP MN’s film curator is currently seeking submissions for the November Duluth Cinema Lounge extravaganza! While submission does NOT guarantee that your film will be screened, there is no submission fee. So if you'd like to be the next filmmaker to screen with us, call Paul at (651) 644-1912, or download a submission form from the IFP MN website (http://www.ifpmn.org/lounge.html) and send it in with your work (20 min. or less) on DVD or VHS to:

IFP MN's Cinema Lounge Duluth

Attn: Paul Clark

2446 University Ave. West

St. Paul, MN 55114

Stay tuned for more info about Indie Film Night and PARTY on November 16!

The Prius of Public Transport

I meant to post this last week and just never got to it. But since Frank made a hint toward it but never elaborted, I figured I'd get it up.

I use the city bus approximately 10 times a week - and might I add that I love not having to pay for gas, car repairs, etc. Anyway, last week I somehow managed to leave my wallet on the bus. After a frantic search it turns out a kindly passenger returned it to the driver and the driver had it at the transit hub in west Duluth. When I got there I had to wait for about 10 minutes because the driver that had it was apparently training someone. The secretary explained that the DTA received new state-of-the-art Hybrid busses and that all the drivers had to be trained to drive them because they're a little different. I thought that was very exciting news and was wondering why I hadn't heard of it up until now! On my way out I saw one of them sitting in the parking lot. Oh so very shiny and new. Not much different looking except for a little part on the top that says "HYBRID" I've read things about whether or not hybrid busses are actually worth it at the moment but I hold out hope that something good will come out of this. I love that Duluth is always trying to take a progressive step forward.


October 03, 2007

I need a door.

Strange request here, but does anyone have a spare door sitting around that they would give away, or sell for a nomial fee?

See, my current rental has great space for two living rooms, only all the sound out of one seems to bounce around and funnel into the second. So anytime I want to watch a movie or anything, and the other room is being utilized (which has been about 28 of the last 30 nights), the extra sound drives me effin nuts and and I can't focus on whatever movie I'm trying to watch. It has a door frame going into it, which would be enough to kill the sound, just no door to actually block it.

And type of wood/color/finish/condition will do. It only needs to exist for about the next seven-eleven months, at which point I'll be dumping it, or burning it. Standard interior door size. Current ones measure at ~31.5 inches x ~79 inches.

You'd be doing me the great service of being able to get actual value out of my Netflix account by being able to watch more then 1-2 movies a month.

Free School

While not really "school" (and not the first—I believe MIT did something similar to this in the late '90s), UC Berkeley has added over 300 videotaped lectures to YouTube and plans to add more.

And for a more ADD-addled nerd fix:

For your entertainment tonight:

Wednesday, October 3
At UMD Kirby Rafters
free with student ID

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

MN Solar Tours

The Eco Home will be on the MN Solar Tour this Saturday Oct. 6th from 10-5. Call 733.1451 for more info.
2809 Snowy Owl Circle.

Take Superior St. to 52nd Ave East. Follow 52nd till you get to the dead end. Take a right on Broadwing Dr. Take a right on Snowy Owl Circle.



why would they do that

The city of Contra Costa callif. announced today that they have joined (Plug in Partners National campaign) They currently run 27 % of their vehicals on alternative energy. In 2001 they had 47 and today they have 298 vehicules in their fleet. Talk about weird people. I know we have two buses. We,re accelerating into the next millenium so fast that the wind can,t even catch us. Frank

Gotta Love the Smorking Ban.


image via DNT website.

I went to my first Smork free bar last night. It is even better than I imagined. Thank you big Government for depriving us of the right to smoke indoors. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and lungs.

October 02, 2007

yes virginia, there are gay deadheads

dead billboard.jpg

October 01, 2007

Rock & Roll Kamikaze?

mr-t-celebriduck.jpgAre there any Lucé employees here, or someone with previous experience who can provide details about the big white "Rock & Roll Kamikaze" which are more thorough then what is written on the side of it? Is your band formed at random via entires in the box, or do you get to team up with whoever you want? Or is it a solo thing? Is the cover you write down what you play, or just assigned randomly to some other band? I keep wanting to ask, but I'm always in there at the pizza line during lunch when it is its busiest, and I don't want to be jerk keeping everyone else waiting. (I'm sooo polite)

*I was going to post a photo of a kamikaze pilot crashing, but when I google image searched the term, this Mr. T. duck image was in the results, and way cooler. So it wins.

frank says...

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Tinderbox is open.

The doors of Duluth's first urban crafts shop are now open. Come down and check out clothes, jewelry, art, ties, stationery and all kinds of funky stuff. All handmade. All from Duluth. Exciting.
The grand opening is this Saturday and I'll being giving away handmade goodies throughout the day.
Tinderbox is downtown at 22 N. Second Ave. E. (2 doors up from Dick). Call 727.8042. Tell all your friends!
Support Local Crafters!


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Duluth Superior GLBTAQI Pride elections will be held at the next general meeting. October 2nd at the Androy Hotel. 1213 Tower Ave. Superior, WI.