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Urban Dictionary Slams Duluth

1. Duluth

A Cold ass town on a hill where you can't get lost. All you have to do is pop the clutch and let the car coast and you'll find your way to Lake Superior. The two major Duluthian Pasttimes are Getting Drunk and Getting Frostbite.

On a scale of 1 to useless, Duluth ranks about a 'Pauli Shore.'
Pauli Shore!!!?? -- Isn't that some sort of fighting words?
There is more at www.urbandictionary.com


my favorite to look up is 'cake eaters'

The uncyclopedia entry is quite feisty as well.

They forgot the 3rd major pastime..getting knocked up out of wedlock!

Silly bastards.

parts...you're confusing Duluth with Cloquet.

Could be..I'm confused a LOT these days!

or am i confusing cloquet with proctor?

Whoever wrote the entry for Duluth has apparently never been to my hometown:

You want BORING and ASS BACKWARDS? Duluth, Cloquet, and Proctor are cultural meccas by comparison. I know the entry was meant to be humorous, but man... there are a lot worse places to live. Janesville....... home of the largest group of KKK members per capita in the midwest, not to mention (and not surprisingly) "Packer Backers". Yeee Hawwww!

I'll take Duluth, thank you very much.

Is that why you live in Superior?

Heh Heh, Adam. I live in Superior because it's flat and quiet. After 14 years, I finally got tired of being woken up by random gunshots on the central hillside. Over here they use bows and arrows. Much quieter. They can't afford guns. Cuts into the beer and cheese budget. Plus, I'm living in a really nice 2-story house for $300 rent which would be at least $1000 in Duluth.

Heh Heh, Adam. I live in Superior because it's flat and quiet. After 14 years, I finally got tired of being woken up by random gunshots on the central hillside. Over here they use bows and arrows. Much quieter. They can't afford guns. Cuts into the beer and cheese budget. Plus, I'm living in a really nice 2-story house for $300 rent which would be at least $1000 in Duluth. Not to mention the view from Duluth is Superior. And it's only 4 minutes away from Duluth.

Since you're always so nice, Gwanto, I'll let the "flat and quiet" comment slide..

I'm 15+ removed from Duluth and now I hate everyone and everything because no matter how much I hated Duluth in the past (enough to leave it), I hate not being able to go back to it even more. Sure it's cold, but the only thing worse than cold weather are the people who bitch about it because they think that liking sunshine and expressing the need to be warm makes them special. PUT A #&%$!ng SWEATER ON.

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