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A to the C.

I tried looking for a nifty graphic to go along with this post but...it's hot, so...meh.

When I lived in Tacoma, during the dog days of summer, a bunch of us would pile into my Toyota and head over to the dollar theater and spend all. day. long. there. One summer, I think I must have sat through Jurassic Park and Aladdin a total of seventy three times. Each.

I've heard the India Palace has the best Air Conditioning in town...judging from the condensation that forms on my glasses after stepping outside from there, I'm inclined to agree.

To wit: Anyone else have any suggestions on where to go for quality air conditioning?


The Co-op stays pretty frosty.

We're sittin' on the deck about two blocks from your place right now and it feels like it's in the mid 60s. I'd suggest becoming a night person.

If that doesn't work, spend some time neck-deep in Lake Superior. That'll cool you off real fast.

The Public Library is good -- if it's open the hours you need it. If not, you can spend several hours and read an entire book in Barnes & Noble and they never seem to mind.

What are you talking about? You live in Duluth, Minnesota "The Air-Conditioned City". My God, what has Al Gore wrought?!!

I spent a couple of hours at the children's museum with Charlie yesterday. The AC was pumpin, and it felt pretty good. We were the absolutely only ones there the entire time. The indoor part of the train museum stayed pretty cool, too.


It's been bloody hot and humid here. Its the stuff we usually don't get until late July, early August. Strange to me.

A trip to the lake always does it for me.

my basement.


mmmmm..was that the Liberty theater? I remember a buck theater that you could smoke in the lobby and had the movie piped into the lobby on a TV screen... Therefore, you did not miss any of it

They're right, it's Duluth, AC shouldn't be an issue...but on the days when it is, it seems to me that every theatre in the entire city is so freezing you need a parka to be able to sit through a movie.

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