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Will you be my friend?

film_reel2.jpgSo, after a year of talking about it I joined Netflix last night and I've already got about 75 movies in my queue. I noticed that Netflix has a function so that you can see what are on other people's lists and compare how different people rate movies and I was thinking you would be a fun company of people to do that with so... Will you be my friend? If you have Netflix, be my pal. I'm just curious as to what other people are watching and liking or not liking.


We had our account on hold as we never had time to watch the flicks-but it will reactivate next month,kind of a spiffy feature of netflix.by the way you had "The Motorcycle Diaries" at 62.you might want to move it up -its a great movie

I was just thinking about rejoining netflix. Never heard of the friends feature, but if I join I'll have to check that out.

Sorry ironic, I am a blockbuster subscriber but will still be your friend. A bonus for me is my teenager manages my queue (but that only allows me one movie every 6 rented). I am someone who is a slacker about getting movies back so never was able to return to traditional movie rental operations without late fees.

i also love the new "watch now" feature. for every dollar you spend with them each month, that dollar equals an hour of online viewing. so if you have the traditional 17.99/mo for 3 movies unlimited, you have 18 hours of online viewing. the quality is surprisingly good and the selection is pretty decent. we decided to stay in the other night and crash to a movie. nothing at home interested us so we popped open the laptop and streamed "stand by me".

they also have a lot of the old dr. who on the watch it now feature.

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