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Strings wanted

I'm looking for a violin and cello player for recording a new record, and playing some scattered (Duluth - Minneapolis - Chicago - Milwaukee) and sparse (4-5) performances over the next year or two.

If your interested shoot me a message:

[email protected]


Look up Kathy McTavish - very talented local cello player.

Or Jackie Bradley. If Kathy doesn't work, out, let me know and I'll give you her contact info. She's really interested in getting something going. mid-20's and has been playing since she was in single digits. As far as a violinist, Becky Farmer may be interested, but it's hard to tell. Let me know about her, too.
Both are super easy to work with and very talented.
Take care

Yeah I know Kathy, she is awesome. Very busy though.

Try Josh Aerie (http://cellistry.com/). He is a fantastic cellist, new-ish to the area and very enthusiastic about new projects. He has played with bands from LA, DC, Mpls...in everything from country, rap, folk, rock, etc etc. A really nice guy to work with, too!

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