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PDD Game Night!


When: Monday, May 21, 2007 at 6pm-ish
Where: Robin Goodfellow's
What: Come play games with your fellow PDD Gamers! A new mystery expansion pack for the game "Ticket To Ride" has been found - come check it out! Or come test your wits with a game or two of Trivial Pursuit! Or just come and observe! Whatever floats your boat, come and join us! See you there!


I'm back to my normal work schedule, but, um, the Heroes finale is on tonight. :/ (supa-geek!)

We still have not made it to a game night, but LP and I will also be watching "Heroes"

All true geeks would bring their iPods and watch the season finale while playing games - the ultimate multitasking. So there. Nyah nyah nyah!

lol... just kidding... hope to see you next week!

this week...last week...it's all apart of the big space-time continuum...

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