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KUMD's 50th


While looking through KUMD archive photos for our 50th anniversary celebration this weekend, I came across this one of Laurie, PDD'er and UMD's 1996 Student Volunteer of the Year. I had no idea you were so award winning, Laurie.


laurie was my idol when i was a freshman at UMD. she actually let me have a radio show, which i totally fucked up, being a theater major and all.

she let me have one too. and i wasn't even a student. she rocks.

giggle. I still have that Kermit. He's hanging above our laundry sink in the basement. I am coming home for Homegrown and the KUMD stuff. Hubby, Dog Lilo and I are staying at the Inn on Lake Superior and should hit Duluth sometime this evening. Hopefully I will see some of you this weekend!

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