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Going green and global in Superior (sort of)

It can be sad living in Superior sometimes. You get the feeling nearly all the cool stuff is over the bridge in Duluth. So I am ecstatic that our little Belknap Plaza Super One store now carries a small but impressive collection of organic and ethnic foods.

The organic offerings include dairy, bread and produce, as well as frozen and packaged staples. Nearby, the international foods take up nearly half a full aisle in the store. It's not an ethnic grocery in Minneapolis, but they've obviously made an effort. Some of their most impressive offerings are in the Indian section, where they have at least a dozen different chutneys and dipping sauces. You'll find them somewhere between the Kosher and Asian food sections. (The Asian food section includes some interesting looking beverages I plan to try).

Anyway, I selfishly want my little oasis of cool foods to survive over here in Superior. If you live over here, stop in and buy some great fresh food. If you drink over here, stop by to check out the Asian sodas and the Indian chutneys. They'll keep in the car while you're at the bar -- just make the trip before it gets too cold out.


I just returned from the Plaza Super One (aka SuperJubes) where I was grumbling over the skimpy organic section. Since the West Duluth Super One has a pretty good one, I thought this one would improve once Super One took over the business. No such luck.

I'll have to check that Superior one out. Thanks for the tip.

I live near the Super One you speak of. When I moved over here in January from Duluth, I was amazed to find such a good selection of ethnic and organic foods at such a sleepy little store. One of the cashiers told me that the honchos decided that since that store was kinda out of the way, they wanted to do something different. They don't have everything, but they've got a really, really good selection and there always seems to be something new to try. And, it's not expensive at all. Plus, it's never been busy when I've been there. I like it. Everyone that works there is homespun and friendly. Now that I'm primarily vegetarian, I don't buy groceries anywhere else. Over the bridge, it's the co-op. I use both in tandem.

Cub Foods (and many other chains) are making hard efforts to appeal to the more green/organic crowd. They're targeting the Lunds/fancyschmancy grocery store demographic.

cub's done an awesome job at improving their selection of both organic and ethnic foods, even going as far as setting up a huge section in the middle of the store with entire shelves dedicated to a specific region (asian, european, etc...)

as an added bonus, their organics tend to be quite a bit cheaper than you'll find at WFC.

Rumor has it though that Lunds is looking for a location in the east end someplace.

They have malta pop. I've never seen another grocery store in the USA that sells it. Mmmmm.... malta.

they have the hugest Manischewitz selection I've ever seen...

Man, oh Manischewitz!

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