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From the Photo Archive | Feb. 5, 1999


Below the NorShor mezzanine, either relaxing after some good band or avoiding some crappy band, Barrett Chase, John Ramos, Trish DeLude and some guy with poofy hair.


That is 50 shades of awesome. I wonder who took this?

and you, barrett...hardly recognizable behind a very Norris-ish beard.

I have a vague memory of setting the timer, rushing over to sit down on the couch, then casually lifting my wine glass. And I'll bet you thought it looked natural.

I'll bet we were celebrating Ca-chee's birthday, as it's Feb. 6th.

Then again, remembering 1999, we probably went out both the 5th and the 6th, and maybe even the 4th and the 7th as well. Those were crazy days.

Wow...that was a year after I met you guys...

Hard to believe this photo is 8 years old. I was probably passed out in the alley when this pic was taken. You're right, Barrett, those were crazy days. A lot of fun, though.

I remember we had trouble bending Barrett that day.


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