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4 Track Films - OPEN HOUSE

I just wanted to invite everyone to the open house of my new film company - 4 Track Films. We're a micro-budget High Def studio located at 222 E. Superior St (same building as Renegade Theater). We're kicking off our first production (GOD ROCKS - filming starts June 1) with this open house/party/soiree.

Wednesday, May 30th
4pm to 8pm
Some food, some wine, some schmoozing, perhaps?

Please RSVP to carrie at carrie(at)4trackfilms(dot)com so I can get a head count. We'd love to see you there! Also - check out our new website: www.4trackfilms.com. We're always looking for good ideas to produce, technicians (in fact...any lighting designers out there?!?), people to build props, make costumes, do music, extras, etc.

Thanks for letting me post. :)


Ugh. I would totally, seriously, and utterly love to come but I will be out of town on Wednesday.

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